D Pharm Pharmaceutical Chemistry Important Questions

1. Quality Control, sources of Impurities in Pharmaceuticals and Limit Test

Short Answer Questions:

1. Discuss any four different sources of Impurities in Pharmaceuticals.

2. Explain the principle and reaction involved in Iron limit test I.P,

3. Write the reaction involved in the limit test of iron. What is the role of thioglycolic acid in the iron limit test?

4. Write the principle and procedure involved in the limit test for sulphate as per I.P. 1996.

5. Write the importance of Quality control.

6. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the Gutzeir test apparatus with all specifications mentioned in; I.P. 1996.

7. Write the principle and reaction involved in the limit test for iron.

8. Enlist the various sources of impurities in pharmaceutical substances. Explain any two.

9. Write the procedure of the limit test for chloride as per I.P.

10. Define accuracy and precision.

11. What is standard deviation? Give its formula.

12. Define with examples significant figures.

13. Identify the significant figures in the following:

(a) 0.568 (b) 1.0024 (c) 6.5xl0^3 (d) 201.050

14. Write the role of HNO3 in the limit test for chlorides.

15. Define and enlist various official limit tests of I.P.

16. Explain the role of strong ammonia solution and citric acid solution in the limit test of iron.

17. Explain the role of dilute acetic acid in the heavy metals limit test.

18. Give the reactions and principles involved in limit tests for heavy metals.

19. Give the role of lead acetate cotton plug-in limit test for arsenic.

Long Answer Questions:

1. Discuss the principle and reactions involved in the limit test for arsenic.

2. Define the term impurity. Explain various sources of impurities present in


3. Define and classify various types Of errors along with examples.

4. Explain the principle with reaction along with the role of each reagent involved in the

limit test for arsenic.

5. Differentiate between determinant and Indeterminant errors.

2. Volumetric (Titrimetric) Analysis

Short Answer Questions:

1. What is the basic principle of Volumetric analysis?

2. Discuss the acid-base titration and write the type of titration used in acid-base with examples.

3. Write in detail with examples of the types of non-aqueous solvents.

4. Give the notes on precipitation titration and their requirements.

5. Discuss about the complexometric titration and give the Full name of  EDTA with structure.

Long Answer Questions:

1. What is the Redox reaction? Discuss about the standardisation of Potassium

Permanganate (KMnO4) against Oxalic Acid with the equation.

2. Explain in detail about the principle and step involved in Gravimetric analysis.

3. Discuss the Masking and Demasking agents, names of indicators used in complexometry and classification of complexometric titration.

4. (Write exhaustive notes on Types of methods in precipitation titration, give the (advantages and disadvantages of Volhard’s method, Fajanā€™s Method and Mohr’s method.

5. (Write in detail about the Theory, choice and classification of indicator used in Acid-base titration.

3. Inorganic Pharmaceuticals

Short Answer Questions:

1. .Write a note on a combination of antacids.

2. Write a note on Sodium Bicarbonate

3. Write a note on Sodium Bicarbonate

4. ‘Write a note on Aluminium Hydroxide Gel

5. Write a note on Calcium Carbonate

6. .Write a note on Magnesium sulphate

7. Give the examples of haematinics.

8. What are the brand names of ferrous sulphate?

9. What are the brand names of aluminium hydroxide gel?

10. Write about dental products.

11. Give the examples of antacids.

12. Define and classify cathartics with suitable explanations. Give properties and uses of

magnesium sulphate.

13. What are protective and adsorbents? Discuss in detail about Bismuth subcarbonate

and Kaolin.

14. Describe gastrointestinal agents. Write a note on Magnesium hydroxide.

15. Write a note on combinations of antacid preparations.

16. Write the classification of antimicrobial agents.

17. Write the Properties, storage and uses of Hydrogen Peroxide.

18, Write the Properties, storage and uses of Potassium Permanganate.

19. Write the Properties, storage and uses of Boric Acid.

20. Write the Properties, storage and uses of Silver Nitrate.

21. Write the Properties, storage and uses of Bleaching Powder.

22. Write the Properties, storage and uses of Chlorhexidine Gluconate.

23. Write a note on Ionic Silver.

24. Write the properties and uses of dicalcium phosphate and sodium metaphosphate.

25. Write physical properties, chemical properties and uses of:

(a) Stannous fluoride (b) Strontium chloride

26. Give properties and uses of calcium carbonate.

27. Write the role of fluoride in the treatment of dental caries.

28. Give properties and uses of carbon dioxide.

29. Write physical properties, chemical properties and uses of ammonium carbonate.

30. Write the mode of action of respiratory stimulants.

Long Answer Questions:

1. What are Gastrointestinal agents? Classify them, and write in detail about saline cathartics.

2. Define acidifying agents. Write a note on hydrochloric acid.

3. What are antacids, give their classification, ideal properties and Uses.

4. Define cathartics and write a note on Sodium potassium tartrate.

5. What are haematinics? Explain in detail about ferrous sulphate and ferrous fumarate.

6. Classify antacids with suitable examples. Explain in detail about aluminium hydroxide gel, magnesium hydroxide,

7. What are dental products? Explain in detail about denture cleaners and mouthwashes.

8. Discuss in detail about medicinal gases with examples.

9. Write the chemical name, structure, uses, storage conditions, different types of formulations and popular brand names of bleaching powder and hydrogen peroxide.

10. Discuss the properties and uses of magnesium carbonate.

11. What are the requirements of an ideal antacid?

12. Give the preparation and uses of Sodium bicarbonate.

13. Write detailed notes on acidifying agents.

14. Write physical properties, chemical properties and uses of:

(a) Calcium carbonate. (b) Magnesium carbonate.

15. What are antacids? Give examples. Why combination therapy is adopted?

16. Write properties and uses of the following:

(a) Sodium bicarbonate.

(b) Magnesium oxide.

17. Write the method of preparation and uses of the following:

(a) Sodium potassium tartrate. (b) Aluminium hydroxide gel.

18. What are antimicrobials? Write the Classification and Characteristics of Antimicrobial Agents. Give their mechanism of action.

19. Write the structure and uses of the following-

20. Hydrogen Peroxide.

21. Potassium Permanganate.

22. Boric Acid.

23. Silver Nitrate.

24. Bleaching Powder.

25. Chlorhexidine Gluconate.

26. Write a note on dentifrices and anticaries agents.

27. Define anticaries agents. Write the properties and uses of zinc chloride.

28. What are dental products? Give chemical properties and preparation of sodium fluoride.

29. Write a note on desensitizing agents.

30. What are inhalants? Explain the preparation and properties of oxygen and nitrous oxide.

31. Define respiratory stimulants with suitable examples.

4. Heterocyclic Compounds

Short Answer Questions:

1. What are homologous series? Give some examples.

2. Classify heterocyclic Compounds.

3. Give the structures of three-membered heterocyclic compounds.

4. Give some examples of heterocyclic compounds.

5. What are heterocyclic compounds? Give some examples.

Long Answer Questions:

1. Classify heterocyclic Compounds with examples. Give the structures of three-membered heterocyclic compounds.

2. Explain the nomenclature of organic compounds.

3. Discuss the nomenclature of fused systems.

4. Explain Hantzch-Widman Nomenclature Systems

5. Explain in detail about rules of nomenclature.

5. Drugs Acting on Central Nervous System

Short Answer Questions:

1. What is the Central Nervous System? Discuss the response of CNS.

2. Discuss the stages of general anaesthesia.

3. Explain about the sedatives and hypnotics and stages of sleep.

4. What are Antipsychotic Drugs? Classify it.

5. Discuss the structure, chemical name, molecular formula, usage, storage and properties of Amitriptyline hydrochloride.

Long Answer Questions:

1. Give the definition, and classification of general anaesthetics and discuss the molecular arid chemical formula, structure and uses along with the brands of Thiopental sodium.

2. Give the classification of sedatives and hypnotics; discuss the molecular and chemical formula, structure and physiochemical properties of Diazepam and Phenobarbital.

3. What is the anticonvulsant, classify them and discuss the molecular and chemical formula, structure and uses and brand name of phenytoin.

4. Give the Molecular and chemical formula, structure, properties, storage, uses and brand names of any two:

(a) Ketamine hydrochloride (b) Chlorpromazine hydrochloride (c) Gabapentin

5. Discuss the Antidepressant, and classify it. Give the formula, structure, properties, uses, storage and Brands of Fluoxetine.

6. Drugs Acting on Autonomic Nervous System

Short Answer Questions:

1. What is the autonomic nervous system? Discuss the name of the major system and their


2. Give the classification with the example of Sympathomimetic agents.

3. Give short notes on a-Adrenergic Blockers and their classification.

4. Give the molecular formula, structure, chemical name, brand name and uses of


5. Give the molecular formula, structure, chemical name, brand name and uses of

Atropine sulphate.

Long Answer Questions:

1. Discuss in detail the Cholinesterase inhibitors and their classification. Give the molecular formula, structure, chemical name, brand name and uses of any two drugs of this class.

2. Explain the cholinergic agents and give classification with examples. Give the molecular formula, structure, chemical name, brand name and uses of Acetylcholine and Neostigmine.

3. Discuss in detail Beta (0) Adrenergic Blockers, and classify them. Give the molecular formula, structure, chemical name, brand name and uses of Propranolol and Atenolol.

4. Write an exhaustive note on indirect-acting drugs for Sympathomimetic agents with examples. Discuss the structure, properties, uses, storage, preparations and brand name of Pseudoephedrine, Ephedrine and Metaraminol.

5. Discuss the Structure, properties, storage, uses, preparation and brand name of Norepinephrine, Prazosine, and Diclomine Hydrochloride.

7. Drugs Acting on Cardiovascular System

Short Answer Questions:

1. Define arrhythmia. Write the uses, formulation and brands of Quinidine Sulphate.

2. Give the classification of anti-hypertensive agents with suitable examples.

3. Write short notes on propranolol.

4. Give the examples of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.

5. Classify antianginal drugs with suitable examples.

Long Answer Questions:

1. What are anti-arrhythmic Drugs? Classify with suitable examples. Explain in detail about Procainamide Hydrochloride.

2. What are anti-hypertensive agents? Discuss the structure, uses, storage conditions, types of formulations and the popular brand names of Captopril.

3. Explain in detail about Clonidine, Hydralazine Hydrochloride and Nifedipine.

4. Explain in detail about Verapamil and Phenytoin Sodium as anti-arrhythmic drugs.

5. What are anti-ageing drugs? Explain in detail about Isosorbide dinitrate.

8. Diuretics

Short Answer Questions:

1. Give examples of loop diuretics.

2. What are the uses of acetazolamide?

3. Name the different types of potassium-sparing diuretics.

4. What are the brand names of Spironolactone?

5. Write the chemical name and structure of frusemide.

6. Define arrhythmia. Write the uses, formulation and brands of Quinidine Sulphate.

Long Answer Questions:

1. Classify diuretics with suitable examples. Explain in detail about acetazolamide.

2. What is potassium sparing diuretic? Explain about Spironolactone.

3. What are loop diuretics? Give some examples. Write in detail about frusemide.

4. Write in detail about metolazone and xipamide.

5. Write the uses, storage conditions, different types of formulations and popular brand names of bumetanide and chlorthalidone.

9. Hypoglycemic Agents

Short Answer Questions:

1. Give examples of oral hypoglycemic agents.

2. What is the use of Gliflozins?

3. Name the different types of insulin.

4. What are the brand names of metformin?

5. Write the chemical name and structure of Glibenclamide.

Long Answer Questions:

1. What are hypoglycemic agents? Classify with suitable examples. Explain about insulin and its preparations.

2. What is the different generation of sulfonylurea derivatives of hypoglycemic agents? Discuss in detail about metformin.

3. Write the chemical name, structure, uses, storage conditions, different types of formulations and popular brand names of Glibenclamide and Glimepiride.

4. What are gliptins? Give some examples. Write in detail about gliptins.

5. Write in detail about Pioglitazone and Repaglinide.

10. Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Agents

Short Answer Questions:

1. Give the examples of morphine analogues.

2. What are the brand names of paracetamol?

3. What are the brand names of Diclofenac?

4. Write about morphine analogues.

5. Name the brand names of Ibuprofen.

Long Answer Questions:

1. What are analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents? Explain in detail about morphine analogues.

2. Classify nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) with suitable examples. Explain in detail about Diclofenac.

3. What are narcotic antagonists? Explain in detail about nalorphine and naloxone.

4. Discus in detail about Aspirin and Ibuprofen.

5. Write the chemical name, structure, uses, storage conditions, different types of formulations and popular brand names of Paracetamol.

11. Anti-Infective Agents

Short Answer Questions:

1. Give an example of antifungal drugs.

2. Write the uses of Griseofulvin.

3. What are the uses of Ofloxacin?

4. Write the uses of Remdesivir.

5. What are the brand names of INH?

Long Answer Questions:

1. What are antifungal agents? Classify with suitable examples. Explain in detail about Fluconazole.

2. Explain in detail about anti-tubercular agents.

3. Explain in detail about Amphotericin-B and Griseofulvin as antifungal drugs.

4. What are antiviral agents? Classify with suitable examples. Explain in detail about Acyclovir Zidovudine.

5. What are Antimalarial drugs? Discuss the uses, storage conditions, types of formulations and the popular brand names of Chloroquine Phosphate.

12. Antibiotics

Short Answer Questions:

1. Give some examples of beta-lactam antibiotics.

2. Give the structure, uses, and storage condition of amoxicillin.

3. What is a macrolide antibiotic? Give some examples.

4. What are the uses, storage conditions, and popular brand names of clindamycin?

5. What are tetracycline antibiotics? Give some examples.

Long Answer Questions:

1. Classify antibiotics with examples. Explain the uses, storage conditions, formulations, and brand names of Penicillin-G.

2. Explain the uses, storage conditions, formulations, and brand names of erythromycin and azithromycin.

3. Discuss the uses, storage conditions, formulations, and brand names of chloramphenicol and clindamycin.

4. Explain the uses, storage conditions, formulations, and brand names of doxycycline and minocycline.

5. Explain in detail about amoxicillin and cloxacillin.

13. Anti-Neoplastic Agents 

Short Answer Questions:

1. Give examples of Vinca alkaloids.

2. What are the brand names of Mercaptopurine?

3. What are the brand names of Cisplatin?

4. Write about Cyclophosphamide.

5. Name the brand names of Doxorubicin.

Long Answer Questions:

1. What are anti-neoplastic agents? Explain in detail about anti-metabolites.

2. Classify anti-neoplastic agents with suitable examples. Explain in detail about Cyclophosphamide.

3. What are alkylating agents? Explain in detail about Busulfan.

4. Discuss in detail Dromostanolone and Fluorouracil.

5. Write the chemical name, structure, uses, storage conditions, different types of formulations and popular brand names of Cisplatin.

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