D Pharm Pharmacognosy Books Pdf

V.N. Raje Publication Pharmacognosy Book

Author’s NameV.N. Raje
Book Editions3rd Edition
PublishersCBS Publishers
PriceRs. 229

Thakur Publication Bilingual (5 in 1) Pharmacognosy Book

Author’s NameExperience Faculty
Book EditionsLatest Edition
PublishersThakur Publication Pvt. Ltd.
PriceRs. 190

Nirali Publication Pharmacognosy Book

Author’s NameGokhale and Kokate
Book EditionsLatest Edition
PublishersNirali Prakashan
PriceRs. 318

Pharmacognosy Books Topic-wise Summary

Definition, History, Present Status, and Scope of Pharmacognosy

Pharmacognosy is the study of the drugs obtained from plants, animals, and minerals. The word pharmacognosy is derived from two Greek words “Pharmacon” meaning drug and “gnosis” meaning knowledge.

The scope of pharmacognosy is spread in various sections, like drugs obtained from plants, animals, minerals, and other substances.

Pharmacognosy history is divided into three stages primitive age, pre-Christian era (3500-287BC), and modern pharmacognosy. There were also different treatment methods.

Classification of drugs

The following are different systems of classification drugs:
● AlphabeticalTaxonomical
● Morphological
● Pharmacological
● Chemical
● Chemo-taxonomical


Adulteration can be defined as the admixture or substitution of genuine articles with spurious, defective, inferior, or harmful substances. It usually occurs when the drug is scarce or when the price is high.

Several types of Adulteration are:

  • Substitution with Manufactured materials
  • Substitution with Inferior Materials
  • Substitution with Exhausted Materials
  • Substitution with Cheap Natural Substances
  • Adulteration with Non-plant Materials
  • Excessive Adventitious Matter

Quality Control of Crude Drugs

Drug evaluation is defined as the determination of the identity, purity, and quality of a drug. The methods of drug evaluation are classified as; Organoleptic evaluation, Microscopic evaluation, Physical evaluation, Chemical evaluation, and Biological evaluation.

Biological Sources, Chemical Constituents, and Therapeutic
Efficacy of the Following Categories of Crude Drugs

  • Laxatives: Aloe, Castor oil, Ispaghula, Senna
  • Cardiotonic: Digitalis, Arjuna
  • Carminatives and G.I. Regulators: Coriander, Fennel, Cardamom, Ginger, Clove, Black Pepper, Asafoetida, Nutmeg, Cinnamon
  • Astringents: Myrobalan, Black Catechu, Pale Catechu
  • Drugs acting on the Nervous System: Hyoscyamus, Belladonna, Ephedra, Opium, Tea leaves, Coffee seeds, Coca
  • Anti-hypertensive: Rauwolfia
  • Anti-tussive: Vasaka, Tolu Balsam
  • Anti-rheumatics: Colchicum seed
  • Anti-tumor: Vinca, Podophyllum
  • Antidiabetics: Pterocarpus, Gymnema
  • Diuretics: Gokhru, Punarnava
  • Anti-dysenteric: Ipecacuanha
  • Antiseptics and Disinfectants: Benzoin, Myrrh, Neem, Turmeric
  • Antimalarials: Cinchona, Artemisia
  • Oxytocic: Ergot
  • Vitamins: Cod liver oil, Shark liver oil
  • Enzymes: Papaya, Diastase, Pancreatin, Yeast
  • Pharmaceutical Aids: Kaolin, Lanolin, Beeswax, Acacia, Tragacanth, Sodium alginate, Agar, Guar gum, Gelatine
  • Miscellaneous: Squill, Galls, Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Guggul

Plant Fibers Used as Surgical Dressings

fibers are obtained from natural sources or prepared artificially. Depending on the sources fibers can be classified as Natural fibers and artificial fibers.

Surgical dressings are materials that are used as wound dressings, absorbents, and bandages to protect a wound and favor its healing.

Basic principles involved in the traditional systems of
medicine like

  • Ayurveda
  • Siddha
  • Unani
  • Homeopathy

Method of preparation of Ayurvedic formulations like

  • Arista
  • Asava
  • Gutika
  • Taila
  • Churna
  • Lehya
  • Bhasma

Herbs as health food

Brief introduction and therapeutic applications of:
Nutraceuticals, Antioxidants, Pro-biotics, Pre-biotics, Dietary
fibers, Omega-3-fatty acids, Spirulina, Carotenoids, Soya
and Garlic

Introduction to herbal formulations

Herbal formulations mean a dosage form consisting of one or more herbs or processed herbs in specified amounts to provide specific nutritional and cosmetic benefits intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, and mitigation of human or animal diseases and to alter the structure or physiology of a human being or animal.

Herbal cosmetics:

Sources, chemical constituents, commercial preparations, therapeutic and cosmetic uses of Aloe vera gel, Almond oil, Lavender oil, Olive oil, Rosemary oil, Sandal Wood oil

Phytochemical investigation of drugs

The phytochemical investigation confirmed the presence of phytoconstituents such as alkaloids, phenols, flavonoids, tannins, glycosides, lignins, saponins, sterols, anthraquinone, and reducing sugar. Methanolic and ethanolic extracts showed higher phenolic content compared to the aqueous extract.

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