D Pharm Human Anatomy and Physiology Important Questions

Scope of Anatomy and Physiology

1. Define the terms: Anatomy, Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Endocrinology:
2. Explain the meaning of the following terms:
i) Anatomical position, (ii) Coronal plane, (ii) Flexion, (iv) Circumduction, (v) Eversion, (vi) Cell differentiation.
3. Name various body cavities. Give the names of two organs placed asymmetrically in the body.
4. “Structure of the organ is adapted to the function it performs”. Explain the statement.

Structure of Cell

1. Draw a well-labeled diagram of the cell and its organelles.
2. Explain in detail transport across cell membranes. Give functions of mitochondria and Golgi body.
3. Discuss in detail different forms of intracellular signaling.
4. Explain the process of cell division.
5 Define homeostasis and discuss in brief the homeostatic mechanisms.
6. Explain the homeostasis of the volume of body water

Tissues of the Human Body

1. Define tissue. Explain in detail four different types of epithelial tissues.
2. Differentiate between smooth and skeletal muscle. Explain the physiology of Smooth
3. Classify connective tissues. Tissues of the Human Body.
4. Explain the features and functions of cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle.
5. Explain in detail adipose tissue.
6. Define muscular tissue. Write a short note on muscular tissue.
7. Write a short note on nervous tissue.
8. Define cartilage. What are the various types of cartilage? Name the organs in the body where white fibrocartilage is found.
9. List the primary tissues of the body and their functions.
10. What are cilia? What is their function? Name the organs in the body having ciliated epithelium.

Osseous System

1. Name the bones in the appendicular skeleton. Describe a shoulder joint,
2. Differentiate between male and female pelvic girdle.
3. Name the bones of the axial skeleton.
4. Define skeleton, bone, and articulation Joint. Classify the bones with suitable examples.
5. Classify the joints with examples of each class.
6. Name the primary and secondary curves of the vertebral column. Describe each.
7. What are the functions of bones?
8. Explain the features and functions of the vertebral column.
9. What is a dislocation?
10. What are osteoporosis and rheumatic disorders?
11. Describe the structure and functions of a typical synovial joint.
12. Discuss characteristics and different types of synovial joints.

Hemopoietic System

1. Classify W.B.C. and explain their functions.
2. Discuss the process of coagulation and mention the factors preventing coagulation.
3. Write the composition and functions of blood.
4. Discuss the ABO system and Rh factor of the blood group.
5. Define the following terms: Polycythemia, Thalassemia, and Leukemias.
6. Write a note on hematopoiesis and add a note on hemolytic disease of newborns (HDN).
7. Explain any three types of anemia. What is the role of hemoglobin in respiration?
8. Outline the life cycle of the red cell.
9. What is hemoglobin? What is its function? Mention its normal count.
10. Define and describe in brief the following terms: Phagocytosis, Erythropoiesis, Embolism.
11. Define and give the normal values for “bleeding time’ and ‘clotting time’. What do you mean by blood serum?

Lymphatic System

1. Explain the anatomy and physiology of the spleen. Give functions of the spleen.
2. Discuss the structure and function of lymph nodes.
3. How formation and flow of lymph occur?
4. Write a note on lymphomas.
5. Write a note on splenomegaly.
6. Give the composition of lymph. Name two main lymphatic ducts. Where do they communicate with the blood circulatory system?

Cardiovascular System

1. Discuss the anatomy of the heart and the conduction system of the heart. Explain in brief. interpretation of ECG and etiology.
2. Explain the terms: Angina pectoris and myocardial function.
3. Explain the term hypertension. Discuss various events in the cardiac cycle.
4. What is blood pressure? Give normal values of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and explain the regulation of blood pressure. Add a note on heart sounds.
5. Explain the different disorders of the cardiovascular system. Write a short note on different types of blood vessels.
6. Draw a neat labeled diagram and discuss the structure of the heart. Explain the different types of causes and pathophysiology of hypertension.
7. Enlist and discuss various types of blood circulation in the human body. Explain in brief ECG with its significance.
8. Describe in short the cardiac cycle.
9. Explain the flow of blood through the heart.
10. Describe the importance of portal circulation.
11. Describe the structural differences between arteries, capillaries, and veins.

Respiratory System

1. Define respiration. What do you mean by external respiration and tissue respiration?
2. Draw and label the figure showing the respiratory system.
3. Describe, in short, the functions of the nasal cavity.
4. Name the cartilages which form a larynx. Describe the functions of the larynx.
5. What do you know about vocal cords?
6. Define and give normal values for vital capacity, tidal volume, inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes, residual volume, and functional residual capacity.
7. What is the normal rate of respiration in adults? What are the normal muscles of respiration?
8. What structural changes occur from the trachea up to the alveoli?
9. Explain how intercostal muscles and diaphragm help in the. Mechanism of respiration.
10. Describe, in short, the physiology of respiration.

Digestive System

1. Draw and label the diagram of the digestive system.
2. Describe the structure of the coats that compose the walls of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.
3. Describe the secretory glands along the digestive system with their secretions and functions.
4. Enlist the functions of the stomach and colon.
5. Enlist the enzymes that act on carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
6. Outline the functions of GIT.
7. Describe the microscopic structure of the liver.
8. Describe the physiology of the liver.
9. Describe the exocrine functions of the pancreas.
10. Write a short note on salivary glands.
11. Describe the physiology of digestion and absorption.

Skeletal Muscles

1. Draw and label the structure of skeletal muscle. Why is it so called?
2. What is the underlying cause of muscle fatigue?
3. Describe the ultrastructure of neuromuscular function.
4. What is the role of calcium in muscle contraction?
5. Discuss and give examples of energy sources for muscle activity.
6. Name the main muscles of the back, chest, abdomen, neck, shoulder, upper au forearm, thigh, buttocks, leg, and pelvic floor
7. Describe in short: Muscle tone and Muscle fatigue.
8. What is muscle? Name the types of muscles. Mention their properties.
9. Describe the physiology of muscle contraction.
10. plain the meaning of the terms: Baker’s muscular dystrophy, MMyotonia, muscle sprain, and Muscle cramp.

Nervous System

1. With the help of well well-labeled diagram describing the structure and functions of neurons.
2. Draw labeled diagrams to show the major sulci, gyri, and functional areas of the cerebral Cortex
3. Explain in brief the anatomy and physiology of the cerebellum.
4. Explain the structure of the brain stem and indicate the nerves originating from the brain stem.
5. What is CSF? Describe its functions.
6. Draw and label the T.S. of the spinal cord and mention its functions.
7. What is reflex action? Name the parts of a reflex arc.
8. Write an essay on cranial nerves.
9. With a diagram, show how sensory impulse is carried to the brain and how motor impetus is carried to the effector organ.
10. Write a note on meninges.
11. Write a note on the ventricles of the brain.
12. Explain in short the functions of the medulla oblongata.
13. Write a short note on diencephalon.
14. What are cranial nerves? Enlist the functions of cranial nerves.
15. Name the biggest cranial nerve. What are its functions?
16. Describe the characteristics of ANS.
17. What are the branches of ANS? Explain their relationship with each other.
18. Compare the anatomy of SNS with that of PSNS.
19. Compare the functions of SNS with that of PSNS.

Sense Organs

1. Describe the structure of the outer, middle, and inner parts of the ear.
2. Write a note on the physiology of hearing.
3. Draw a labeled diagram of the section eye and explain the structure of the eye
4. Discuss the physiology of sight.
5. Explain the physiology of smell.
6. Write a note on otitis media.
7. Write a note on glaucoma and cataracts.
8. Write a note on retinopathy.

Urinary System

1. Enlist the excretory organs of the body. Mention the excretory products with their composition excreted by them.
2. Draw and label the figures: (a) Urinary system, (b) L.S. of Kidney, (c) Nephron.
3. Explain the role of the urinary system in the maintenance of homeostasis of the body’s internal environment.
4. Explain in short the functions of kidneys.
5. Discuss in detail the process of urine formation.
6. Name the parts of the urinary system and describe the urinary bladder.
7. Describe the anatomical features of the kidney.
8. Explain the role of kidneys in the long-term maintenance of blood pressure.
9. What is GFR? Give its average value for a normal man.
10. Explain the terms: (a) Oedema, (b) Nephritis, (c) Glycosuria, (d) Diuretics, (e) Pyelonephritis.

Endocrine System

1. What do you mean by endocrine gland? Define the term hormone. List the
endocrine glands with their locations.
2. How is the secretion of hormones controlled?
3. Which gland is called the master gland? Why?
4. Name the hormones that enhance and prolong the sympathetic effect.
5. Describe the terms hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
6. Point out the difference between diabetes Mellitus and diabetes insipid:
7. What are the hormones that control blood calcium levels? How?
8. What is mineralocorticoid? Why is it so called?
9. Outline the action of vasopressin on the kidneys.
10. Summarize the hyposecretion and hypersecretion effects of the pituitary gland
11. Name the hormones from the adrenal cortex and mention their functions.

Reproductive System

1. Define the terms: (a) Reproduction, (b) Puberty, (c) Menstruation, d) Menopause
2. Draw and label the male reproductive system.
3. Draw and label the female reproductive system.
4. Describe the structure and functions of testes.
5. Describe the structure and functions of ovaries.
6. Describe in detail the phases of menstruation.
7. Explain in detail the ‘spermatogenesis’.
8. Describe the oogenesis process.
9. Discuss the role of hormones in pregnancy.
10. What is parturition? Explain the stages of labor.

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