D Pharm Pharmacognosy Important Questions Pdf

Introduction to Pharmacognosy

1. Write the scope of Pharmacognosy.
2. Write down the History of Pharmacognosy.
3. Write a note on the traditional system of medicine.

Classification of Drugs

1. Give a schematic idea about the pharmacological classification of crude drugs.
2. Write down the note on the classification of drugs of natural origin.
3. What is chemotaxonomical classification? Classify it.

Introduction to Parts of a Plant

1. Differentiate between organized and unorganized drugs.
2. Define organized drugs. Write a note on organized drugs.
3. Define Unorganised drugs. Write a note on unorganized drugs.
4. Write about the scheme of pharmacognostic studies.

Quality Control of Crude Drug

1. Write a brief note on Adulteration.
2. Explain the Evaluation of Crude drugs and the method of Evaluation.
3. Define the terms: Collection, Harvesting, Drying, garbling (Dressing), and Packing.

Secondary Metabolites

1. Define alkaloids, and discuss their occurrence, properties, extraction, and uses
2. Give a brief review of terpenoids, tannins, resins
3. What are Glycosides? Write down classification, occurrence, Identification tests, and Uses of Glycosides.
4. Write a note on Volatile Oil.

Study of Crude Drugs

1. What are Laxatives? Give some examples with biological sources, Family, Chemical Constituents, and Uses.
2. What are Cardiotonic ? Write biological sources, Constituents, and Uses of Digitalis, Arjuna.
3. Define Carminatives and G.I regulators. Write detailed notes on Coriander, Fennel, Cardamom, Ginger, Clove, Black Pepper, Asafoetida, Nutmeg, and Cinnamon.
4. What are the Astringents & Myrobalan, and Write about Black Cateches.
5. Write some Drugs Acting on the Nervous System.
6. What is Anti-hypertensive? Write biological source, Family, Chemical Constituents, and Uses of Rauwolfia.
7. What are Anti-Tussive? Write some sources, Families, Chemical Constituents, and Uses.
8. What are Anti-rheumatics? Write a note on Colchicum seed.
9. What are Anti-tumour? Write biological source, Family, Chemical Constituents, and Uses of Vinca, and Podophyllum.
10. What are Anti-diabetics? Write note on Pterocarpus, Gymnema.
11. What are Diuretics? Write biological source, Family, Chemical Constituents, and Uses of Gokuru, Punarnava.
12. What are Anti-Dysenteric? Write a note on Ipecacuanha.
13. What are Anti-Malarials? Write biological source, Family, Chemical Constituents, and Uses of Cinchona, Artemisia
14. What are Antiseptics & disinfectants? Write notes on benzoin, Myrrh, Neem, and Turmeric.
15. What is Oxytocin? Write biological source, Family, Chemical Constituents, and Uses of Ergot.
16. Explain Vitamins. Write biological sources, Constituents, and Uses of Cod liver oil and shark liver oil.
17. What are Enzymes? Write notes on Papaya, Diastase, and Yeast.
18. What are the Pharmaceutical Aids? Write Chemical Constituents and Uses of Kaoli Tragacanth, Sodium alginate, Agar, Guar gum, and Gelatin.
19. What is Miscellaneous? Write notes on Squill, Galls, Pale Catechu, Ashwagandha, Vasaka, Tulsi, and Guggul.

Plant Fibres Used as Surgical Dressings

1. Explain the Plant fibers used as Surgical Dressing.
2. Write the Source, Preparation, Organoleptic evaluation, Chemical Constituents, and Uses of Cotton, Silk, Wool, Regenerated Fibres (Rayon)
3. Define Sutures and Ligatures with Classification & Essential Properties.
4. Write a brief account of Catgut.

Basic Principles Involved In Alternative Systems of Medicines

1. Discuss basic principles involved in alternative systems for medicines.
2. Write a short note about the Unani System of Medicine.
3. Write details about sources of homeopathic medicines.

Preparation of Ayurvedic Formulations

1. What is ASAVA and ARISTA. Differentiate between them.
2. Discuss briefly about Ayurveda, Siddha, and Homeopathy.
3. Write the preparation and standardization of any three Ayurvedic formulations.
4. Write a short note on:- Vati or Gutika, Bhasma, Kvatha Curna, and Avaleha.

Role of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants in the National Economy

1. Discuss briefly about the role of medicinal and aromatic plants in the national economy.
2. Explain the current Indian Scenario in trading of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
3. Export potential of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.

Herbs as Health Food

1. Write a brief note on Nutraceuticals With Classification and Therapeutic Applications.
2. Write the Note on:- Anti Oxidants, Pro-biotics, Pre-biotics, Dietary fibers, Omega-3-fatty acids, Spirulina, Carotenoids, soya, and Garlic.

Herbal Cosmetics

1. Define Herbal Cosmetics.
2. What are the challenges in herbal formulation?
3. Write the source, Chemical constituents, Commercial Preparations, Therapeutics, and Cosmetic uses of Aloe vera gel, Almond oil, Lavender oil, Olive oil, Rosemary oil, and Sandal Wood oil.

Phytochemical Investigation of Drugs

1. Define the Phytochemistry.
2. Write the various methods of extraction of drugs.
3. Describe the Isolation, Purification, and Identification of drugs.

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