D Pharmacy 2nd Year New Syllabus & Subjects Pdf Download

D Pharmacy 2nd Year New Syllabus Pdf

Pharmacology New Syllabus


Chapter 1

• General Pharmacology

  • Introduction and scope of the General Pharmacology in the lab.
  • Drug absorption, classification, and affecting factors of the drug absorption of the body.
  • Bioavailability and the Factors affecting
  • Drug distribution definitions, drug distribution factors affecting
  • Biotransformation of drugs, classification of the biotransformation reactions, and biotransformation factors affecting
  • Excretion of the drugs, routes of the drug excretion from the Body.
  • Mechanisms of the drug action potential and affecting factors drug action mechanism
Chapter 2

• Drug Acting on the PNS: Steps involved in neurohumoral transmission definitions, pharmacological actions, classification, indications, dose, and contraindications of the following drugs

  • Cholinergic drugs
  • Anti-Cholinergic drugs
  • Adrenergic drugs
  • Anti-adrenergic drugs
  • Neuromuscular blocking agents
  • Drugs used in Myasthenia gravis
  • Local anesthetic agents
  • Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Chapter 3

• Drug Acting on the Eye: Definitions, classification, dose, pharmacological actions, classification, indications, and contraindications of the following

  • Miotics
  • Mydriatics
  • Drugs used in the Glaucoma
Chapter 4

• Drug Acting on CNS: Definitions, classification, dose, indications, pharmacological actions, and contraindications of the following

  • General anesthetics
  • Hypnotics and sedatives
  • Anti-Convulsant drugs
  • Anti-anxiety drugs
  • Anti-depressant drugs
  • Anti-psychotics
  • Nootropic agents
  • Centrally acting muscle relaxants
  • Opioid analgesics
Chapter 5

• Drug Acting on Cardiovascular System: Definitions, classification, dose, indications, pharmacological actions, and contraindications of the following

  • Anti-hypertensive drugs
  • Anti-anginal drugs
  • Anti-arrhythmic drugs
  • Drugs used in atherosclerosis and
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Drug therapy for shock
Chapter 6

• Drugs Acting on Blood & Blood Forming Organs: Definitions, classification, dose, indications, pharmacological actions, and contraindications of the following

  • Hematinic agents
  • Anti-coagulants
  • Anti-platelet agents
  • Thrombolytic drugs
Chapter 7

Definitions, classification, dose, indications, pharmacological actions, and contraindications of the following

  • Bronchodilators
  • Expectorants
  • Anti-tussive agents
  • Mucolytic agents
Chapter 8

• Drug Acting on the GI Tract: Definitions, classification, dose, indications, pharmacological actions, and contraindications of the following

  • Anti-ulcer drugs
  • Anti-emetics
  • Laxatives and purgatives
  • Anti-diarrheal drugs
Chapter 9

• Drugs Acting on the Kidney: Definitions, classification, dose, indications, pharmacological actions, and contraindications of the following

  • Diuretics
  • Anti-Diuretics
Chapter 10

• Hormones & Hormone Antagonist: Physiological and pathological role of Hormones and clinical uses of the Hormone Antagonist following

  • Thyroid hormones
  • Anti-thyroid drugs
  • Parathormone
  • Calcitonin
  • Vitamin D
  • Insulin
  • Oral hypoglycemic agents
  • Estrogen
  • Progesterone
  • Oxytocin
  • Corticosteroids
Chapter 11

• Autocoids:

  • The physiological role of 5 HT, Histamine, and Prostaglandins.
  • Classification, medicinal uses, and adverse effects of the antihistamines and 5 HT.
Chapter 12

• Chemotherapeutic Agents: Introduction of chemotherapeutic agents, basic principles of the chemotherapy of infections, infestations, and neoplastic diseases, Definitions, classification, dose, indications, pharmacological actions, and contraindications of the following classes

  • Penicillins
  • Cephalosporins
  • Aminoglycosides
  • Fluoroquinolones
  • Macrolides
  • Tetracyclines
  • Sulphonamides
  • Anti-tubercular drugs
  • Anti-fungal drugs
  • Anti-viral drugs
  • Anti-amoebic agents
  • Anthelmintics
  • Anti-malarial agents
  • Anti-neoplastic agents
Chapter 13

• Biologicals: Definition, classification, and indications of the biological agents with examples.


1. Introduction to experimental pharmacology in laboratories.

2. Study of laboratory animals Mice, Rats, Guinea pigs, and Rabbits.

3. Generally used instruments in the experimental pharmacology laboratories.

4. Different routes of the administration of drugs in animals.

5. Types of pre-clinical experiments such as In-Vitro, In-Vivo, and Ex-Vivo.

6. Techniques of blood collection from the animals.

Community Pharmacy and Management New Syllabus


Chapter 1

• Community Pharmacy Practice: Definitions, history, and development of the community pharmacy such as International and Indian scenarios.

Chapter 2

• Professional responsibilities: Professional responsibilities of the community pharmacists, Introduction to the concept of the Sops, and Good Pharmacy Practice.

Chapter 3

• Prescription & Prescription Handling: Definitions of prescription, parts of the prescriptions, prescription handling, legality of prescriptions, labeling of dispensed medications (Ancillary label, Main label, pictograms), and short instructions on medication usage.

Dispensing process of prescription, Dispensing errors, Good Dispensing Practices, and strategies to minimize them.

Chapter 4

• Communication Skills:

  • Definitions, various types of communication skills.
  • Interactions with professionals and patients of communication skills.
  • Verbal communication skills (over the telephone).
  • Written communication skills
  • Body language communication
  • Patient interview techniques communication.
Chapter 5

• Patients Process Counseling: Definitions and Importance of patients counseling.

• Stages of the patient counseling: Introduction of patient counseling, counseling process, counseling content, and the counseling session.

• Barriers to effective counseling: Classification and strategies to overcome the barriers to effective counseling.

• Patients Counseling Points of the chronic diseases: Chronic diseases are Hypertension, Diabetes, AIDS, Tuberculosis, Asthma, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

• Patients packaging insert process Definitions, importance, and advantages, and Scenarios of PPI use in India and other different countries.

• Patients Information leaflets: Definitions and clinical uses.

Chapter 6

• Medications Adherence: Definitions, strategies to overcome non-adherence, and factors influencing non-adherence.

Chapter 7

• Health Screening Services in Community Pharmacy: Introduction, the scope of health screening, and the importance of health screening services for the routine monitoring of patients, referral of undiagnosed cases, and early detection.

Chapter 8

• Over Counter Medications: Definitions of counter medications, importance and role of the Pharmacists in OTC medication, Counseling for the OTC products, OTC medications in India country, Self-medication, and role of the pharmacists in promoting safe practices during self-medication.

Responding to symptoms, advice for self-care in conditions such as Pain Management, Minor ailments, Cough, Diarrhea, Cold, Constipation, Fever, Sore throat, Vomiting, Skin disorders, and Oral health.

Chapter 9

• Community Pharmacy Management:

  • Legal requirements to set up a community pharmacy management.
  • Site selection requirements for community pharmacy.
  • Community Pharmacy designs and interiors.
  • Vendor selection and ordering management.
  • inventory control methods, procurement, and inventory management
  • Financial planning and management.
  • Accountancy in community pharmacy by the Daybook, Cash books.
  • Introduction to pharmacy operation software usefulness and availability of community pharmacy.
  • Customer Relation Management (CRM) in community pharmacy.
  • Audits in Pharmacists
  • SOP of Pharmacy Management Community.
  • Introduction to the Digital Health, and Online pharmacies.


1. Handling the prescriptions with professional standards, reviewing prescriptions, and checking for legal compliance and completeness.

2. Identification of the drug-drug interactions in the prescription and follow-up of the actions.

3. Preparation of the dispensing labels and auxiliary labels for the prescribed medications.

4. Providing the following health screening services for monitoring patients or detecting new patients.

5. Providing counseling to simulated patients for the following chronic diseases or disorders including education on the use of devices such as insulin pens, Nebulizers, inhalers, spacers, etc.

6. Providing counseling to simulated patients for the following minor diseases.

7. Appropriate handling of the dummy dosage forms with correct administration techniques oral liquids with measuring cups or droppers, Eye Drops, Insulin pens, nebulizers, Inhalers, Nasal drops, different types of tablets, patches, enemas, and suppositories.

Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology New Syllabus


Chapter 1

• Introduction to Biochemistry: Scope of the biochemistry in pharmaceutical chemistry, Cell and its biochemical organizations.

Chapter 2

• Carbohydrates:

  • Definition of carbohydrates, classification, examples, and chemical properties.
  • Monosaccharides structure of fructose, glucose, and galactose.
  • Disaccharides structure of lactose, maltose, and sucrose.
  • Polysaccharides chemical nature of glycogen and starch.
  • Qualitative tests and biological, and chemical role of the carbohydrates.
Chapter 3

• Proteins:

  • Definition of proteins, classification of the proteins based on composition and solubility with examples.
  • Definition of amino acids, classification of amino acids based on the chemical nature of acids, and nutritional requirements with the examples.
  • Structure of the proteins of four levels organization of the protein core structure.
  • Qualitative tests, chemical and biological role of proteins and amino acids.
  • Diseases related to malnutrition of proteins.
Chapter 4

• Lipids:

  • Definition of Lipids, classification, and examples.
  • Structure and properties of the triglycerides such as oils and fats.
  • Fatty acid classification is based on chemical and nutritional requirements with examples.
  • Structure and functions of the cholesterol in the human body.
  • Lipoproteins classification, composition, and functions in the human body.
  • Qualitative tests and functions of the lipids or fats.
Chapter 5

• Nucleic Acid:

  • Definition of Nucleic acid, purine, and pyrimidine bases.
  • Nucleic acid components of nucleosides and nucleotides with the examples.
  • Structure of the DNA (Watson and Crick DNA model), RNA, and their biological functions.
Chapter 6

• Enzymes:

  • Definition of enzymes, properties, MB, and IUB classification.
  • Factors affecting enzymes and their activity.
  • Mechanism of the action of the enzymes, and enzyme inhibitors.
  • Pharmaceutical and therapeutic importance of the enzymes.
Chapter 7

• Vitamins:

  • Definition of vitamins and classification with examples.
  • Sources of Vitamins, chemical nature, functions, coenzyme form, recommended dietary requirements, deficiency diseases of the lipid and water-soluble vitamins.
Chapter 8

• Metabolism: Metabolism of the Carbohydrates, Glycolysis, citric acid cycle, glycogen metabolism, regulation of blood glucose level in the body, Diseases related to abnormal Carbohydrates metabolism.

Metabolism of the lipids, Lipolysis, β-oxidation of Fatty acid, ketogenesis, and ketosis, Diseases related to the abnormal metabolism of lipids such as Ketoacidosis, Hypercholesterolemia, and Fatty liver.

Metabolism of Amino acids, General reactions of the amino acids and their significance of the urea cycle and decarboxylation, transamination, deamination, Diseases related to abnormal metabolism of amino acids, Disorders of the ammonia metabolism, phenylketonuria, Jaundice, and alkaptonuria.

Biological oxidation: Electron Transport Chain and (ETC), and Oxidative phosphorylation.

Chapter 9

• Minerals: Classification of the minerals, functions, Deficiency diseases, and recommended dietary supplements requirements.

Chapter 10

• Water and Electrolytes: Distribution of water and electrolytes, functions & balance of water in the body, Electrolytes composition in the body fluids, Dietary intake of electrolyte and electrolyte balance, Causes of dehydration and oral rehydration.

Chapter 11

• Introduction to Biotechnology: Introduction to Biotechnology in pharmaceutical chemistry.

Chapter 12

• Organ Function Tests: Functions of the kidney and continuously performed tests to assess the functions of the kidney and their clinical significances, Functions of the liver and continuously performed tests to the functions of the liver and their clinical significances, Lipid or fats profile tests and its clinical significances.

Chapter 13

• Introduction to the Pathology of Blood and Urine: Introduction to Lymphocytes and Platelets, their role in health and diseases, Erythrocytes (RBC) abnormal cells and their significance, Abnormal and Normal constituents of the Urine and their significance.


1. Qualitative analysis test of the carbohydrates.

2. Qualitative analysis test of the Proteins and amino acids (four experiments).

3. Qualitative analysis test of lipids (two experiments).

4. Qualitative analysis test of urine for normal and abnormal constituents (four experiments).

5. Determination of the constituents of the urine (creatinine, glucose, chlorides) (two experiments).

6. Determination of constituents of blood or serum (simulated) (Creatine, glucose, Calcium, Cholesterol, Urea, SGPT/SGOT) (five experiments).

7. Study of the hydrolysis of starch from acid and salivary amylase enzyme (1 experiment).

Pharmacotherapeutics New Syllabus


Chapter 1

• Pharmacotherapeutics: Introduction, scope, and objectives. Rational use of Medicines, Evidence-Based Medicine, Essential Medicines List, Standard Treatment Guidelines (STGs).

Chapter 2

Definitions, etio pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of the following diseases associated with the

• Cardiovascular System

  • Hypertension
  • Angina and Myocardial infarction
  • Hyperlipidaemia
  • Congestive Heart Failure

• Respiratory Systems

  • Asthma
  • COPD

• Endocrine System

  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid disorders- Hypo and Hyperthyroidism

• Central Nervous System

  • Epilepsy
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Stroke
  • Migraine

• Gastrointestinal Disorders

  • Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
  • Peptic Ulcer Disease
  • Alcoholic liver disease
  • Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Crohn’s Disease and
  • Ulcerative Colitis)

• Hematological Disorders

  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Megaloblastic anemia

• Infectious Disease

  • Tuberculosis
  • Pneumonia
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Hepatitis
  • Gonorrhoea and Syphilis
  • Malaria
  • HIV and Opportunistic infections
  • Viral Infections (SARS, CoV2)

• Musculoskeletal Disorders

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis

• Dermatology

  • Psoriasis
  • Scabies
  • Eczema

• Psychiatric Disorders

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Psychosis

• Ophthalmology

  • Conjunctivitis (bacterial and viral)
  • Glaucoma

• Anti-microbial Resistance

• Women’s Health

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  • Dysmenorrhea
  • Premenstrual Syndrome


1. Preparation and discussion of Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan of notes for at least SIX clinical cases of the following disease conditions.

  • Hypertension
  • Angina Pectoris
  • Myocardial Infarction
  • Hyperlipidaemia
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Asthma
  • COPD
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • Stroke
  • Depression
  • Tuberculosis
  • Anaemia (any one type as covered in theory)
  • Viral infection (any one type as covered in theory)
  • Dermatological conditions (anyone condition as covered in theory)

2. Patient counseling exercises using the important role based on real or hypothetical clinical scenarios. The students are expected to provide counseling on disease conditions, lifestyle modifications, medications, monitoring parameters, and the same should be documented.

3. Simulated cases of dose calculation of the selected drugs in pediatrics, and geriatrics under different pathological conditions.

Hospital & Clinical New Pharmacy


Chapter 1

• Hospital Pharmacy

  • Definition of hospital pharmacy, scope, international and national scenario.
  • The organizational structure of the hospital.
  • Hospital Professional responsibilities, and qualifications, experience.
  • Job specifications, requirements, workload requirements, and internal professional relationships.
  • Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) in hospital pharmacy.
  • Hospital Pharmacy Standards (AHSP and FIP Basel Statements)
  • Introduction to the NAQS guidelines, NABH Accreditation, and Role of the Pharmacists.
Chapter 2

• Different Committees in the Hospital Pharmacy

  • Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee: Definitions, Objectives, Composition, and Functions.
  • Hospital Formulary: Definitions, Objectives, Procedure for Development, and the Use of hospital formulary.
  • Control Committee of Infection: Role of Pharmacists in Preventing the Antimicrobial Resistance.
Chapter 3

• Supply chain and inventory control

  • Preparation of the Drugs lists: Emergency drugs, High-Risk drugs, NDPS drugs, Schedule H1 drugs, and reserved antibiotics.
  • Procedures of Drug Purchases: Drug selection, long-term, short-term, tender or e-tender process, and quotations.
  • Inventory Controlling Techniques: Reorder quantity level, Economic Order Quantity, and Inventory Turnover.
  • Inventory Management of the Central Drug Store: Methods of storage, Storage conditions, Distribution, Maintain Cold Chain, Devices used for the cold storage (ILR, Refrigerator, Walk-in Cold room)
  • FIFO, FEFO methods
  • Disposal of narcotics, Expiry drug removal and handling, disposal, and cytotoxic drugs.
  • Documentation: purchase and inventory of documentation.
Chapter 4

• Drugs Distribution

  • Definition, importance, and disadvantages of the individual prescription method, Floor Stock Methods, and Unit Dose.
  • Drug Distribution Method, and Drug Basket Method.
  • Distribution of the drugs to ICU/ICCU/NICU, and Emergency wards.
  • Automated drug dispensing systems and devices, Distribution of Narcotic and Psychotropic substances and their storage.
Chapter 5

• Compounding in hospital pharmacy: Bulk compounding in hospital, IV admixture services, incompatibilities, and Total parenteral nutrition.

Chapter 6

• Radio Pharmaceuticals: Radiopharmaceuticals storage conditions, dispensing, and disposal of radiopharmaceuticals.

Chapter 7

Application of the computers in Hospital Pharmacy, Electronic health records, and Software used in hospital pharmacy practice.

Chapter 8

• Clinical Pharmacy: Definition of clinical pharmacy, scope, development in India and other countries, Technical definitions, common terms used in clinical settings and their significance such as Geriatric, Paediatrics, Anti-natal Care, and Post-natal Care.

• Daily Activities of Clinical Pharmacists: Definitions, objectives, and procedure of the following

  • Ward round participation
  • Treatment Chart Review
  • Adverse drug reaction monitoring
  • Drug information and poisons information
  • Medication history
  • Patient counseling
  • Interprofessional collaboration

• Pharmaceutical Care: Definitions, types of drug-related problems, Principles, and procedures to provide pharmaceutical care.

Chapter 9

• Clinical Laboratory tests used in the evaluation of the following

  • Hematological, Renal function, Liver function, and Thyroid function tests
  • Tests associated with cardiac disorders
  • Fluid and electrolyte balance
  • Pulmonary Function Tests
Chapter 10

• Poisoning: Classification of the poisoning in clinical manifestations and Antidotes.

• Drugs and Poison Information Centre and their services: Definitions, Requirements, Information resources, examples, and their disadvantages and advantages.

Chapter 11

• Pharmacovigilance: Definitions, objectives and scope, Overview of the Pharmacovigilance.

Chapter 12

• Medication errors: Definitions, classification, and strategies to minimize medication errors, Tallman lettering as per ISMP, and LASA drugs.

• Drug Interactions: Definitions, classification, and the clinical significance of the drug interactions.


1. Systematic approach to the drug information queries using primary, secondary, and tertiary resources of information.

2. Interpretation of laboratory reports to optimization of drug therapy in a given clinical case.

3. Fill up the IPC’s ADR Reporting Form and perform causality assessments using various scales.

4. Demonstration or simulated or hands-on experperformingn the identification, types/application /administration of surgical aids and orthopedics such as knee caps, abdominal belts, walkers, and walking sticks.

Different types of the bandages such as sterile gauze, cotton, and crepe bandages. Needles, syringes, catheters, urine bags, RYLE’s tubes, urine pots, IV sets, colostomy bags, and oxygen masks.

5. Different case studies on drug-drug interactions.

6. Wound dressing of simulated cases and minimum role play.

7. Vaccination & injection techniques (IV, SC, IM) using mannequins.

8. Use of the Hospital Pharmacy Software and different digital health tools.

Pharmacy Law & Ethics New Syllabus


Chapter 1

General Principles of Pharmacy Law, History and Different Acts Related to the Drugs & Pharmacy Profession.

Chapter 2

• Pharmacy Act 1948 and Rules: Definitions, Objectives, Pharmacy Council of India, its constitution and general functions, Education Regulations, Registration of Pharmacists, State and Joint state pharmacy councils, Offences & Penalties.

Chapter 3

• Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 & Rules 1945 and new amendments: Definitions, Objectives, Legal definitions of the drug schedules to the Acts & Rules, Import of the drugs, Classes of crude drugs and cosmetics prohibited from export, Import under license or permission.

• Manufacture of drugs: Prohibition of manufacturing of drugs and sale of certain drugs, Conditions for the grant of license and conditions of license for manufacturing of drugs, Manufacture of drugs for a retest, manufacture of crude drugs, loan license & repacking license, Study of the schedule C1 and C, G, H1, H, K, P, M, N, and X.

• Sale of the drugs: Wholesale drugs, Retail sales Restricted licenses, Records kept in a pharmacy, and Crude drugs are prohibited for manufacture & sale in India.

• Administration of the Drug Act and Rules: Drugs Technical Advisory Board (DTAB), Drugs Consultative Committee, Central Drugs Laboratory, licensing authorities, controlling authorities, Government analysts, and Drug Inspectors.

Chapter 4

• Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance Act 1985 and Rules: Definitions, Objectives, Authorities and Officers, Control and Regulation, Prohibition, Offences & Penalties.

Chapter 5

• Drugs and Magic Remedies Act 1954: Definitions, Objectives, Prohibition of certain advertisements, Classes of Drugs Exempted advertisements, Offences & Penalties.

Chapter 6

• Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960: Definitions, Objectives, CPCSEA short overview, Breeding and Stocking of Animals, Institutional Animal Ethics Committee, Power to suspend or revoke a registration, Performance of Experiments, Transfer & Acquisition of animals for experiments, Records, Offences & Penalties.

Chapter 7

• Poisons Act 1919: Definitions, Introduction, objective, Possession, possession for sales and sale of any poison, and Import of poison.

Chapter 8

• Food Safety & Standards Authority of India Act and Rules: Short overview and aspects related to manufacturing, sale, storage, and labeling of food supplements.

Chapter 9

• National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority: Definitions, DPCO (Drugs Price Control Order) 2013, Objectives, Retail price of drugs formulations, Retail price and ceiling price of scheduled formulations drugs, Sale prices of the bulk drugs, Pharmaceutical Policy 2004, National Lists of the Essential Medicines (NLEM).

Chapter 10

Code of Pharmaceutical Ethics: Objectives, Definition, ethical problem solving, ethical principles, code of ethics for Pharmacists about their job, the medical profession and their profession, and Pharmacist’s oath.

Chapter 11

Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act and Rules- Basic understanding, main features & Amendments.

Chapter 12

Role of all the government pharma regulator bodies- CDSCO (Central Drugs Standards Control Organization), Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC).

Chapter 13

Good Regulatory practices (documentation, licenses, e-governance) in Community Pharmacy, Pharma Manufacturing, Hospital pharmacy, Wholesale business, Inspections, export, and import of drugs and medical devices.

Chapter 14

Introduction to BCS classification system, Basic concepts of Clinical Trials, NDA, ANDA, New Drug Development System, New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules 2019 Brand v/s Generic of drugs, Trade name idea, Introduction to the Patent Law & Intellectual Property Rights, and Emergency Uses Authorization.

Chapter 15

Blood bank- Basic requirements and functions of the blood bank.

Chapter 16

Clinical Establishment Rules and Act- Aspects related to Clinical Pharmacy.

Chapter 17

Biomedical Waste Management Rules 2016- Basic aspects, and aspects related to the pharma manufacturing to disposal of pharmacy or medical waste at homes, and hospitals.

Chapter 18

Bioethics- Basic idea, history & principles, a short overview of ICMRs and National Ethical Guidelines for the Biomedical and Health Research involved human participants.

Chapter 19

Introduction to the Consumer Protection Act and Rules.

Chapter 20

Introduction to the Disaster Management Acts and Rules.

Chapter 21

Medical Devices- Classification, general aspects related to manufacturing & sale.

D.Pharm 1st Year New Syllabus Pdf Download

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