Handling and referring the official references: Pharmacopoeias, Formularies for retrieving formulas, procedures, etc.


Handling and referring the official references: Pharmacopoeias, Formularies, etc. for retrieving formulas, procedures, etc.


How to handle and refer to the official “Indian Pharmacopoeias” for retrieving formulas and procedures.


1. “Seth A.K” “A textbook of Pharmaceutics Publisher, S. Vikas and Company edition 2017.


The name of the book which has required for this experiment is “Indian Pharmacopoeias”.



The term Pharmacopoeia is derived from the Greek word “Pharmakon’ which means a drug and ‘Poiea’ which means to make. It is a legal and official book issued by recognized authorities usually appointed by the Government of each country.

It comprises a list of pharmaceutical substances, and formulae along with their description and standards.

Importance of Pharmacopoeia

  1. To maintain uniformity and control the standards of the drugs available in the market.
  2. Avoid adulterated drugs. O Complete information on drugs and their dosage forms.
  3. Reference for laboratory, industry and academic institutions.


Formularies consist of the list of drugs or collections of formulas for the compounding of medicinal preparations. Formularies contain more comprehensive details on therapeutics Collectively these books are known as drug compendia. Pharmacopoeias + Formularies= Drug Compendia.

Name the various pharmacopoeias commonly used in Indian Pharmacopoeias and Formularies:

  1. Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP),
  2. British Pharmacopoeia (BP),
  3. British Pharmaceutical Codex (BPC),
  4. British National Formulary (BNF).
  5. International Pharmacopoeia,
  6. United States Pharmacopoeia (USP),
  7. European Pharmacopoeia,
  8. Chinese Pharmacopoeia,
  9. Russian Pharmacopoeia etc.

Indian Pharmacopoeia

The “Indian Pharmacopoeias” is the legally recognised book of standards for the quality of drug substance and preparation included It is also known as ‘Compendia’. Give in brief the history of the Indian pharmacopoeia summarised below.

Sr. No.Pharmacopoeia EditionYear of Publication
1First Edition1955
2> Supplement1960
3Second Edition1966
4> Supplement1975
5Third Edition1985
6> First Addendum1989
7> Second Addendum1991
8Fourth Edition1996
9> First Addendum2000
10> Second Addendum2002
11Fifth Edition2007
12Sixth Edition2010
13Seventh Edition2014
14Eighth Edition2018


A Practical Approach to Pharmacopoeia Compliance is;

1. First go to the library and pick the Indian Pharmacopoeia according to the Edition & Volume.

2. After Searching I found that the contents of Indian Pharmacopoeia are mainly classified into three sections.

1st General Notices

This section provides the basic guidelines for the interpretation and application of standards, tests, assays & other specifications of the Pharmacopoeia Of India.

• Title: The title of the book, Supplement. It is abbreviated as Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP).

• Capital letters in the text: The name of the Pharmacopoeia drugs, Preparations and processes Accruing in the text of the Pharmacopoeia are in printed with the initial letter in capital and this indicates that the material of pharmacopoeial quality must be used.
Examples:- Sodium Chloride in water for Injection.

• Italics: Italics types have been used for the systematics names of plants & microorganisms and some sub-headings and some parts of the chemical names.
Examples:- Mercuric Sulphate Solution

• Official Articles: The Word official means Pharmacopoeial if Indian Pharmacopoeia is written on the label, It shows that the articles purport to comply with Indian Pharmacopoeia standards.

• Added Substance: An official drug substance contains no added substance except where specially permitted in the individual monograph The name & amount of any such substance are mentioned on the label.
• Expression Of Strength:

  • Percent W/W
  • Percent W/V
  • Percent V/V
  • Percent V/W

2nd Monograph

It means written study material of any subject Pharmacopoeial monograph mentioned in Indian Pharmacopoeia provides the following information about the drugs & other compounds.

• Main title:- Name of Drug
• Synonyms:- Common name of drug
• Chemical formula & molecular weight:-
• Category:- Monograph
• Doses:- Paracetamol 500 mg
• Description:- Physical and chemical, Properties, Solubility, Standards, Identification, Test for purity, Assay methods, Storage

3rd Appendices

This is the last comprehensive section of pharmacopoeia. It comprises 123 appendices containing different information Of which 15 are main:

> Appendices 1st:- Details of various biological test & assays
> Appendices 2nd:- Details of chemical test & assays
> Appendices 3rd:- Details of chromatography & electrophoresis
> Appendices 4th:- Details of spectrophotometry
> Appendices 5th:- Details od clarity & color of solution


I issued the Indian Pharmacopoeia 1996 from the library and read carefully the important points about certain drugs it was found that there were so many monographs in I.P.

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