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1. Which of the following bones of the Skull is movable

(A) Nasal bone

(B) Maxilla

(C) Temporal bone

(D) Mandible

2. About the pectoral girdle

(A) Contains three joints, the sternoclavicular, the acromioclavicular, and the glenohumeral

(B) Serratus anterior, the rhomboids and subclavius attach the scapula to the axial skeleton

(C) Pectoralis major and the deltoid are the only muscular attachments between the clavicle and the inner limb

(D) None of the above

3. This event occurs during muscular Contraction

i. H-zone disappears

ii. A band widens

iii. I band shortens

iv. Width of A band is unaffected

v. M line and Z line get closer

(A) I, II, III

(B) III, IV, V

(C) II, I, IV

(D) III, V, IV

4. Through which the aperture brain is Continuous with the spinal cord

(A) Palatines

(B) Foramen magnum

(C) Cranial cavity

(D) Foramen maxilla

5. The articulation between the L5 Vertebral body and the body of the First sacral segment

(A) Sacroiliac joint

(B) Lumbosacral joint

(C) Sacrococcygeal joint

(D) None of these

6. Which of the following is sesamoid Bone

(A) Scapular

(B) Sternum

(C) Patella

(D) Tibia

7. Which of the following statement is NOT true

(A) Condyloid joint is triaxial

(B) Synovial fluid reduces friction

(C) Coronal suture is for parietal and frontal bone articulation

(D) Synostosis is a bony joint

8. What type of tissue is cartilage

(A) Muscular

(B) Epithelial

(C) Connective

(D) Nervous

9. Which of the following bone is called Collar's bone

(A) Acetabulum

(B) Pelvic

(C) Scapula

(D) Clavicle

10. Smallest bone in our body

(A) Malleus

(B) Stapes

(C) Incus

(D) Hyoid Bone

11. Allow bones to move in almost any Direction

(A) Pivotal joint

(B) Ball and socket joint

(C) Hinge joint

(D) Gliding joint

12. Which of the following is the part of Sternum

(A) Body

(B) Xiphoid process

(C) Manubrium

(D) All of the above

13. What do you mean by the movement Adduction

(A) Decrease in the angle between the bones

(B) Increase in the angle between the bones

(C) Movement of the bone toward the midline

(D) None of the above

14. Synovial joints have a joint cavity that Is filled with

(A) Synovial fluid

(B) Vitreous fluid

(C) Serous fluid

(D) Blood

15. Regarding the skeleton of the thorax

(A) The floating ribs are ribs 8-12

(B) A typical rib consists of all of the following: a head, a neck, a tubercle, and a shaft with its costal groove

(C) The most typical rib is rib1

(D) The sternal Angle marks the articulation of rib 3

16. Name of the tongue bone is

(A) Frontal bone

(B) Zygomatic bone

(C) Hyoid bone

(D) Mandible

17. What is the medical terminology for The pain in joints called

(A) Chondritis

(B) Arthralgia

(C) Synovitis

(D) Rheumatism

18. The middle ear consists of which bones

(A) Malleus, Incus and Stapes

(B) Malleus only

(C) Malleus and Incus

(D) None of the above

19. What is the number of true, false, and Floating ribs in man

(A) 6,2, 3

(B) 7,2, 4

(C) 6,3,4

(D) 7,3,2

20. Cranium is made up of bones as Follows

(A) 1 frontal bone,2 parietal bones,2 temporal bones,1 occipital bone,1 sphenoid bone,1 ethmoid bone

(B) 2 frontal bone2 parietal bones,2 temporal bones,1 occipital bone,1 sphenoid bone,1 ethmoid bone

(C) 1 frontal bone, 3 parietal bones, 2 temporal bones,1 occipital bone,1 sphenoid bone,1 ethmoid bone

(D) All arrangements are possible

21. What are the radius and the ulna

(A) The radius and the ulna constitute the bones of the forearm

(B) The radius and the ulna constitute the bones of the legs

(C) The radius and the ulna Constitute the bones of the shoulder

(D) None of the above

22. How many vertebrae do humans possess

(A) 33

(B) 30

(C) 26

(D) 22

23. How many bones are present in a Human skull

(A) 30

(B) 28

(C) 29

(D) 31

24. The type of joint between the skull Bones is

(A) Fibrous

(B) Cartilaginous

(C) Synovial

(D) Hinge

25. Glenoid cavity articulates

(A) Clavicle with the acromion

(B) Clavicle with scapula

(C) Scapula with the acromion

(D) Humerus with scapula

26. What are the two functions of joints

(A) Hold bones together and provide flexibility

(B) Popping and dislocating

(C) Hold muscles together and provide tension

(D) Hold bones together and provide tension

27. Which is the only one of the axial Skeleton which does not articulate With any other bone

(A) Occipital bone

(B) Mandible

(C) Hyoid bone

(D) None of the above

28. The knee joint is

(A) Hinge

(B) Gliding

(C) Ball and socket

(D) Pivot

29. The deep, cup-shaped structure that Encloses the head of the femur at the Hip joint

(A) Pelvic brim

(B) Acetabulum

(C) Obturator foramen

(D) Coxal

30. The pelvic girdle consists of which of The following bones

(A) Coxal

(B) Coxal bones and leg

(C) Coxal bones, leg bones, and foot

(D) Pelvic brim

31. Total number of bones in each limb of A man is

(A) 14

(B) 24

(C) 21

(D) 30

32. Which one of the vertebral columns Facilitates side to side movements

(A) C7

(B) C5

(C) C4

(D) C2

33. Which of the following joints can move In only one direction

(A) Hinge joint

(B) Gliding joint

(C) Ball and Socket joint

(D) Pivot joint

34. Scapula is a large triangular flat bone Situated in the dorsal part of the Thorax between

(A) The second and fifth ribs

(B) The second and seventh ribs

(C) The third and seventh ribs

(D) The fourth and seventh ribs

35. Hinge joint is present between

(A) Femur and ulna

(B) Humerus and ulna

(C) Femur and pectoral girdle

(D) Femur and pelvic girdle

36. The articulation between the sacrum And coccyx

(A) Lumbosacral joint

(B) Sacrococcygeal joint

(C) Sacroiliac joint

(D) None of these

37. What are the 3 different types of joints

(A) Fibrous, cartilaginous, synovial

(B) Gomphosis, amphiarthroses, diarthrosis

(C) Hinge, pivot, and saddle

(D) Synarthroses, fibrous, and diarthrosis

38. The presence of what makes the Matrix of bones hard

(A) Phosphate salts

(B) Chondroitin salts

(C) Calcium salts

(D) Sodium salts

39. Name the longest and heaviest bone of The body

(A) Femur

(B) Tibia

(C) Fibula

(D) Ilium

40. The joint between 1st and 2nd cervical Vertebrae

(A) Gliding joint

(B) Saddle joint

(C) Pivot joint

(D) Hinge joint

41. Which of the following is known as a Bony joint

(A) Synostosis

(B) Symphysis

(C) Syndesmoses

(D) Interosseous membrane

42. What do the ischium forms

(A) The lower and back part of the hip bone

(B) Left and right bone

(C) Upper bone

(D) All of these

43. Man has which type of skull with Craniostylic jaw suspension

(A) Dicondylic

(B) Tricondylic

(C) Mandibular

(D) None of these

44. Which ankle bone articulates with the Fibula to form the ankle joint

(A) Cuneiform

(B) Talus

(C) Cuboid

(D) Clavicular

45. Name the upper handle-like part found In the sternum

(A) Xiphoid cartilage

(B) Manubrium

(C) Body

(D) Facet

46. Ligaments connect

(A) Bone to Muscle

(B) Bone to Bone

(C) Muscle to Muscle

(D) Muscle to Skin

47. Which bone protects the brain

(A) Calcium

(B) The cerebrum

(C) The cranium

(D) The cerebellum

48. Which of the following is known as a Knee cap

(A) Acetabulum

(B) Scapula

(C) Patella

(D) Clavicle

49. How many pairs of ribs attach solely to The xiphoid process of the sternum

(A) 0

(B) 1

(C) 2

(D) 4

50. Which of the following foramina Pierce the sphenoid bone

(A) The foramen ovale

(B) The foramen ovale and rotundum

(C) The foramen ovale, rotundum and spinosum

(D) The foramen ovale, rotundum and spinosum and foramen

51. The coronal suture joins the

(A) Frontal and parietal bones

(B) Left and right parietal bones

(C) Parietal and occipital bones

(D) Parietal, squamous temporal, and greater wing of the sphenoid

52. The number of bones in the human body system is

(A) 206

(B) 370

(C) 306

(D) 26

53. Example of hinge joints

(A) Elbow joint

(B) Hip joints

(C) Ankle joints

(D) Radio ulnar joints

54. Finger bones are also known as

(A) Hamate bone

(B) Phalanges

(C) Girdles

(D) Metacarpal

55. The joint between the phalange and Metacarpal of the thumb is an example of which joint

(A) Saddle

(B) Gliding

(C) Ellipsoidal

(D) Hinge

56. What is costochondritis

(A) Inflammation of ribs

(B) Inflammation of manubrium

(C) Inflammation of costal cartilage

(D) Inflammation of the xiphoid process

57. The first seven pairs of ribs are called

(A) False ribs

(B) Floating ribs

(C) Intercostal ribs

(D) True ribs

58. Which vertebra articulates with the Occipital condyles

(A) Atlas

(B) Axis

(C) Sacral vertebra

(D) Coccygeal vertebra

59. Glenoid cavity is found in

(A) Pelvic girdle

(B) Pectoral girdle

(C) Sternum

(D) Humorous

60. The intercostal muscles are located Between the

(A) Ribs

(B) Ribs and the sternum

(C) Ribs and the vertebrae

(D) None of the above

61. Human cranium has bones

(A) 8

(B) 20

(C) 14

(D) 16

62. Which of these bones are not a part of The axial skeleton

(A) Clavicle

(B) Skull

(C) Sternum

(D) Ribs

63. How many bones are present in the Axial skeleton

(A) 126

(B) 65

(C) 80

(D) 106

64. bone-forming cells also called

(A) Osteocytes

(B) Osteoclasts

(C) Osteoblasts

(D) All of the above

65. Type of joint between the atlas (C1) And axis(C2)

(A) Pivot

(B) Saddle

(C) Condyloid

(D) Hinge

66. What are joints

(A) A place where one bone meets

(B) A place where two bones meet

(C) Bones don't meet

(D) A place where three bones meet

67. Immovable joint connects bones, no Movement is called

(A) Synovial

(B) Fibrous

(C) Cartilaginous

(D) None of these

68. Which type of joint lies between the Atlas and the occipital bone

(A) Saddle joint

(B) Pivot joint

(C) Hinge joint

(D) Condyloid joint

69. The ribs are an example of a

(A) Synovial joint

(B) Cartilaginous joint

(C) Fibrous joint

(D) Hinge

70. Tendon connects between

(A) Bone to Cartilage

(B) Bone to bone

(C) Bones to Joints

(D) Bone to muscle

71. Ear ossicle incus is a modified form of

(A) Jugal bone

(B) Quadrate bone

(C) Articular bone

(D) Hyomandibular bone

72. Name of the shoulder bone is

(A) Acetabulum

(B) Pelvic

(C) Scapula

(D) Clavicle

73. Synovial joint is

(A) Pivot joint

(B) Fibrous joint

(C) Ball and socket joint

(D) Cartilaginous joint

74. Gliding joint was found between the

(A) Between carpals

(B) Between metacarpals

(C) Phalanges

(D) None of the above

75. What is the shape of the hyoid bone

(A) S-shape

(B) L-shape

(C) U-shape

(D) C-shape

76. How many regions is the vertebral Column divided into

(A) 6

(B) 5

(C) 7

(D) 4

77. How many facial bones does the skull posses

(A) 22

(B) 8

(C) 12

(D) 14

78. Humans have which joint between the Sternum and ribs

(A) Gliding

(B) Angular

(C) Cartilaginous

(D) Fibrous

79. The joint in our elbow is an example of

(A) Hinge joint

(B) Ball and socket joint

(C) Pivot joint

(D) Gliding joint

80. Which of the following ribs have an Indirect attachment to the sternum by Attaching their cartilage to the Cartilage of the rib superior to it

(A) Vertebral

(B) Vertebrochondral

(C) Vertebrosternal

(D) None of these

81. The joint between the atlas and the axis is

(A) Saddle joint

(B) Angular joint

(C) Pivot joint

(D) Cartilaginous joint

82. The functions of the skeletal system are

(A) Support and protection of soft tissue and vital organs

(B) To give attachment to muscles, Storage of mineral salts like phosphorus and calcium, and for calcium metabolism

(C) Formation of red blood corpuscles in the bone marrow

(D) None of the above

83. Acetabulum is formed by a combination of all three bones of the Pelvis

(A) Ilium, pubis, pons

(B) Ilium, pubis, and ischium

(C) Ilium, pubis, and incus

(D) Ilium, pubis, and stapes

84. How many occipital condyles do Humans possess

(A) 4

(B) 1

(C) 2

(D) 3

85. Which of the following connects the Sternum to the ribs

(A) Bony matter

(B) Hyaline cartilage

(C) White fibrous cartilage

(D) Areolar tissue

86. What are the bones present in the human Skull

(A) Cranium-8, Face=14, Ear ossicles=6, Hyoid-1

(B) Cranium=8, Face=14, Ear ossicles=6, Hyoid=2

(C) Cranium=4, Face=14, Ear ossicles=6, Hyoid=1

(D) Cranium=7, Face=14 Ear ossicles=8, Hyoid=3

87. The uppermost and largest part of the Hip bone

(A) Ilium

(B) Ischial bone

(C) Pubis symphysis

(D) Cuneiform

88. Which of the following movements are Possible in the pivot joint

(A) Flexion and extension

(B) Adduction and abduction

(C) Rotation

(D) Extension flexion and rotation

89. What is the central hollow portion of Each vertebra known as

(A) Spinal canal

(B) Vertebral canal

(C) Neural canal

(D) Axial canal

90. Which of the following is a breastbone

(A) Scapula

(B) Ribs

(C) Sternum

(D) Clavicle

91. Vertebrae are divided into five Different regions

(A) Cervical (7), thoracic (12), Lumbar (5), sacral (1-fused), and coccygeal (1-fused) regions

(B) Cervical (6), thoracic (11), lumbar (4), sacral (1-fused} and coccygeal (1-fused) regions

(C) Cervical (5), thoracic (12), lumbar (5), sacral (1-fused} and coccygeal (1-fused) regions

(D) Cervical (7), thoracic (11), lumbar (5), sacral (1-fused} and coccygeal (2-fused) regions

92. The thinnest bone of the human body

(A) Stapes

(B) Incus

(C) Malleus

(D) Fibula

93. Carpals and tarsals (flat bones) are Examples of this type of joint

(A) Condyloid

(B) Gliding

(C) Hinge

(D) Saddle

94. Which type of joint lies at the shoulder joint and hip joint

(A) Pivot joint

(B) Angular joint

(C) Ball and socket joint

(D) Hinge joint

95. Joints that connect the fingers and toes With the metacarpal bones and Metatarsal bones, respectively, are Which joints

(A) Saddle

(B) Pivot

(C) Hinge

(D) Condyloid

96. Skeletal system consists of

(A) Bones and joints form the skeletal system of the body

(B) Joints and ligaments form the skeletal system of the body

(C) Joints and tendons form the skeletal system of the body

(D) None of these

97. Example of a pivot joint is

(A) Hip joints

(B) Ankle joints

(C) Radio ulnar joints

(D) Metacarpophalangeal joints

98. Which of the following joints does not Allow any movement

(A) Synovial joint

(B) Fibrous joint

(C) Ball and Socket joint

(D) Cartilaginous joint

99. Which of the following bones has a Process that joins with the zygomatic Boneto to form the zygomatic arch

(A) The maxillary bone

(B) The temporal bone

(C) The sphenoid bone

(D) The frontal bone

100. Study of bones called

(A) Osteology

(B) Osteoblasts

(C) Osteocytes

(D) Cytology

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