Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 MCQ with Answers Pdf

Introduction to Human Body MCQ

1. The main function of connective tissue is
(A) Binding together with other tissues
(B) Supporting various parts of the human body
(C) Forming a packing around the organs
(D) All of the above

Ans. (D) All of the above

2. Below which of the following statements is not wrong
(A) Epithelial tissue has blood vessels and nerve tissue, organs
(B) The basement membrane is present between the epithelium tissue and connective tissue
(C) Cuboidal cells are present in the transitional epithelium tissue when it’s stretched
(D) All of the Above correct

Ans. (B) The basement membrane is present between the epithelium tissue and connective tissue

3. What does the basement membrane Connection
(A) A Body house to the ground
(B) Epithelium to connective tissue
(C) Muscle to the bone
(D) Bone-to-bone connection

Ans. (B) Epithelium to connective tissue

4. Which one is a flat structure
(A) Squamous tissue
(B) Cuboidal tissue
(C) Columnar tissue
(D) Transitional

Ans. (A) Squamous tissue

5. Which type of epithelium has a function to move particles & mucus into a
specific direction
(A) Squamous epithelium tissue
(B) Cuboidal epithelium tissue
(C) Columnar epithelium tissue
(D) Ciliated epithelium tissue

Ans. (D) Ciliated epithelium tissue

6. Which statement is the true
(A) The inside of the thigh is lateral to the outside of the thigh
(B) The shoulder is lateral with the neck
(C) The knee is lateral to the hip side
(D) The ankle is medial to the foot

Ans. (B) The shoulder is lateral with the neck

7. The Study of tissues is called as
(A) Histology
(B) Anatomy and physiology
(C) Cytology
(D) Pathology

Ans. (A) Histology

8. Bone cells are called as
(A) Chondrocytes
(B) Erythrocytes
(C) Leukocytes
(D) Osteocytes

Ans. (D) Osteocytes

9. The tissue which is found in the abdomen and under the skin is Called
(A) Nerve tissues
(B) Skeletal tissues
(C) Cardiac tissues
(D) Adipose tissue

Ans. (D) Adipose tissue

10. Finger-like projections which help in the Absorption
(A) Microvilli
(B) Cilia
(C) Flagellum
(D) Houses

Ans. (A) Microvilli

11. Bone matrix and cartilage can be differentiated by the presence of
(A) Lacunae
(B) Chromatophores
(C) Haversian canals
(D) Adipose tissue

Ans. (C) Haversian canals

12. The tissue that binds and supports other tissues is called
(A) Connective tissue
(B) Linkage tissue
(C) Muscle tissue
(D) Nervous tissue

Ans. (A) Connective tissue

13. Which factors come first under the social environment and disturb the homeostasis process
(A) Temperature
(B) Lack of O2 (Oxygen)
(C) Blood glucose level
(D) None of the above

Ans. (D) None of the above

14. What separates one sarcomere from another sarcomere
(A) I-band
(B) H-zone
(C) Z-discs
(D) A-band

Ans. (C) Z-discs

15. When the transmission of the signal is electrical occurs
(A) When sigma travels along the axon
(B) Signal flows from one nerve cell to another nerve cell
(C) Never
(D) Always

Ans. (A) When sigma travels along the axon

Cellular and Tissue Level of Organization MCQ

1. Which is the correct sequence of the mitosis
(A) Metaphase, anaphase, telophase, prophase
(B) Prophase, anaphase, metaphase, telophase
(C) Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
(D) Telophase, metaphase, prophase, anaphase

Ans. (C) Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

2. Below which organelles are involved in the initiation of the intrinsic pathway of the apoptosis process
(A) ER
(B) Lysosome
(C) Mitochondria
(D) All of the Above

Ans. (C) Mitochondria

3. Which portion of the cells is responsible for the disposal of waste, maintaining its shape and integrity
(A) Organelles
(B) Enzymes
(C) Plasma membrane
(D) Phagocytosis

Ans. (D) Phagocytosis

4. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is located on the cell
(A) Lysosomes
(B) Cytosol
(C) Ribosomes
(D) Proteins

Ans. (C) Ribosomes

5. Which phenomenon is called cell drinking
(A) Pinocytosis
(B) Exocytosis
(C) Endocytosis
(D) Phagocytosis

Ans. (A) Pinocytosis

6. This structure is a stack of 3 to 10 disc-shaped envelopes bound by a membrane that sorts and packages proteins and membranes
(A) Exocytosis
(B) Ribosomes
(C) Golgi apparatus
(D) Lysosomes

Ans. (C) Golgi apparatus

7. Which of the following cell organelles are found inside the nucleus
(A) The nucleolus
(B) The Golgi apparatus
(C) Lysosomes
(D) Mitochondria

Ans. (A) The nucleolus

8. What will happen if a cell membrane gets damaged
(A) Cell will die due to starvation
(B) New plasma membrane will start growing
(C) The Exchange of material will be stopped
(D) None of the above

Ans. (B) The new plasma membrane will start growing

9. Below which organelles are not double membrane-bound
(A) Chloroplast
(B) Mitochondria
(C) Endoplasmic Reticulum
(D) All of the Above

Ans. (C) Endoplasmic Reticulum

10. Below which organelles are directly responsible for the formation of the proteins in the cell
(A) Lysosomes
(B) Vacuoles
(C) Centrioles
(D) Ribosomes

Ans. (D) Ribosomes

11. Phosphatidylserine residues in the plasma membrane are located at the
(A) Inner leaflet of the plasma membrane
(B) Outer leaflet of the plasma membrane
(C) Equally distributed in the inner and outer leaflet
(D) None

Ans. (A) Inner leaflet of the plasma membrane

12. The jelly-like substance contained inside the cell is called as
(A) Cytoplasm
(B) Ectoplasm
(C) Nucleoplasm
(D) None of the above

Ans. (A) Cytoplasm

13. The smallest cell of the human body is known as
(C) Egg Cell
(D) Nerve Cell

Ans. (A) RBC

14. The complex formed by the linkage of the carbohydrates in the membrane with lipids is termed as
(A) Glycolipid
(B) Sphingolipid
(C) Phospholipid
(D) Cholesterol

Ans. (A) Glycolipid

15. Name the surrounding boundary of the cell is
(A) Plasma membrane
(B) Cytoplasm
(C) Nuclear membrane
(D) None of the above

Ans. (A) Plasma membrane

Integumentary System MCQ

1. The subcutaneous tissue look layer of the skin is made up of
(A) Keratin
(B) Muscle
(C) Melanin
(D) Fatty cells

Ans. (D) Fatty cells

2. The function of the Meissner corpuscles is
(A) Touch sensations
(B) Sensation of warmth
(C) Sensation of coolness
(D) Pain sensations

Ans. (A) Touch sensations

3. Name the methods that use skin from a diseased person to treat a burned area
(A) Autograft
(B) Homograft
(C) Granulation tissue
(D) Deep partial-thickness graft

Ans. (B) Homograft

4. The papillary layer region of the dermis is attached to which layer of the epidermis
(A) Stratum Spinosum
(B) Stratum Corneum
(C) Stratum Basale
(D) Stratum Granulosum

Ans. (C) Stratum Basale

5. Mesothelium is a term that refers to the membranes of
(A) Serous
(B) Mucous
(C) Cutaneous
(D) Synovial

Ans. (A) Serous

6. Below which of the following skin layers does not contain blood vessels
(A) Cutis
(B) Dermis
(C) Corium
(D) Epidermis

Ans. (D) Epidermis

7. Generally the skin is called the membranes
(A) Epithelial
(B) Serous
(C) Synovial
(D) Cutaneous

Ans. (D) Cutaneous

8. Which layer of the skin contains large blood vessels that help transport to the skin
(A) Epidermis
(B) Melanin layer
(C) Spinum spinosum
(D) Subcutaneous layer

Ans. (D) Subcutaneous layer

9. Below which of the statement is not wrong
(A) The Epidermis is made up of epithelial cells whereas the dermis is made of muscular tissues
(B) Epidermis is made up of epithelial cells whereas the dermis is made of the connective tissues
(C) Both are True
(D) Both are False

Ans. (B) The epidermis is made up of epithelial cells whereas the dermis is made of connective tissues

10. Which parts of the skin is often called true skin
(A) Dermis
(B) Epidermis
(C) Stratum corneum
(D) Stratum spinosum

Ans. (A) Dermis

11. Abnormal thickening of the stratum corneum is called
(A) Dandruff
(B) Callus
(C) Comodo
(D) Abrasion

Ans. (B) Callus

12. Which is not a function of the integumentary systems
(A) Synthesis of vitamin D
(B) Thermoregulation
(C) Hydroregulation
(D) Nutrient absorption

Ans. (D) Nutrient absorption

13. The lesion found on the skin for the healing of an injury is termed as
(A) Vitiligo
(B) Fissure
(C) Scar
(D) Excoriation

Ans. (C) Scar

14. Which parts tell your brain how things feel when you touch them
(A) The dermis
(B) Hair
(C) Nerve endings
(D) Pores

Ans. (C) Nerve endings

15. The most active growing regions of the nails are the
(A) Lunula
(B) Bed
(C) Plate
(D) Stratum corneum

Ans. (A) Lunula

Skeletal System MCQ

1. Below which of the following bones of the skull is movable
(A) Nasal bone
(B) Maxilla
(C) Temporal bone
(D) Mandible

Ans. (D) Mandible

2. About the pectoral girdle which is correct
(A) Contains 3 joints, sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, and the glenohumeral
(B) Serratus anterior, subclavius, and rhomboids, attach the scapula to the axial skeleton
(C) Deltoid and Pectoralis major are the muscular attachments between the clavicle and the inner limb
(D) None of the Above

Ans. (A) Contains 3 joints, sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, and the glenohumeral

3. Which aperture of the brain is continuous with the spinal cord
(A) Palatines
(B) Foramen magnum
(C) Cranial cavity
(D) Foramen maxilla

Ans. (B) Foramen magnum

4. The articulation between the L5 vertebral body and the body of the 1st sacral segment
(A) Sacroiliac joint
(B) Lumbosacral joint
(C) Sacrococcygeal joint
(D) None of these

Ans. (B) Lumbosacral joint

5. Below which of the following is a sesamoid bone
(A) Scapular
(B) Sternum
(C) Patella
(D) Tibia

Ans. (C) Patella

6. Below which of the following statements is not true
(A) Condyloid joint is triaxial
(B) Synovial fluid reduces friction
(C) Parietal and frontal bone articulation
(D) Synostosis is a bony joint

Ans. (A) The condyloid joint is triaxial

7. Which type of tissue is cartilage
(A) Muscular
(B) Epithelial
(C) Connective
(D) Nervous

Ans. (C) Connective

8. Below which bone is called collar bone
(A) Acetabulum
(B) Pelvic
(C) Scapula
(D) Clavicle

Ans. (D) Clavicle

9. The smallest bone in the human body is
(A) Malleus
(B) Stapes
(C) Incus
(D) Hyoid Bone

Ans. (B) Stapes

10. Below which bones allow moving in almost any direction
(A) Pivotal joint
(B) Ball and socket joint
(C) Hinge joint
(D) Gliding combined

Ans. (B) Ball and socket joint

11. Which of the parts of the sternum
(A) Body
(B) Xiphoid process
(C) Manubrium
(D) All of the above

Ans. (D) All of the above

12. The movement adduction is
(A) Decrease in the angle between the bone to bone
(B) Increase in the angle between the bone to bone
(C) Movement of the bone toward the midline region
(D) None

Ans. (C) Movement of the bone toward the midline region

13. Synovial joints joint cavity is filled with
(A) Synovial fluid
(B) Vitreous fluid
(C) Serous fluid
(D) Blood

Ans. (A) Synovial fluid

14. Regarding the skeleton of the thorax which one is correct
(A) The floating ribs are ribs 8-12
(B) A typical rib consists of all of the following: a head, a neck, a tubercle, and a shaft with its costal groove
(C) The most typical rib is rib 1
(D) Sternal Angle marks the articulation of rib 3

Ans. (B) A typical rib consists of all of the following: a head, a neck, a tubercle, and a shaft with its costal groove

15. The common name of the tongue bone is
(A) Frontal bone
(B) Zygomatic bone
(C) Hyoid bone
(D) Mandible

Ans. (C) Hyoid bone

Body Fluids and Lymphatic System MCQ

1. Which of the leukocytes do not have multi-lobed nuclei
(A) Lymphocytes and Monocytes
(B) Neutrophils and Basophils
(C) Basophils and Eosinophils
(D) None of the above

Ans. (A) Lymphocytes and Monocytes

2. Red Blood Cells are also called as
(A) Erythrocytes
(B) Platelets
(C) Leukocytes
(D) None of the above

Ans. (A) Erythrocytes

3. Which of the following leukocytes can produce antibodies in the body
(A) Monocytes
(B) Neutrophils
(C) B lymphocytes
(D) None of the above

Ans. (C) B lymphocytes

4. By volume, the red blood cells constitute about how much percentage of the whole blood
(A) 15
(B) 25
(C) 35
(D) 45

Ans. (D) 45

5. The principal lymphoid organs in the body
(A) Lymph nodes
(B) Peyer’s patches
(C) Malt
(D) Spleen

Ans. (A) Lymph nodes

6. Which among the following is correct regarding leucocytes
(A) They are enucleated
(B) Produced in the thymus
(C) Sudden fall in the number indicates that cancer
(D) They can squeeze through capillary walls

Ans. (D) They can squeeze through capillary walls

7. The process of blood clotting known as
(A) Hemostasis
(B) Agglutination
(C) Homeostasis
(D) None of the above

Ans. (A) Hemostasis

8. Blood group is classified by
(A) Antigen and antibody
(B) Rh factor
(C) Haemoglobin content
(D) Oxygen content

Ans. (A) Antigen and antibody

9. Erythrocyte is the other name of
(A) Red cell
(B) White Cell
(C) Platelet
(D) Lipid

Ans. (A) Red cell

10. The different lymphoid tissue (MALT) that guard the mucosal surfaces including all the following, except the
(A) Appendix nodules
(B) The thymus
(C) Peyer’s patches
(D) Lymphoid nodules in the wall of the bronchi surface

Ans. (B) The thymus

11. Red Cell count is carried out by the following
(A) Electrogram
(B) Sphygmomanometer
(C) Haemoglobinometer
(D) Haemocytometer

Ans. (D) Haemocytometer

12. Afferent vessels enter the side of the lymph node and efferent vessels side of the lymph
(A) Convex; concave
(B) Concave; convex
(C) Top; bottom
(D) Convex, Concave

Ans. (A) Convex; concave

13. Lymphocytes that do not reach the thymus become is
(A) T-cells
(B) B-cells
(C) Plasma cells
(D) Beta cells

Ans. (B) B-cells

14. Who discovered the ABO blood group system
(A) Thomas Cooley
(B) Karl Landsteiner
(C) Camillo Golgi
(D) Ernst Haecker

Ans. (B) Karl Landsteiner

15. Donated blood undergoes screening for under which disorders
(B) Viral hepatitis
(C) Diabetes
(D) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. (D) Both (a) and (b)

Peripheral Nervous System MCQ

1. The organ of the corti is a structure that presents in the
(A) External ear
(B) Middle ear
(C) Semi-circular canal
(D) Cochlea

Ans. (D) Cochlea

2. Rhodopsin is a constituent of the human eye
(A) Cornea
(B) Choroid
(C) Rods
(D) Cones

Ans. (C) Rods

3. Below which of the following nerves causes the adrenal medulla to release norepinephrine and epinephrine
(A) Somatic
(B) Sympathetic
(C) Parasympathetic
(D) None of these

Ans. (B) Sympathetic

4. Regarding maxillary sinus correct is
(A) Is lined by stratified squamous epithelium tissue
(B) Drains into the superior meatus of the nose
(C) Is innervated by branches of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve tissue
(D) None of the above

Ans. (C) Is innervated by branches of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve tissue

5. Anterior root contains which type of the nerve fibers
(A) Sensory fibers
(B) Motor fibers
(C) Mixed fibers

Ans. (B) Motor fibres

6. No image forms occur on the blind spot of the retina due to
(A) It isn’t present in the optical axis of the eye
(B) Here rods and cones are absent
(C) On this part only rods are present
(D) Nerve fibers of this region don’t contribute to the formation.

Ans. (B) Here rods and cones are absent

7. Mucoprotein that is found in vitreous humor is
(A) Albumin
(B) Vitrin
(C) Globulin
(D) Lysozyme

Ans. (B) Vitrin

8. The highly pigmented layer and vascular of human eyes is
(A) Retina
(B) Sclerotic
(C) Choroid
(D) None of these

Ans. (C) Choroid

9. Aqueous humor and vitreous humor are separated by which portion
(A) Cornea
(B) Conjunctiva
(C) Lens
(D) All

Ans. (C) Lens

10. Which kinds of cells are considered the neurons of the olfactory
(A) Supporting cells
(B) Olfactory receptor cells
(C) Basal cells
(D) Both a and c

Ans. (B) Olfactory receptor cells

11. Below which taste bud is present on the lateral sides of the human tongue
(A) Salty
(B) Sweet
(C) Bitter
(D) Sour

Ans. (D) Sour

12. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) consists of nerves and
(A) Neurons
(B) Nerve fiber
(C) Ganglia
(D) Spinal nerves

Ans. (C) Ganglia

13. What is another name for the parasympathetic division
(A) Thoracolumbar outflow
(B) Thoraco-sacral outflow
(C) Craniosacral outflow
(D) Cranio-lumbar outflow

Ans. (C) Craniosacral outflow

14. Ear dust isn’t contained in the endolymph of the
(A) Ampulla
(B) Utriculus
(C) Sacculus
(D) Endolymphatic sac

Ans. (A) Ampulla

15. Space Between the cornea & lens of the eye is
(A) Aqueous chamber
(B) Vitreous chamber
(C) Fovea centralis
(D) Canal of scale mas The space

Ans. (A) Aqueous chamber

Cardiovascular System MCQ

1. Blood pressure is lowest
(A) After muscular exercise
(B) During ventricular diastole
(C) After 60 years of age
(D) During ventricular systole

Ans. (A) After muscular exercise

2. What is true regarding vein
(A) All the veins carry deoxygenated blood
(B) All the veins carry Oxygenated blood
(C) They carry blood from organs toward the heart organ

Ans. (C) They carry blood from organs toward the heart organ

3. Murmur is a disorder in which node
(A) AV Nodes
(B) SA Nodes
(C) Heart valves
(D) Pulmonary vein

Ans. (C) Heart valves

4. Pulmonary artery different from a pulmonary vein with
(A) Thick wall
(B) Thin wall
(C) Valve
(D) Both B and C

Ans. (A) Thick wall

5. Blood pressure human is measured by the
(A) Electro-cardiogram
(B) Stethoscope
(C) Sphygmomanometer
(D) Barometer

Ans. (C) Sphygmomanometer

6. The mitral valve is also known as
(A) Tricuspid valve
(B) Semilunar valve
(C) Bicuspid valve
(D) None of the Above

Ans. (C) Bicuspid valve

7. Mammalian heart is covered by
(A) Perichondrium
(B) Periosteum
(C) No membrane
(D) Pericardium

Ans. (D) Pericardium

8. Heartbeat is accelerated by
(A) Sympathetic nerves and acetylcholine
(B) Cranial nerves and adrenaline
(C) Cranial nerves and acetylcholine
(D) Sympathetic nerves and epinephrine

Ans. (D) Sympathetic nerves and epinephrine

9. During the diastole of
(A) Blood leaves the ventricle
(B) Blood leaves the heart
(C) Blood enters in heart
(D) Blood enters the lungs

Ans. (C) Blood enters in heart

10. In higher organisms, the SA node helps
(A) Opening of the tricuspid valve
(B) Initiation of heartbeat
(C) Conduction of blood
(D) Opening of bicuspid valve

Ans. (B) Initiation of heartbeat

11. SA node is located in the heart
(A) Upper wall of the right atrium
(B) Lower wall of the left atrium
(C) Lower wall of the right atrium
(D) Upper wall of the left atrium

Ans. (A) The upper wall of the right atrium

12. The heart wall is made of which layer
(A) Myocardium
(B) Epicardium
(C) Endocardium
(D) All of the above

Ans. (D) All of the above

13. Which Blood vessel ends in capillaries is
(A) Artery
(B) Vein
(C) Pulmonary
(D) Coronary sinus

Ans. (A) Artery

14. Which of the thickest wall
(A) Right ventricle
(B) Left ventricle
(C) Right atrium
(D) Left atrium

Ans. (B) Left ventricle

15. Classic symptoms of the heart attack
(A) Total pain in the chest accompanied by sweating
(B) Pain that spreads from the chest to the shoulders, jaw, and neck
(C) Indigestion, nausea, heartburn, and vomiting
(D) None of the Above

Ans. (D) None of the Above

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