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1. Which part of the ear has no role to play in hearing but is very important
(A) Ear ossicles
(B) Organ of Corti
(C) Eustachian tube
(D) Vestibular apparatus
2. In the eyes the image which is formed on the retina is
(A) Erect and real
(B) Erect and virtual
(C) Inverted and real
(D) Inverted and virtual
3. Find the correct statement about the Eustachian tube
(A) Connects internal ear to external ear
(B) It equalises pressure between the middle ear and the outer atmosphere
(C) Connects the middle ear to the pharynx
(D) Both (b) and (c)
4. Which membrane connects the tongue to the bottom of the mouth
(A) Frenulum
(B) Septum
(C) Lingual wall
(D) Barrier reef
5. Which of the following is true about parasympathetic neuron
(A) The nerve fibres are contained in spinal nerves
(B) The synapse in terminal ganglia either next to or within the organs innervated
(C) They originate in thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord
6. The nervous system is divided into the
(A) Brain and spinal cord
(B) Sympathetic and parasympathetic systems
(D) Autonomic and somatic nervous systems
7. Which one of the following cranial nerves is carrying the nerve fibres originating from the Edinger Westphal nucleus
(A) Oculomotor
(B) Trochlear
(C) Vagus
(D) Abducens
8. Mark the vitamin present in rhodopsin
(A) Vit A
(B) Vit B
(C) Vit C
(D) Vit D
9. Which of the following is not the type of prevertebral ganglia
(A) Celiac ganglia
(B) Ciliary ganglia
(C) Renal ganglia
(D) Superior mesenteric ganglia
10. Aqueous humour and vitreous humour are secreted by
(A) Iris
(B) Ciliary body
(C) Lens
(D) Cornea
11. “Miosis” in the eye refers to
(A) Reduction in diameter of the pupil
(B) Increased diameter of the pupil
(C) Reduction division in the retina
(D) Shrinkage of eyeball
12. It receives sound vibration and passes to the eardrum
(A) Outer ear
(B) Middle ear
(C) Inner ear
(D) Eustachian tube
13. A circular canal found in the limbus part of the eyes is called
(A) Hyaloid canal
(B) Canal of Schlemm
(C) Canal of Cloquet
(D) Eustachian tube
14. The receptor absent in the tongue is
(A) Therm0 receptors
(B) Gustato receptors
(C) Photoreceptors
(D) Cannot be determined
15. Through which structure, the spinal nerves leave the spinal cord
(A) Intervertebral foramen
(B) Intervertebral ligaments
(C) Grey matter of the spinal cord
(D) a White matter of the spinal cord
16. Which of the following statement is true
(A) Posterior rami supply the lower limb
(B) Spinal nerves are part of the CNS
(C) Branches of spinal nerves occur after reaching the body structure
(D) All spinal nerves are mixed nerves
17. The aperture controlling the light entering the eye is called
(A) Iris
(B) Pupil
(C) Blindspot
(D) Sclerotic layer
18. The part of the internal ear responsible for hearing is
(A) Cochlea
(B) Semi-circular canal
(C) Utriculus
(D) Sacculus
19. Where is the cavity of vitreous humour found
(A) Between sclerotic and choroid
(B) In front of the lens
(C) Behind the lens
(D) Between choroid and retina
20. What is behind the nose and connects with the back of the throat
(A) Bone
(B) Nasal cavity
(C) Nasal passage
(D) Hard palate
21. Night blindness is caused due to
(A) Hypermetropia
(B) Myopia
(C) Defective cornea
(D) Deficiency of rhodopsin in rods
22. What effect occur on the trachea and bronchi during sympathetic stimulation
(A) Trachea and bronchi dilate
(B) Remains constant
(C) Trachea and bronchi constrict
(D) No effect
23. Which of the following is part of the middle ear
(A) Cochlea
(B) Utriculus
(C) Sacculus
(D) Malleus
24. Find the correct statement about the Inner ear
(A) Made up of bony and membranous segments
(B) Membranous labyrinth encloses bony labyrinth
(C) Endolymph surrounds membranous labyrinth
(D) Air-filled inner segment
25. The vagus cranial nerve is a
(A) Somatic
(B) Sympathetic
(C) Parasympathetic
(D) None of these
26. The brain area that most directly controls the activity of the autonomic nervous system is the
(A) Pituitary gland
(B) Medulla oblongata
(C) Cerebellum
(D) Hypothalamus
27. Made up of a thin piece of bone this wall separates nasal passages
(A) Nostrils
(B) Cartilage
(C) Bridge
(D) Septum
28. ANS is a part of which nervous system
(A) Central nervous system
(B) Somatic nervous system
(C) Peripheral nervous system
(D) All of the above
29. Wax gland present in the ear canal is called
(A) Sweat gland
(B) Prostate gland
(C) Cowper’s gland
(D) Sebaceous gland
30. Which type of cells are not present in the taste bud
(A) Gustation receptors
(B) Supporting cells
(C) Basal cells
(D) None of the above
31. Which of the following paranasal sinuses open into the middle meatus
(A) The anterior ethmoidal sinuses
(B) The anterior ethmoidal and frontal sinuses
(C) The anterior ethmoidal, frontal and maxillary sinuses
(D) The anterior ethmoidal, frontal, maxillary and sphenoidal sinuses
32. The Organ of Corti is present in
(A) Scala vestibuli
(B) Scala tympani
(C) Scala media
(D) None of the above
33. In Glaucoma
(A) Eyeball elongate
(B) Eyeball shortened
(C) Fluid pressure increase in the eye
(D) Cornea becomes opaque
34. Human eyeball consists of three layers and it encloses
(A) Lens, iris, optic nerve
(B) Lens, aqueous humour and vitreous humour
(C) Cornea, lens, iris
(D) Cornea, lens, optic nerve
35. The basilar membrane is present between
(A) Scala vestibule and scala media
(B) Scala media and scala tympani
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) Scala vestibule and scala tympani
36. Which is responsible for colour detection
(A) Cones
(B) Rods
(C) Rods and cones
(D) Choroid
37. How many types of lingual papillae are found lingual papillae
(A) 3
(B) 2
(C) 1
(D) 4
38. Find the incorrect match
(A) Middle ear – amplifies sound waves
(B) Hair cells – present on the basilar membrane
(C) Saccule and utricle maintain static equilibrium
(D) Cristae perform the hearing function
39. The membranous labyrinth contains
(A) Cystolymph
(B) Otolymph
(C) Perilymph
(D) Endolymph
40. Which of the following nervous systems can be further subdivided to form the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems
(A) Central
(B) Somatic
(C) Autonomic
(D) Parasympathetic
41. How do the two divisions of ANS work
(A) Works with similar effects
(B) Works with the opposite effect
(C) Does not work together
(D) Both a and b
42. How many taste buds are enclosed in each fungiform papillae
(A) 6
(B) 5
(C) 10
(D) 12
43. Which of the following statement is true
(A) Sympathetic ganglia are also known as thoracolumbar outflow
(B) Prevertebral ganglion is a parasympathetic ganglion
(C) Otic ganglia is a trunk ganglion
(D) During sympathetic stimulation, the kidney increases the urine secretion
44. How many pairs of spinal nerves are present in the body
(A) 31
(B) 12
(C) 15
(D) 30
45. Which of the following is part of the sympathetic division
(A) Sympathetic preganglionic neuron
(B) Trunk ganglia
(C) Sympathetic postganglionic neuron
(D) All of the above
46. The walls of the maxillary sinus are sinus is related to
(A) The floor of the orbit
(B) The floor of the orbit and the upper posterior teeth
(C) The floor of the orbit, the upper posterior teeth and the infratemporal fossa
(D) The floor of the orbit, the upper
47. The olfactory epithelium occupies which portion of the nasal cavity
(A) Superior portion of the nasal cavity
(B) Posterior portion of the nasal cavity
(C) Anterior portion of the nasal cavity
(D) Inferior portion of the nasal cavity
48. Blind spot in the eye is located
(A) In the centre of the pupil
(B) In the centre of the lens
(C) In fovea central is
(D) Where optic nerves leave the retina
49. Which of the following nerve is purely motor nerve
(A) Trigeminal
(B) Vagus
(C) Facial
(D) Abducens
50. The scala vestibule communicates with scala tympani through a narrow canal called
(A) Ductus endolymphatic
(B) Helicotrema
(C) Ductus utriculi
(D) Sacculo utricular canal
51. Catecholamine is derived from
(A) Acetylcholine
(B) Tyrosine
(C) Tryptophan
(D) Epinephrine
52. Iris is a part of
(A) Retina only
(B) Choroid only
(C) Sclera only
(D) Cornea only
53. Which organs are supplied from the sympathetic postganglionic axons coming from prevertebral ganglia
(A) Below the diaphragm
(B) Only lower limbs
(C) Above the diaphragm
(D) Only upper limbs
54. What are the two holes on the nose called
(A) Septum
(B) Blow holes
(C) Cartilage
(D) Nostrils
55. The tract of nerve fibres which connects the cerebral hemispheres is
(A) Corpus luteum
(B) Corpus callosum
(C) Corpora quadrigemina
(D) Cerebral aqueduct
56. Which receptor is present in the nose
(A) Photoreceptors
(B) Telo receptors
(C) Olfactory receptors
(D) Phono receptors
57. Cochlear arises from
(A) Utriculus
(B) Sacculus
(C) Middle ear
(D) Semi-circular canals
58. How many pairs of cranial nerves originate from the brain of a rat
(A) 8
(B) 10
(C) 11
(D) 12
59. Where does the cervical plexus lie
(A) Above the neck
(B) Below the neck
(C) Within the neck
60. Which of the following consists of nerves that primarily branch from the brain area and the sacral area only
(A) Somatic
(B) Sympathetic
(C) Parasympathetic
(D) None of these
61. Where are the basal cells of gustation present
(A) Periphery of taste bud
(B) Posterior of taste bud
(C) In front of taste bud
(D) Behind the taste bud
62. In the peripheral nervòus system, the nerves that lead to the spinal cord and brain are called
(A) Cranial nerves
(B) Spinal nerves
(C) Frontal nerves
(D) Temporal nerves
63. Touch receptors are called
(A) Tactile receptors
(B) Chemoreceptors
(C) Photoreceptors
(D) Olfactory receptors
64. Autonomic nervous system affects
(A) Reflex actions
(B) Sensory organs
(C) Visceral organs
(D) None of the mentioned
65. Aperture of an eye can be changed by
(A) Aqueous humour
(B) Vitreous humour
(C) Ciliary muscles
(D) Iris
66. Which of the following papillae forms the V-shaped rows
(A) Fungiform papillae
(B) Vallarta papillae
(C) Foliate papillae
(D) Filiform papillae
67. Spinal nerves come under which part of the nervous system
(A) Central nervous system
(B) Peripheral nervous system
(C) Somatic nervous system
(D) Autonomic nervous system
68. A patient is most likely to experience pain due to infection of the ethmoidal air cells' sinus
(A) At the base of the skull
(B) On the forehead
(C) In the cheeks
(D) Between the eyes
69. Which of the following structure is supplied with parasympathetic division
(A) Sweat glands
(B) Blood vessels of skeletal muscle
(C) Skin
(D) None of the above
70. In the peripheral nervóus system, the nerves that arise from the spinal cord and brain are called
(A) Frontal nerves
(B) Temporal nerves
(C) Cranial nerves
(D) Spinal nerves
71. One of the following is correct
(A) Semi-circular canal-balancing
(B) Cochlea-hearing
(C) Utriculus & sacculus – balancing
(D) All of the above
72. Ciliary muscles are found in
(A) Junction of choroid and iris in the eyeball
(B) Inside larynx to regulate tension in the eyeball
(C) Between ribs to assist in breathing movement
(D) At the base of cilia in ciliated epithelium
73. All the spinal nerves in the peripheral nervous system are classified as
(A) Temporal nerves
(B) Sensory nerves
(C) Motor nerves
(D) Mixed nerves
74. Which of the following is an example of the autonomic nervous system
(A) Peristalsis of the intestine
(B) Swallowing
(C) Movement of eyes
(D) Knee jerk
75. The border between the middle and Inner ear is formed by
(A) Incus
(B) Oval window
(C) Pinnae
(D) Tympanic membrane
76. Sensitive pigmented layer of the eye is
(A) Retina
(B) Cornea
(C) Sclera
(D) None of these
77. Pigmented layer in the eye is called
(A) Cornea
(B) Sclerotic
(C) Retina
(D) All
78. Cochlea contains
(A) Scala vestibuli
(B) Scala tympani
(C) Scala media
(D) All the above
79. The bone which is in contact with Fenestra ovalis is
(A) Malleus
(B) Incus
(C) Stapes
(D) None
80. Which of the following is not an ear ossicle
(A) Incus
(B) Malleus
(C) Humerus
(D) Stapes
81. Blind spot has
(A) Cones but no rods
(B) Rods but no cones
(C) No rods and cones
(D) Cones and rods
82. The part of the human eye which acts like the diaphragm of the camera is
(A) Pupil
(B) Iris
(C) Lens
(D) Cornea
83. Which of the following nerves generally “speed up” body activities
(A) Somatic
(B) Sympathetic
(C) Parasympathetic
(D) None of these
84. Eustachian tube is related with
(A) External ear
(B) Middle ear
(C) Internal ear
(D) Auditory canal
85. A small region on the retina of the eye which contains only cones is called
(A) Area centralis
(B) Fovea centralis
(C) Blindspot
(D) Ora Serrata
86. Space Between cornea & lenses
(A) Aqueous chamber
(B) Vitreous chamber
(C) Fovea centralis
(D) Canal of schema
87. Ear dust is not situated in the endolymph of
(A) Utriculus
(B) Ampulla
(C) Sacculus
(D) Endolymphatic sac
88. What is other the name of the parasympathetic division
(A) Thoracolumbar outflow
(B) Thoraco-sacral outflow
(C) Craniosacral outflow
(D) Cranio-lumbar outflow
89. Peripheral Nervous System consists of nerves and
(A) Neurons
(B) Nerve fibre
(C) Ganglia
(D) Spinal nerves
90. Which taste bud is present on the lateral sides of the tongue
(A) Salty
(B) Sweet
(C) Bitter
(D) Sour
91. Which types of cells are considered as the neurons of olfaction
(A) Supporting cells
(B) Olfactory receptor cells
(C) Basal cells
(D) Both a and c
92. Aqueous humour & vitreous humour are separated by
(A) Cornea
(B) Conjunctiva
(C) Lens
(D) All
93. Highly vascular and pigmented layer of human eyes is
(A) Retina
(B) Sclerotic
(C) Choroid
(D) None of these
94. Mucoprotein which is found in vitreous humour is
(A) Albumin
(B) Vitrin
(C) Globulin
(D) Lysozyme
95. No image formation occurs on blind- spots of the retina because
(A) It is not present in the optical axis of the eye
(B) Here cones and rods are absent
(C) On this part only cones are present
(D) The nerve fibres of this region do not contribute to the formation of
96. Anterior root contains which kind of nerve fibre
(A) Sensory fibres
(B) Motor fibres
(C) Mixed fibres
(D) Does not contain nerve fibres
97. The maxillary sinus
(A) Is lined by stratified squamous epithelium
(B) Drains into the superior meatus of the nasal cavities
(C) Is innervated by branches of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
(D) Receives its blood Supply from
98. Which of the following nerves causes the adrenal medulla to release epinephrine and norepinephrine
(A) Somatic
(B) Sympathetic
(C) Parasympathetic
(D) None of these
99. Rhodopsin is a constituent of
(A) Cornea
(B) Choroid
(C) Rods
(D) Cones
100. The organ of corti is a structure present in
(A) External ear
(B) Middle ear
(C) Semi-circular canal
(D) Cochlea
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