Pharmaceutics 1 Books Pdf B Pharm 1st Semester

Dispensing Pharmacy By RM Mehta

Author’s NameR. M. Mehta
EditionsLatest Edition

Pharmaceutics I by RM Mehta

Author’s NameR. M. Mehta
Editions4th Edition

Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Tablets Vol. 3

Author’s NameHerbert A. Lieberman, Leon Lachman, and Joseph B Schwarz
Editions2nd edition, Revised & Expanded
PublishersMarcel Dekker, Inc

Pharmaceutics-I (PCI Books)

Author’s NameDr. A. A. Hajare, Dr. D. A. Bhagwat
Editions1st January, 2017

Modern Dispensing Pharmacy

Author’s NameDr N. K. Jain and Dr G. D. Gupta
EditionsSecond Edition
PublishersPharmaMed Presss

Pharmaceutics 1 Book Topic-wise Summary

Hello aspirants, everybody is looking for books pdf but it is necessary to know some points of Pharmaceutics 1 Books Pdf every topic.

✓ Development of the Pharmacy Profession

• Pharmacy is a health care profession that connects chemical sciences with health sciences. It is charged with ensuring the safe & effective use of medicine.

• In the 9th century, the civilized world around Baghdad which is the profession of pharmacy started acquiring the shape. Slowly it spread to Europe as alchemy & finally developed into chemistry.

• The artisans of Mesopotamia, China, and Egypt carried out the first known chemical process. However, the 19th century completely sprouted out from drugs and started developing as a separate professional.

✓ Pharmacopoeias

• The book contains a list of the drugs and other substances regarding their description, sources, tests, formulae for preparing the drugs, action, doses, storage conditions, uses etc. Pharmacopoeia is derived from the Greek words ‘Pharmakon’ meaning Drugs and ‘Poeia’ meaning to make.

• This book is also known as Drug Compendia. It is the official and legal book issued by the recognised authority appointed by the Government of each country. This book is also revised from time to time.

• Here we mentioned Official and Non-official Pharmacopoeia names:

  • British Pharmacopoeia
  • British Pharmaceutical Codex
  • Indian Pharmacopoeia
  • United State Pharmacopoeia
  • National Formulary
  • Merck Index
  • Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • The United States Dispensary

✓ Dosage Forms

• Pharmaceutical dosage forms are the safe, stable and effective terms in which medication will be delivered to the human body. These are essentially pharmaceutical products that are marketed for use and typically involve a mixture of active drug components and excipients.

• The pharmaceutical dosage forms are classified as Solid dosage forms, liquid dosage forms and Semi-Solid dosage forms.

✓ Prescriptions

• Prescriptions are legal documents or orders written by licensed healthcare professionals or practitioners for the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of a specific patient’s disease.

• A medical practitioner wrote in the prescription beginning with “Rx ” which means Recipe or simply Take.

• Various parts of the prescription are Date, Patient Information, Superscription, Inscription, Subscription, and Signatura.

✓ Posology

• Posology is a branch of medical science that deals with the dose or quantity of drugs that can be administered to a patient to give the desired pharmacological effects.

• Posology is a word derived from the Greek words “Posos” which means how much and “logos” which means science.

• Calculations of the paediatrics dose formula are commonly used in Clark’s, Dilling’s, Friend’s, Young’s, Cowling’s, and Bastedo’s Formula.

✓ Pharmaceutical Calculations

• While dispensing the drugs Pharmacists have thorough knowledge regarding weight and measures that are used in pharmaceutical calculations.

✓ Imperial and Metric System

• Imperial is the old system of weight and measure. Weights are a measure of the gravitational force that acts on a body and is directly proportional to the mass.

• Imperial system is divided into two parts for the measurements of weight. These are the Avoirdupois system and the Apothecaries system.

✓ Allegation Methods

• The Allegation Methods are used when calculations involve mixing of the two same preparation of the different strength, to prepare the intermediate strength.

• In this method there are two parts present that are parts of higher percentage strength and parts of lower percentage strength.

✓ Prof Spirit Methods

• Proof spirit is defined as a mixture of absolute alcohol and water that has 57.1% V/V ethyl alcohol. The strength of the alcoholic preparation is indicated by degrees ‘Over Proof’ and ‘Under Proof’ for excise purposes.

• Proof spirit is a mixture of alcohol and water at 51°F weight 12/13th of an equal volume of the water. In India 57.1 Volume of ethyl alcohol.

✓ Powders

• Powder is a homogeneous mixture of less or more finely divided particles in dry form. The powder is a solid dosage form of medicament that is meant for external and internal uses.

• Powder is present in amorphous and crystalline forms.

• Powders are of two types that are Divided powder (Simple and Compound) and Bulk power ( Dusting powder, Effervescent powder, Insufflations, Douche powder etc )

✓ Simple and Compound Powders

• Simple powder contains only one ingredient in an amorphous or crystalline form. Then the powder is weighed and wrapped as the individual dose.

• Compound powder contains two or more substances that are mixed and then divided into individual doses.

✓ Dusting Powders

• Dusting powder is used on the skin to relieve irritation or absorb moisture content to keep the skin soft and comfortable. This powder is used in various parts of the body.

• Dusting powder should be dispensed in a fine state of the division to increase the effectiveness and minimise irritation. The powder may be passed through the 80, 100, number of sieves.

✓ Effervescent

• Effervescent powder solid dosage form of medicament means for internal uses. This powder contains medicament (API) which is mixed with tartaric acid, Citric acid, and sodium bicarbonate.

• As a sweetening agent saccharine may be used. Before administration desired amount is dissolved in the water, and the acid and bicarbonate react with each other and produce Effervescent (CO2 released)

✓ Efflorescent Powder

• When some substances are kept in the air, they lose water to the atmosphere, that’s why reducing in weight. Solids that behave in this way are those with aqueous crystallization.

• The molecules of water of crystallization are completely or partially lost to the atmosphere that’s why making they lose their crystalline forms.

✓ Hygroscopic Powders

• Hygroscopic Powders absorb water from the atmosphere. But a deliquescent substance absorbs water from the atmosphere which forms a liquid.

• Deliquescent powder absorbs moisture from the atmosphere unit it dissolves in the absorbed water and forms a solution. It occurs when the vapour pressure of solutions which is formed is less than the partial pressure of water vapour in the atmospheric air.

✓ Eutectic Mixtures

• Eutectic Mixtures can be defined as a mixture of two or more components which usually don’t interfere to form new chemical compounds but, that are certain ratios, that inhibit the crystallization process of one another resulting in a system having a lower melting point than the components.

• Menthol, Camphor, Thymol, Salol etc the examples of Eutectic Mixtures.

✓ Geometric Dilution

• Geometric Dilution is the pharmaceutical process that thoroughly mixes a small amount of the drug with a proper amount of diluent, an inert substance that binds the drug.

• Geometric Dilution ensures the distribution of the drug throughout the resulting compounds, according to the UNC Eshelman Pharmacy School.

✓ Liquid Dosage Forms

• Liquid dosage forms means either for external, internal or parenteral use may be subdivided into Monophasic or Biphasic liquid dosage forms.

• Monophasic Liquids dosage forms can be classified as Aqueous and Non-aqueous. And Biphasic liquid dosage forms can be classified as Suspension and Emulsions.

✓ Excipients Used in Liquid Dosage Forms

• Various excipients are used in liquid dosage forms. These are:

  • Sweetening agents (Saccharine)
  • Viscosity Controlling agents
  • Buffers
  • Antioxidants
  • Flavours
  • Preservatives

✓ Solubility Enhancement Techniques

• In liquid pharmaceutical solutions, the active drugs sometimes are poorly soluble or insoluble in the desired solvent. Also couldn’t achieve the required concentration of the formulation.

In those cases, the use of suitable solubility techniques can increase solubility. The techniques are:

  • PH Adjustments
  • Cosolvency
  • Complexation
  • Surface Active Agents
  • Hydrotropism
  • Micronization
  • Solid Solutions

✓ Monophasic Liquids

• The compounds of the solution contain an important place in therapeutic owing to the simplicity of the preparation and rapid Absorption ot the soluble medicinal plants.

• Solutions that are of particular value to the paediatric, psychiatric, and geriatrics patients having very difficulties in swallowing solid dosage forms.

• Examples of some Monophasic liquid dosage forms are:

  • Gargles (Phenol gargles)
  • Mouth Wash
  • Throat Paint
  • Ear drops
  • Nasal drops
  • Nasal sprays
  • Enemas
  • Syrup

✓ Biphasic Liquids

• Some examples of the Biphasic Liquids are:

  • Emulsions
  • Suspension

✓ Suspension

• Suspensions are Biphasic liquid dosage forms, heterogeneous systems in which finely divided insoluble solid particles (Dispersed Phase) are suspended or dispersed in a vehicle (Dispersion Phase).

• Suspension diameter range from 0.5-100 micrometres. It can be used as an oral dosage form and applied topically to the skin.

✓ Flocculated and Deflocculated Suspension

• For Flocculated Suspension

  • Particles are loose aggregate
  • The rate of Sedimentation was high and sediment rapidly formed
  • The hard dense cake does not form and Sedimentation easily redispersed
  • Elegant preparation is obtained

• For Deflocculated Suspension

  • Particles exist as a separate entity
  • The rate of sedimentation was low, and sediment formed slowly
  • The hard cake formed and was difficult to redispersed
  • Unsightly preparation results

✓ Emulsion

• Emulsions in the liquid preparation that contains two immiscible liquids, one of which is dispersed as globules (Dispersed Phase) in the other liquid (Continuous Phase).

• The emulsion droplet’s diameter range is 0.1-100micrometrese. It is also thermodynamically unstable and stabilized by the presence of emulsifying agents.

✓ Emulsifying Agents

• Emulsifying agents are chemical compounds that are used to mix two or more immiscible substances.

• It provides the stability of the miscible solutions also preventing the separation of the individual compounds.

✓ Suppositories

• Suppositories are the solid dosage forms of medicament which are made for insertion into different body cavities. Their shape may be ovoid or conical medicated solids intended for the insertion into several cavities other than the mouth are known as suppositories.

• From the Latin word ‘suppositions’ Suppositories are derived meaning for “to place under”. This is also inserted into the vagina, rectum, and to a lesser extent, the urethra for systemic or local effects.

✓ Displacement Value

• A Suppositories mould is filled by volume, but the Suppositories are formulated by weight. The volume of the suppositories from a particular mould is uniform but its weight can differ when a drug is present due to the difference in the densities between the base and drugs.

• The quantity of the drugs that are displaced in one part of the base is called the displacement value. Different drugs have different displacement values such as Aminophylline (1.5), Tannic Acid (1.0) etc.

✓ Pharmaceutical Incompatibilities

• Incompatibilities is the result of the prescribing or the mixing of two or more substances that are antagonists in nature and undesirable products are formed that might affect the safety, purposes or appearance of the preparation. This is usually unintentional.

• Incompatibilities may occur in-vitro between drugs and other physical components during the administration, preparation, and storage. Pharmaceutical Incompatibilities are three types

  • Physical Incompatibility
  • Chemical Incompatibility
  • Therapeutic Incompatibility

✓ Semi-Solid Dosage Forms

• Semi-solid dosage forms are the topical preparations intended to the applied externally on the skin to produce systemic or local effects. Some examples are Ointments, Cream, Paste, Gel etc.

• Semi-solid having one or more active pharmaceutical ingredients dissolved uniformity dispersed in the suitable bases and any suitable excipients. It can adhere to the application surface for sufficiently long periods before they are washed completely.

✓ Excipients Used in Semi-Solid Dosage Forms

• Various excipients are used in the semi-solid dosage forms

  • Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)
  • Preservatives
  • Humectants
  • Emulsifying Agents
  • Antioxidants
  • Organoleptic Agents

✓ Evaluation of Semi-Solid Dosage Forms

• Various factors are used to evaluate the semi-solid dosage forms

  • Content Uniformity of drugs
  • Penetrations
  • Rate of release of medicament
  • Absorption of medicament into the bloodstream
  • Irritant effect
  • Consistency tests
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