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1. Blood pressure is the lowest
(A) After muscular exercise
(B) During ventricular diastole
(C) After 60 years of age
(D) During ventricular systole
2. What is true about vein
(A) All veins carry deoxygenated blood
(B) All veins carry Oxygenated blood
(C) They carry blood from organs toward the heart
(D) They carry blood from the heart
towards organs
3. Murmur is a disorder of
(A) SA node
(B) AV node
(C) Heart valves
(D) Pulmonary vein
4. Pulmonary artery differs from
A pulmonary vein in having
(A) Thick wall
(B) Thin wall
(C) Valves
(D) Both B and C
5. Blood pressure is measured by
(A) Electro-cardiogram
(B) Stethoscope
(C) Sphygmomanometer
(D) Barometer
6. Mitral valve is also called
(A) Tricuspid valve
(B) Semilunar valve
(C)Bicuspid valve
(D) None of the above
7. Mammalian heart is enclosed by
(A) Perichondrium
(C) No membrane
(D) Pericardium
8. Heartbeat is accelerated by
(A) Sympathetic nerves and acetylcholine
(B) Cranial nerves and adrenaline
(C) Cranial nerves and acetylcholine
(D) Sympathetic nerves and
9. During diastole
(A) Blood leaves the ventricle
(B) Blood leaves the heart
(C) Blood enters in heart
(D)Blood enters the lungs
10. In higher vertebrates, the SA node helps in
(A) Opening of the tricuspid valve
(B) Initiation of heartbeat
(C) Conduction of blood
(D)Opening of bicuspid valve
11. SA node is located in
(A) Upper lateral wall of the right atrium
(B) Lower lateral wall of the left atrium
(C) Lower lateral wall of the right atrium
(D)Upper lateral wall of the left atrium
12. Heart wall is made of
(A) Myocardium
(B) Epicardium
(C) Endocardium
(D) All the above
13. Blood vessel which ends in capillaries is
(A) Artery
(B) Vein
(C) Pulmonary
(D)Coronary sinus
14. Which of the following has the thickest Wall
(A) Right ventricle
(B) Left ventricle
(C) Right atrium
(D)Left atrium
15. Which of these is a classic symptom of A heart attack
(A) Crushing pain in the chest
accompanied by sweating
(B) Pain that spreads from the chest
to the shoulders, neck, jaw or arms
(C) Indigestion or heartburn, nausea and vomiting
(D) None of the above
16. Which one of the following is a Matching pair
(A) Pulsation of the radial artery-
values in the blood vessels
(B) Dup-Sudden opening of
semilunar valves at the
beginning of ventricular diastole
(C) Lubb- Sharp closure of AV valves
at the beginning of ventricular systole
(D) None of the above
17. “Bundle of HIS” is made up of
(A) Nervous tissue supplied to
(B) Nervous tissue supplied to the heart
(C) Muscular tissue supplied to the heart
(D) Muscular tissue supplied to
18. Difference between systolic and Diastolic pressure is
(A) Blood pressure
(B) Pulse pressure
(C) Cardiac output
19. Peripheral vascular resistance can be Best given by
(A) Pulse pressure as it corresponds
to aortic compliance and stroke
(B) Mean arterial pressure as it
supplies blood to organs
(C) Diastolic blood pressure as it leads to the decrease till mid-thoracic
(D) All of the above
20. Diastole occurs due to
(A) Nerve impulse from the vagus
(B) Elastic recoil of arteries
(C) Relaxation of heart muscles
(D)All of them
21. Blood vessel carrying the least CO2 is
(A) Pulmonary vein
(B) Pulmonary artery
(C) Vena cava
(D) Hepatic vein
22. Typical Lab-dup’ sounds heard in Heartbeat are due to
(A) Closing of bicuspid and tricuspid
(B) Closing of semilunar valves
(C) Blood under pressure through
(D)Closure of bicuspid-tricuspid
valves followed by semilunar
23. Artificial pacemaker is transplanted in
(A) Inter auricular septum
(B) Below the collarbone
(C) Inter ventricular septum
(D)Right auricle
24. Contraction of the heart is known as
(A) Systole
(B) Diastole
(C) Heartbeat
(D)Heart sound
25. Heart is perfectly four-chambered in
(A) Birds
(B) Mammals
(C) Reptiles
(D)Both a and b
26. At the time of diastole, the heart is filled With
(A) Mixed blood
(B) Venous blood
(C) Deoxygenated blood
(D) Oxygenated blood
27. Where does the tricuspid valve Prevent the backflow of blood
(A) From the right atrium to the right ventricle
(B) From the right ventricle to the right atrium
(C) From the left atrium to the left ventricle
(D)From the left ventricle to the left
28. Pacemaker is
(A) AV node
(B) SA node
(C) Bundle of HIS
(D)Ventricle muscles
29. The opening of the right atrium into the right ventricle is guarded by
(A) Mitral valve
(B) Tricuspid valve
(C) Bicuspid valve
(D)Aortic semilunar valve
30. All arteries carry oxygènated blood, Except
(A) Pulmonary artery
(B) Renal artery
(C) Hepatic artery
(D) Cardiac artery
31. In a typical heart, if EÐV is 120 ml of Blood and ESV is 50 ml of blood, the stroke volume (SV) is
(A) 120-50= 70 ml
(B) 120 + 50 170ml
(C) 120x 50 6000 ml
(D)120 50 2.4ml
32. Both erythrocytes and leucocytes are Formed in
(A) Lymph nodes
(B) Bone marrow
(C) Thymus
(D)Arterial walls
33. Three risk factors for heart disease Can’t be controlled. Which of these are They
(A) Medicine use, vaccines, alcoholism
(B) Age, sex, heredity
(C) Diet, drug use, smoking
(D)None of the above
34. Artery is a vessel that carries blood
(A) Towards the heart
(B) Away from the heart
(C) Away from tissues
(D)Towards the liver
35. In humans, blood passés from post-Caval to the diastolic right atrium of the heart Due to
(A) Stimulation of sino-auricula node
(B) Pressure difference between post-caval and atrium
(C) Pushing open venous valves
(D) Suction pull
36. The opening of the inferior vena cava into the Right auricle is regulated by
(A) Semilunar valve
(B) Valve of The Asian
(C) Eustachian valve
(D)None of the above
37. Ina standard ECG one of the Following alphabets is the correct Representation of the respective Activity of the human heart
(A) P-depolarization of atria
(B) R-repolarization of ventricles
(C) S-start of systole
(D)T-end of diastole
38. An adult human has systolic and Diastolic pressures as
(A) 80 mm Hg and 120 mm Hg
(B) 120 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg
(C) 50 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg
(D)80 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg
39. A portion of the cardiovascular system That transportS Oxygen depleted blood From the heart to the lungs and brings Oxygenated blood back to the heart is
(A) Pulmonary circulation
(B) Coronary circulation
(C) Systemic circulation
(D) Single circulation system
40. Blood vessels taking blood from the lungs To the heart are
(A) Cardiac veins
(B) Pulmonary arteries
(C)Cardiac arteries
(D)Pulmonary veins
41. First and louder sound of the heart during Ventricular systole is
(A) Lubb
(B) Dub
(C) Murmur
42. Sympathetic nervous system
(A) Decreases heartbeat
(B) Increases heartbeat
(C) Not related to heartbeat
(D)Controls heartbeat
43. In ECG, the P-R interval corresponds to
(A) Time interval between onset of ventricular contraction
(B) Time delay in A-V node
(C) S-A nodal conduction time
(D)Increased ventricular contraction
44. Blood vessel which brings oxygenated blood to the left auricle is
(A) Pre-caval vein
(B) Post-caval vein
(C) Pulmonary vein
(D)Pulmonary artery
45. In sphygmomanometer what does “sphygmnos” mean
(A) Pressure
(B) Pulse
(C) Systole
46. Which one of the following is found in The wall of both arteries and Capillaries
(A) Smooth muscle cells
(B) Endothelial cells
(C) Elastic fibres
(D)Connective tissue
47. Pericardial fluid is secreted by
(A) Myocardium
(B) Parietal peritoneum
(C) Visceral peritoneum
(D) None of the above
48. In human beings whose one regulates Heartbeat
(A) Purkinje fibres
(B) Cardiac branch of the vagus nerve
(C) SA node
(D)AV node
49. The vein that does not directly open Into the heart is
(A) Pulmonary vein
(B) Postcaval vein
(C) Precaval vein
(D)Posterior mesenteric vein
50. Coronary heart disease is due to
(A) Streptococci bacteria
(B) Inflammation of the pericardium
(C) Weakening of the heart valves
(D)Insufficient blood supply to the heart muscles
51. Rate of heartbeat is reduced by
(A) Acetylcholine
(B) Adrenaline
(C) Calcitonin
52. Hardening of the arteries due to the Deposition of cholesterol is called
(A) rhinitis
(B) Atherosclerosis
(C) Thrombosis
(D) stenosis
53. Oxygenated blood occurs in
(A) Pulmonary artery
(B) Right atrium
(C) Right ventricle
(D)Pulmonary vein
54. The reason for the dicrotic notch on the aortic pressure curve is
(A) Contraction of the aorta
(B) Closure of the aortic valve
(C) Rapid filling of the left ventricle
(D)Closure of the pulmonary valve
55. Louder sound of heartbeat occurs During the closure of
(A) Tricuspid valve
(B) Auriculo-Ventricular valves
(C) Mitral valve
(D)Semilunar valves
56. Given below is the ECG of a normal Human. Which one of its components is Correctly interpreted below
(A) Peak R and Peak T- systolic and diastolic blood pressures
(B) Peak Q and Peak T- diastolic and systolic pressure
(C) Peak P and Peak S- diastolic and systolic pressure
(D) Peak P and Peak R - systolic and diastolic blood pressures
57. Bundle of His is a network of
(A) Nerve fibres distributed in ventricles
(B) Muscle fibres found only in the ventricle wall
(C) Muscle fibres distributed throughout the heart walls
(D)Nerve fibres found throughout the heart
58. In a cardiac output of 5250 ml/minute, With 75 heartbeats per minute, the Stroke volume is
(A) 80 ml
(B) 70 ml
(C) 60 ml
(D) 55 ml
59. Tricuspid valve is present between
(A) Left atrium and left ventricle
(B) Right and left atria
(C) Right and left ventricles
(D)Right atrium and right ventricle
60. Which of the following sequences is Truly a systemic circulation pathway
(A) Right ventricle - pulmonary
aorta tissues-pulmonary
veins-left auricle
(B) Left auricle -left ventricle-
aorta- arteries- tissues -veins
-right atrium
(C) Left auricle-left-ventricle-
Pulmonary aorta-tissues-
61. Bundle of His is a network of
(A) Muscle fibres distributed throughout heart walls
(B) Muscles fibres found only in the ventricle wall
(C) Nerve fibres distributed in ventricles
(D) Nerve fibres found throughout the heart
62. The valves which allow blood to flow From the ventricles into the arteries And not in the opposite direction are
(A) Semilunar valve and tricuspid valve
(B) Bicuspid and tricuspid valve
(C) A.V valve (Atrioventricular valve)and semilunar valve
(D)Aortic valve and mitral valve
63. Cell fragments of megakaryocytes Yield
(A) Erythrocytes
(B) Granulocytes
(C) Agranulocytes
(D)Blood platelets
64. Dup’s sound is produced during the closure of
(A) Semilunar valves
(B) Bicuspid valve
(C) Tricuspid valve
(D)Both B and C
65. Christmas disease is also known as
(A) Haemophilia B
(C) Haemophilia A
(D) Haemolytic jaundice
66. Oval depression of fossa is observed over
(A) Interatrial septum
(B) Interventricular septum
(C) Right auriculo-ventricular septum
(D)Left auriculoventricular septum
67. Purkinje fibres arise from
(A) Apex of ventricles
(B) Middle of ventricles
(C) Anterior part of auricles
(D)Posterior part of auricles
68. Pulmonary artery drains Deoxygenated blood from
(A) Right ventricle
(B) Right atrium
(C) Left atrium
(D)Left ventricle
69. Heartbeat is initiated by
(A) AV node
(B) SA node
(C) Bundle of His
(D)Purkinje fibres
70. Auricular systole in the cardiac cycle lasts For about
(A) 0.4 sec
(B) 0.1 sec
(C) 0.8 sec
(D) 0.7 sec
71. Adrenaline directly affects
(A) Oxyntic cells of the stomach
(B) Sinoatrial node
(C) Islet of Langerhan
(D)Dorsal root ganglia of the spinal cord
72. Cardiac output is blood
(A) Received by the heart per minute
(B) Pumped by ventricles per sec
(C) Pumped by each ventricle per minute
(D)Pumped by left ventricle per hour
73. This is the similarity between Pulmonary and systemic circulation
(A) Total capacity
(B) Pulse pressure
(C) Peripheral vascular resistance
(D)Volume of the circulation per minute
74. Right atrium receives blood from
(A) Sinus system
(B) Pulmonary veins
(C) Inferior yena cava
(D) Superior and inferior vena cava
75. An artificial pacemaker is implanted subcutaneously and connected to the Heart in patients
(A) Having 80% blockage of the three main coronary arteries
(B) With irregularity in the heart rhythm
(C) Having a very high blood Pressure
(D) Both a and b
76. Mitral valve is present between
(A) Right atrium and left ventricle
(B) Right and left ventricle
(C) Left ventricle and aorta
(D)Left atrium and left ventricle
77. the Largest amount of ureá is normally Carried by
(A) Hepatic portal vein
(B)Renal artery
(C) Hepatic artery
(D)Hepatic vein
78. Which of these is a cause of heart Disease
(A) Stroke
(B) Arthritis
(C) Thickening of the inside of the arteries
(D)None of the above
79. Which one of the following sentences Is Wrong
(A) Small arteries are called arterioles
(B) When arterioles reach the capillaries blood pressure drops
(C) Blood pressure is lower in the arteries than in the arterioles
(D) Small arterioles regulate the flow
80. Systematic circulation of oxygenated Blood starts from
(A) Right atrium
(B) Left atrium
(C) Left ventricle
(D)Right ventricle
81. Amount of blood pumped by the heart into the Body per minute is called
(A) Atrial output
(B) Ventricular output
(C) Cardiac output
(D)Stroke volume
82. Which of the following matches Correctly
(A) Pulmonary artery – carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs
(B) Superior vena cava - Receives
deoxygenated blood from the
lower body and organs
(C) Inferior vena cava - Receives
deoxygenated blood from the
head and body
(D)Hepatic artery -Carries
83. Valves which allow blood from
Ventricles into arteries and not in
Opposite direction is
(A) Aortic valve and mitral valve
(B) AV valves and semilunar valves
(C) Bicuspid and tricuspid valves
(D) Semilunar valves and tricuspid
84. Average cardiac output is
(A) 5. litre/minute
(B) 6.3 litre/minute
(C) 7.3 litre/minute
(D)4 litre/minute
85. The kind of epithelium which forms
The inner walls of blood vessels are
(A) Squamous epithelium
(B) Cuboidal epithelium
(C) Columnar epithelium
(D)Ciliated columnar epithelium
86. Atherosclerosis refers to the ailment of
(A) Kidney
(B) Heart
(C) Lungs
87. Arteries are best defined as the vessels Which
(A) Carry blood from one visceral organ to another visceral organ
(B) Supply Oxygenated blood to the different organs
(C) Carry blood away from the heart to different organs
(D)Break up into capillaries which
88. Cardiac output is defined as the amount of blood
(A) Pumped by both ventricles per second
(B) Received in heart per minute
(C) Pumped by each ventricle per minute
(D) Pumped by left atrium per minute
89. Serum is
(A) Blood without corpuscles and fibrinogen
(B) Lymph without corpuscles
(C) Blood without fibrinogen
90. Brain completely depends on blood From the supply of
(A) Oxygen and glucose
(B) Oxygen and ATP
(C) Oxygen and electrolyte
(D)Glucose and ATP,
91. Impulse originating from the SA node is Transmitted to
(A) Pacemaker
(B) AV node
(C) Bundle of HIS
(D)Purkinje system
92. The blood pressure of a healthy person is
(A) 140/60
(B) 120/80
(D) 90/60
93. Heart of heart” is
(A) SA node
(B) AV node
(C) Bundle of HIS
(D)Purkinje fibres
94. The heart muscles are
(A) Striated and voluntary
(B) Striated and involuntary
(C) Smooth and voluntary
(D)Smooth and involuntary
95. Deoxygenated blood from the wall of the heart Is carried by
(A) Coronary sinus
(B) Inferior vena cava
(C) Superior vena cava
(D)Pulmonary artery
96. This about the second heart sound is Incorrect
(A) It is occasionally split
(B) It is due to the closure of
Semilunar valves
(C) Indicates the commencement of
(D)It has a longer duration than the
first sound
97. Valves are typically found in which Blood vessels
(A) Arteries
(B) Arterioles
(C) Veins
(D) Capillaries
98. During ventricular systole
(A) Oxygenated blood is pumped into the pulmonary artery and deoxygenated blood is pumped into the artery
(B) Oxygenated blood is pumped into the aorta and deoxygenated blood is pumped into the pulmonary artery
(C) Both a and b
(D) None of the above
99. A muscular wall is absent in
(A) Capillary
(B) Vein
(C) Venule
100. Blood pressure increases and heart rate decreases in response to
(A) Exposure to high altitude
(B) Exercise
(C) Hemorrhage
(D) Increased intracranial pressure
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