Human Anatomy And Physiology 1 Book Pdf Download

Tortora’s Principles of Anatomy & Physiology

EditionsGlobal Editions, Fifteenth
PublishersWiley Publishers
No. Of Pages1235
Pdf Size62.20 MB

Ross and Willson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness

Author’s NameAnne Waugh and Allison Grant
Editions11th edition, 2010
No. Of Pages 1313
Pdf Size24.10 MB

BD Chaurasia’s Handbook of General Anatomy

Author’s NameLate Dr. B D Chaurasia
Editions4th edition, 2009
PublishersCBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd
No. Of Pages276
Pdf Size20.00 MB

HAP 1 Book Topic-wise Summary

✓ Introduction to Human Body

• The human body is a multicultural complex structure organism. The study of the human body is divided into two portions Anatomy and Physiology.

Anatomy is the study of the structure of the whole body, as well as the study of the individual parts of the body and their relationship with other organs.

Physiology is the study of various organ functions & how they are integrated to produce the co-ordinate action of the whole body.

✓ Homeostasis

• Homeostasis is the system of the body of a living organism in which a variable, like the concentration of the substance in solution, is regulated to remain very nearly constant.

• Homeostatic System includes a Sensor, Control Center, and Effector.

• Two Homeostatic mechanisms are working in the body that are the Positive Feedback Mechanism and the Negative Feedback Mechanism.

✓ Cellular Level of Organization

• The cell is the basic unit of life and together form tissue and then tissue together form an organ and then organ together form a system. These like cellular arrangements build up the human body.

• Cytology is the branch of science that deals with cells. Various parts of cells such as the Plasma membrane, Cytoplasm (Cytosol and organelles), Nucleus, Mitochondria, Ribosome, Chloroplast, Golgi Body, Lysosomes, and Endoplasmic Reticulum etc.

✓ Cell

• The cell is the basic life process, structural, and functional unit of living organisms.

• About 200 different types of cells are present in our body. All cells are produced by the process of cell division.

• Cell biology is the study of the cellular structure and function of the cell.

✓ Cell Division

• Cell division is a very important technique in organisms. During cell division, various complex incident like replication and growth of cell occurs.

• Cell division events like replication, and cell growth occur in a complex way to ensure that the cell division with the formation of the daughter cells contains previous genomes.

✓ Cell Cycle

• The cell cycle is a series of a process where a cell replicates its genome and synthesizes or eventually divides into two daughter cells.

• Phases of Cell Cycle
• Interphase

  • G1 Phase ( Gap 1 )
  • S Phase ( Synthesis Phase )
  • G2 Phase ( Gap 2 )

• M Phase (Mitosis Phase)

  • Prophase
  • Metaphase
  • Anaphase
  • Telophase

✓ Cell Junction

• In cell junctions, intercellular space closely packed tissue is near about 20 nanometres (nm).

• Modified cell membranes providing cohesion and communication are called cell junctions.

• Three types of cell junctions are Occluding junctions, Adhering junctions, and Communicating junctions.

✓ Tissue

• A tissue is a group of cells together and It has a common embryonic origin.

• Tissues function together to carry out specialized activities in the body.

• Tissue may be hard (bone), semisolid (fat), or liquid (blood).

• Types of Tissue
Various types of tissue are (i) Epithelial Tissue, (ii) Connective Tissue, (iii) Muscular Tissue, and (iv) Nervous Tissue

✓ Skin

• The skin is the largest organ of our body, It performs vital functions, including protection against external physical, chemical, and biological attacks, as well as prevention of excess water loss from the body and regulating thermoregulation.

• The integumentary system (skin) is built by the skin and its derivatives structure. The largest organ integumentary system has three layers epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous.

• The outermost layer is the epidermis, the middle layer dermis, and then it lies on the subcutaneous tissue, which contains small lobes of fat cells also called lipocytes.

✓ Skeletal System

• All the bone tissues make up about 18% of the total human body weight.

• The skeletal system supports and protects the body by giving it shape and form.

• Osteology is the branch of science that deals with the study of the skeletal system, its structure, and function.

• Skeletal systems consist of Bones, Cartilage, Joints, and Ligaments.

✓ Bone

• Bone is the living tissue in organisms, which makes up the body shape and is one of the hardest structures of the body parts.

• Bones represent the highest differentiation among supporting tissues.

• Bones have certain hardness and elasticity.

✓ Muscle Contraction

• Mechanism of Muscle Contraction occurs when Adenosine triphosphate reacts with ATPase with the presence of Calcium ion then forms Adenosine diphosphate.

ATP+ATPase —-ca++—> ADP+ ~P

✓ Neuromuscular Junctions

• Neuromuscular Junctions also called Myoneural junctions or Motor endplates. This junction is found in various parts of the organisms.

✓ Joints

• Joints is the site where two or more bones come together to form a junction. It can be divided into Fibrous, Synovial, and Cartilaginous joints.

• Hunan body presents around 230 joints.

✓ Body Fluids

• Water is the most abundant component of the body, constituting about 60% in males and about 50% in women of the total body weight. The percentage of body water varies inversely with the body’s fat contents.

• The total body water in males is more than in females because there is a larger amount of subcutaneous fat. In both males and females, the body water composition decreases with age.

✓ Blood

• Blood is also called connective tissue. Blood carries oxygen to the tissue from the lungs and CO2 from the tissue to the lungs for elimination.

• Blood constituents are present in eight percent of the body weight. For older a person has 5.6 litres of blood. Blood in the blood vessels is also in motion.

✓ Erythropoiesis

• Erythropoiesis can be defined by two main factors maturation of the cell and the formation of hemoglobin in the cell.

• The Erythropoiesis is controlled by the negative feedback mechanism hence the RBCs number are fairly constant.

✓ Hemoglobin

• Hemoglobin is a very complex structure of proteins that consists of iron and globin components called heme.

• Hemoglobin is synthesized from the bone marrow in the developing Erythrocytes. It combines with the oxygen-formed oxyhemoglobin that is red.

✓ Blood Coagulation

• Blood coagulation is a complex process and involves the positive feedback mechanism.

• The twelve blood clotting factors are responsible for the blood coagulation process.

✓ Blood Grouping

• Various blood groups having genetically determined differences in antigen on the surface of the RBC membranes.

• two systems are classified as blood donated by a blood donor and a blood recipient.

✓ Rh Factor

• In India over 80% of people have Rhesus factors in red blood cell membranes. They are indicated as Rhesus positive (Rh +ve).

• The Rhesus factors consist of D antigens which are the most common. Individuals having this Antigen are indicated as Rh +ve and those who haven’t the antigen are indicated as Rh -ve.

✓ Reticuloendothelial System

• Reticuloendothelial systems are known as Monocyte-Macrophage systems, Mononuclear Phagocytic systems, and Lympho-reticular systems.

• RE is a generalized phagocytic system of the body located in all tissues.

• RE is also found in the tissues where large quantities of particles and other unwanted substances must be destroyed.

✓ Lymphatic System

• The Lymphatic System is a certain defense mechanism. To protect the human body, body self-resistance is necessary. Lack of resistance is known as susceptibility.

• In this system contains a fluid called lymph. Lymph flows the several lymphatic vessels and body organs.

✓ Lymph Circulation

• Lymph vessels are the thin-walled structure that carries Lymph. Through the lymphatic vessels, the fluids that diffused from the vascular system are returned to normal circulation.

• Lymph vessels act as a reservoir for plasma, serum, and other substances in cells that leak from the body’s vascular system.

✓ Peripheral Nervous System

• Most of the nerve fibers are composed of the Peripheral Nervous System that are carrying impulses from the sensory to the brain.

• The Peripheral Nervous System consists of twelve pairs of cranial nerves and thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves.

✓ Sympathetic Nerves

• Sympathetic Nervous System generally stimulates the effector organ (except the digestive tract).

• Sympathetic Nerves activated in emergency flight-or-flight reactions, in the sense that the body can either quickly flee or ‘take a stand’.

✓ Parasympathetic Nerve

• Parasympathetic Nerves generally inhibit the effector organ (except in the digestive tract).

• Preganglionic fibers are limited to the head, viscera of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis region.

✓ Spinal and Cranial Nerves

• Cranial Nerves are twelve pairs, two attached to the forebrain and 10 attached to the brain stem.

• Cranial Nerves are Olfactory, Optic, Oculomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal, Abducens, Facial, Auditory, Glossopharyngeal, Vagus, Accessory, and Hypoglossal nerves.

• Spinal Nerves are located at the Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral, and Coccygeal levels.

✓ Heart

• The heart is a cone-shaped muscular organ in the body. In adults, the heart is 30 cm long and 300 gm in weight.

• The heart is located in the thoracic cavity and lies obliquely. It is composed of three layers of tissue Pericardium, Myocardium, and Epicardium.

✓ Blood Circulation

• Likewise brain and kidneys get a constant supply of blood through the various blood circulation.

• Three types of systemic circulation are Coronary circulation, Renal circulation, and Hepatic portal circulation.

✓ Blood Vessels

• The circulatory system is known as a closed system because the blood is contained within the heart or blood vessels at all times and always flows in one direction.

• All blood vessels have walls made of three layers of tissue. The inner layer is made up of epithelial tissue, the middle layer is smooth muscle, and the outermost layer is connective tissue.

✓ Autonomic Nervous System

• The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and the endocrine system together control the body’s internal organs. It innervates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands controlling the circulation of blood, the activity of the GI tract, and body temperature.

• Characteristics of ANS are

  • ANS innervates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands of internal organs.
  • ANS involuntary and reflexes controlled

✓ Cardiac Output

• Cardiac Output can be defined as the volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute. Cardiac output is generally 5 liters per minute.

CO = Stroke Volume × Heart Rate

✓ Cardiac Cycle

• Factors of the Cardiac Output are Preload, Afterload, Contractility, and Heart Rate.

✓ Regulations on Blood Pressure

• Blood moves through our body’s circulation system due to it being under pressure. The measurement of this force is blood pressure.

• Blood pressure is regulated by the Kidneys by removing the excess amount of water from the body.

• The higher the blood pressure indicates the more water is forced out from the nephrons.

✓ Electro Cardio Gram (ECG)

• An ECG is a recording of waveforms that indicates the electrical activity of the heart.

• ECG (Electrocardiogram) is a graphical record of the heart’s electrical impulses that are generated by depolarization and repolarization of the myocardium layer of the heart.

✓ Disorder of Heart

• There are some heart diseases and disorders such as Heart Attacks, Heart Block, Stroke, Atrial Fibrillation, Sick Sinus, Ventricular tachycardia, and Heart valve problems.

Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 Notes Pdf Download

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