B Pharmacy Syllabus & Subjects Pdf Download

B Pharm
Syllabus Pdf
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B Pharmacy 1st Semester Syllabus

Theory (Subjects Code) Practical (Subjects Code)Remarks
Human Anatomy And Physiology-IPT-105PT-195Mandatory
Pharmaceutical AnalysisPT-101PT-191Mandatory
Pharmaceutical Inorganic ChemistryPT-103PT-193Mandatory
Communication SkillsHU-181HU-182Optional
Remedial BiologyPTB-184PTB-185Optional
Remedial MathematicsPT-M183××××Optional

B Pharma 2nd Semester Syllabus

(Subjects Code)
(Subjects Code)
Human Anatomy and Physiology-IIPT-215PT-298Mandatory
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-IPT-213PT-296Mandatory
Computer Applications in PharmacyPTC-203PTC-293Optional
Environmental SciencesHU-282×××Optional

B.Pharmacy 3rd Semester Syllabus

Subjects Name Theory (Subjects Code) Practical (Subjects Code)Remarks*
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-IIPT-314PT-394Mandatory
Physical Pharmaceutics-IPT-316PT-396Mandatory
Pharmaceutical MicrobiologyPT-319PT-399Mandatory
Pharmaceutical EngineeringPT-317PT-397Mandatory

B Pharm 4th Semester Syllabus

4th Semester B Pharm includes a total of five subjects. All five subjects are mandatory.

Subjects Name Theory (Subjects Code)Practical (Subjects Code)Remarks
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-IIIPT-414×××Mandatory
Industrial Pharmacy-IPT-413PT-493Mandatory
Physical Pharmaceutics-IIPT-416PT-496Mandatory
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry-IPT-412PT-492Mandatory

B.Pharm 5th Semester Syllabus

Subjects NameTheory (Subjects Code)Practical (Subjects Code)Remarks
Medicinal Chemistry-IPT-513APT-593Mandatory
Medicinal Chemistry-IIPT-513B×××Mandatory
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry-IIPT-512PT-592Mandatory
Pharmaceutical JurisprudencePT-516×××Mandatory

B. Pharma 6th Semester Syllabus

Subjects NameTheory (Subjects Code)Practical (Subjects Code)Remarks
Medicinal Chemistry-IIIPT-613PT-693Mandatory
Pharmaceutical Quality AssurancePT-611×××Mandatory
Herbal Drug Delivery SystemPT-612PT-692Mandatory
Biopharmaceutics and PharmacokineticsPT-614×××Mandatory
Pharmaceutical BiotechnologyPT-619×××Mandatory

B.Pharmacy 7th Semester Syllabus

Subjects NameTheory (Subjects Code)Practical (Subjects Code)Remarks
Instrumental Methods of AnalysisPT-711PT-791Mandatory
Industrial Pharmacy-IIPT-716A×××Mandatory
Novel Drug Delivery SystemsPT-716B×××Mandatory
Pharmacy PracticePT-718×××Mandatory
Pharmacy SchoolPT-719×××Sessional Paper / Grooming Class

B Pharm 8th Semester Syllabus

Subjects NameTheory (Subjects Code)Practical (Subjects Code)Remarks
Biostatistics and Research MethodologyPT-817×××Mandatory
Social and Preventive PharmacyPT-818×××Mandatory
Pharma Marketing ManagementPT-810A×××Mandatory
Computer Aided Drug DesignPT-810B×××Mandatory
Advanced Instrumentation TechniquesPT-810C×××Mandatory

Rules & Regulations of PCI Regarding B Pharmacy Syllabus

A lot of Rules and regulations are provided by the Pharmacy Council of Indy (PCI). We highlighted some of them for a better understanding of the Syllabus.

• Semester Wise Credits Distribution

✓ The credit points given for the extracurricular and co-curricular activities shall be assigned by the colleges and the same shall be submitted to the university. The essential criteria to acquire this credit point should be defined by the colleges from time to time.

✓ Applicable only to the students who studied Botany/ Physics/ Chemistry/ Zoology at Higher Secondary and appearing for Remedial Mathematics courses.

✓ Applicable only for students who are studying Physics/ Mathematics/Chemistry at Higher Secondary and appearing for Remedial Biology courses.

SemesterCredit Points
Semester I27/29$/30#
Semester II29
Semester III26
Semester IV28
Semester V26
Semester VI26
Semester VII24
Semester VIII22
Total Credit Points209/211$/212#

• Letter Grades and Grade Points Allocation

Each student should be awarded a final letter grade card at the end of the semester of the course based on academic performance. The letter grade points are given below in a table.

Percentage of MarksLetter GradeGrade PointsPerformance
90 – 100O10Outstanding
80 – 89.99A9Excellent
70 – 79.99B8Good
60 – 69.99C7Fair
50 – 59.99D6Average
Less than 50F0Fail

• The Semester Grade Points Average (SGPA) Calculation

Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) is the performance of a student in a semester indicated by a number. This SGPA is the weighted average of the grade points obtained in all the courses by the students during the semester.

, If a student gets four courses may theory or as well as practical in a whole semester with credit points of C1, C2, C3, and C4 the grade points of the students in those courses are G1, G2, G3, and G4 respectively, and then the students SGPA is equal to:

SGPA = C1G1+C2G2+C3G3+C4G4 / C1+C2+C3+C4

The SGPA is calculated by two decimal points. It should be remembered that the SGPA for any semester shall take into consideration the F (Fail) and ABS (Absent) grades awarded in that semester. If a student has an F or ABS grade in the course of four, the SGPA should be then calculated as:

SGPA = C1G1+C2G2+C3G3+C4×Zero / C1+C2+C3+C4

• Cumulative Grade Points Average (CGPA) Calculation

The Cumulative Grade Points Average is calculated with the SGPA of all the eighth semesters to two decimal points and is indicated in the final grade report card showing the grades of all semester VIII and their courses.

The CGPA should reflect the failed status in case of F grades, till the courses are passed. When the courses are passed by the obtained a passing grade on the examination the CGPA will only reflect the new grade and not the fail grades earned earlier. The CGPA is calculated by:

CGPA = C1S1+C1S2+C3S3+C4S4+C5S5+C6S6+C7S7+C8S8 / C1+C2+C3+C4+C5+C6+C7+C8

where, C1, C2, C3, C4,….. is the total number of credits for the semester of I, II, III, IV,….and S1, S2, S3, S4,…… is the SGPA of the semester of I, II, III, IV,…….

• Declaration of Class

The declaration of the class should be awarded based on CGPA as follows:

• First Class with Distinct = CGPA of 7.50 and Above

• First Class = CGPA is 6 to 7.49

• Second Class = CGPA is 5 to 5.99

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