D.Pharm Pharmaceutical Chemistry Practical Manual PDF

S. No.Experiments
1.Determination of the concentration (strong) of a given NaOH solution by titrating it against a standard (M/20) solution of C2H2O4 using a phenolphthalein indicator.
2.To determine the strength of a given unknown solution of NaOH by titrating it against it with the help of a known solution of HCl using a methyl orange indicator.
3.Determination of the concentration (strong) of a given NaOH solution by titrating it against a standard (M/20) solution of C2H2O4 using a phenolphthalein indicator.
4.To perform the limit test of chloride in the given sample of tap water.
5.To perform the limit test for sulphate in the given sample of tap water.
6.To perform the limit test for chloride in the given sample of sodium bicarbonate.
7.To perform the limit test for chloride in the given sample of sodium hydroxide.
8.To perform the limit test for chloride in the given sample of sodium acetate.
9.To perform the limit test for sulphates in the given sample of sodium bicarbonate.
10.To perform the limit test for sulphates in the given sample of sodium citrate.
11.To perform the limit test for sulphates in the given sample of sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate.
12.To perform the identification tests for the given sample of ammonium chloride.
13.To perform the identification tests for the given sample of sodium chloride.
14.To perform the identification tests for the given sample of sodium bicarbonate.
15.To perform the identification tests for the given sample of magnesium sulphate.
16.To perform the identification tests for the given sample of barium sulphate.
17.To perform the identification tests for the given sample of iodine.
18.To perform the assay of iodine.
19.To perform the limit test for iron in the given sample.
20.To perform the limit test for heavy metals in the given sample.
21.To perform the assay of hydrogen peroxide solution (20 vol.) i.e. dilute hydrogen peroxide solution.
22.To perform the assay of ammonium chloride.
23.To prepare and standardize 200 ml of 0.1 M silver nitrate solution.
24.To perform the assay of magnesium sulphate.
25.To perform the assay of calcium gluconate.
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