Diploma In Pharmacy Exit Examination Regulations

The Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) issued a gazette for the Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination on 24th February 2024 that ordered that from the session 2024-25. The D Pharmacy students have been made mandatory to take the exit examination for becoming registered Pharmacists.

If you are a D Pharmacy 2nd Year student then this article is very helpful to clear all the thoughts and doubts regarding Pharmacy Exit Examination.

In this article, we are going to share some valuable information like D Pharmacy Exit Exam Syllabus, Exit Exam for D Pharmacy Questions Papers, PCI Exit Exam notification, How many times the exam will be conducted in a year, etc.

About Diploma In Pharmacy Exit Examination

The Pharmacy Council of India on 24th February 2024 released a gazette where Diploma in Pharmacy students attend an Exit Examination before applying for Pharmacist Registration to become a Pharmacist.

The students who have passed the Diploma in Pharmacy exit exam with more than 50% score will be only eligible for registration. This PCI exit exam for D Pharma students is known as DPEE.

Overview of DPEE

Exam NameDiploma In Pharmacy Exit Examination
Exam Short FormTo issue a license to a D. Pharmacy holder
Examination Conducted Pharmacy Council of India (PCI)
Date of ExaminationNovember 2024
The Objective of the Exam Twice a year
Frequency of Exam To issue a license to D. Pharmacy holder
Who are Eligible Only D Pharm candidates
Qualification Criteria The official Website link name
Type of Examination MCQ Questions with or without negative marks
Syllabus of Examination PCI will be declared
Duration of Exam 3 hours 30 minutes
Language of the ExamEnglish
Official Website link namewww.pci.nic.in exit exam

Why DPEE is Required?

Many students are confused regarding whether is exit exam compulsory for b pharmacy students. No, this examination is only for D Pharma students.

The main reason for the Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination (DPEE) is to ensure that the students applying for registration as a Pharmacist with the State Pharmacy Council have undergone pharmacy education.

A comprehensive practical training program in Diploma in Pharmacy course as provided in the Education Regulations, 2020, or the regulations that may be in force from time to time in an institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of India under section 12 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948.

In these regulations, the main objective is to acquire core competencies in dispensing medicines and other areas of pharmacy practice and to reinforce his discipline, integrity, judgment, skills, knowledge, and quest for learning.

So that after having passed the examination he or she can become a registered pharmacist who can exercise his professional skills in addition to carrying out his duty and responsibilities professionally in the health care field.

Frequency of Pharmacy Exit Examination

According to the gazette released by the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), the New Delhi Diploma in Pharmacy Examination will be held two times a year.

D Pharmacy Exit Exam date 2024 and Centre of Examination will be shared with the candidate by the Prescribed Authority based on available center.

Eligibility Criteria of D Pharm Exit Exam (DPEE)

• Diploma in Pharmacy (D Pharm) degree holder who has already gained practical knowledge throughout their college session.

• Students have to gain the Diploma in Pharmacy degree from PCI-approved Institutions.

• Students have to pass the Diploma in Pharmacy course with a minimum of 50% marks in each paper separately.

Syllabus of Exit Examination

A Detailed syllabus of this examination will be shared shortly by the Pharmacy Council of India.

There will be three papers of multiple choice questions in Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Biochemistry, Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Law and Ethics, etc.

If you have D Pharma exit exam questions and answers pdf and good writer’s exit exam books then you can easily pass the exam.

Registration of Candidates after Passing Pharmacy Exam

After having passed the Exit Examination, A certificate of eligibility for enrollment and practice shall be issued to the successful candidate which will be presented before the State Pharmacy Council for registration as a pharmacist.

Q1. Are you required to take the Diploma In Pharmacy Exit Exam?

Ans. Yes, every student it is mandatory who is pursuing a diploma degree course in a pharmacy under the PCI-approved institute should be given a Pharmacy Exit Examination to get a registered Pharmacist license.

Q2. How will the Diploma Pharmacy Exit Examination Conduct be done?

Ans. As stated above, the Pharmacy Exit Examination will be held 2 times a year in which every candidate will have to bring 50% marks in every paper and the 50% marks in the total of all 3 papers will be required for the registration of the pharmacy license.

Q3. How many attempts are needed to pass the Dpee Exit Exam?

Ans. This question can be asked by a lot of people. For every information, one candidate will have to pass all three papers in the same attempt, if there are failed anyone in it then again the diploma pharmacy exit exam will be conducted. There is nothing to think about it, but pass all three passes in one attempt only then you will become a registered pharmacist. If one subject remains, then you will have to appear again for the exam, whose limitations will remain unlimited. This means that the student will take as many attempts but the three papers will be passed together.


The Pharmacy Council of India has taken a good decision for the betterment of Pharmacy carriers. Many institutes were offering D.Pharm degrees to students without attending the colleges, or exams. This examination will increase the value of Pharmacy education in India at a global level.

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