Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 Notes Pdf Download

Unit 1

Introduction to Human Body Notes

The anatomical position, Three sets of planes as a frame of reference, Median plane, Sagital plane, Coronal planes, Horizontal planes, Anatomical language, Regions of the body, Regional and systemic approaches, Systems of the body, Musculoskeletal system, and Various systems.

Homeostasis Notes

Homeostasis definitions, Homeostasis mechanisms, Positive feedback mechanism, Negative feedback mechanism, Components of the homeostatic system, Homeostasis using a neural pathway, Harmful effects of positive feedback mechanism.

Basic Anatomical Terminology

Anatomy, Anatomical Terminology, Basis for terminology, Terms of position and direction, Direction, Skeleton, Structures associated with synovial joints, Types of movement, nervous system.

Cellular Level of Organisations

Cell, Parts of the cell, Cell function, Plasma membrane, Cytoplasm, Ribosome, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, Nucleus, and Mitochondria.

Definition of Cell

Cell introduction, Cell theory, Constituents, Subcellular structures, Cell membrane definitions and functions, Cytoplasm and its organelles, Cytosol, Cytoskeleton.

Cell Cycle Notes

Cell cycle, Phases of the cell cycle, Interphase, M Phase, Mitosis, Meiosis, Cytokinesis.

Cell Division Notes

Cell division definitions, Mitosis, Stages of mitosis, Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Meiosis I and Meiosis II.

Cell Junctions Notes

Cell junctions, Types of cell junctions, Occluding junctions, Adhering junctions, Communicating junctions, Zonula occludens, Fascia adherens, Desmosomes, and Gap Junctions.

Tissue Level of Organisations

Tissue definitions, Germinal layers, Cell Junctions, Epithelial Tissue, Glandular Epithelium, Connective Tissue Cells, Synovial Membranes, Tissue Repair.

Unit 2

Integumentary System

Integumentary system general functions, Layers of skin, Epidermis, Dermis, Hypoderms, Cells of the epidermis, Skin color, Skin imbalances & aging, Autoimmune disease.

Skin Notes

Skin introduction, Layers of skin, Epidermis, Dermis, Hypodermis, Functions of skin, Skin barrier, Stratum corneum.

Skeletal System

Parts of the skeletal system, Axial skeleton, Appendicular skeleton, Functions of bones, Bones of the human body, Classification of bones, Classification of bones based on shape, Structures of a long bone, Bone growth, and Bone cells.

Bone Notes

Bone introduction, functions, Classification of bones, Anatomy of bone, Gross bone histology, Composition of bone, Bone cell, Osteocytes.

Mechanism of Muscle Contraction

Structure of skeletal muscle, Muscle vesicle, Muscle fibre, Myofibrils, Structure of myofibril, Mechanism of muscle contraction, Sliding filaments.

Neuromuscular Junctions

Objectives, Introduction, Structure, Presynaptic axon terminal, Synaptic cleft, Acetylcholine receptors, Neuromuscular transmission, Development of endplate potential.

Joints Notes

Introduction to joints, functions of joints, classification of joints, Structural classification, Cartilaginous joints, Synovial joints, Parts joints.

Unit 3

Body Fluids

Extracellular fluids, Intracellular fluids, Fluid compartment, Criteria for a suitable dye, Disorder of water balance, Regulations of ECF volumes.

Blood Composition and Functions

Blood definitions, Blood plasma, Blood cells, Red blood cells, White blood cells, Blood types, Rhesus System.


Definition of hematopoiesis, Anatomy of hematopoiesis, Cellular pathways, Specific differentiation pathway, Hematopoietic growth factors, formation of blood cells.


Hemoglobin introduction, Structure and function of hemoglobin vs myoglobin, Oxygen binding, Influences oxygen delivery, Bohr effects, Anemia.

Blood Coagulation

Hemostasis, Blood vessels spasm, Platelet plug formation, Blood coagulation, Fibrinogen, Coagulation factors.

Blood Grouping

Genetics of blood types, Introduction, The ABO System, Inheritance, Antigens & Agglutinogens of blood groups, Nature of agglutinins (Antibodies), Landstiners law, Compatibility between blood groups, Agglutination (Clumping), Crossmatching, Possible complications of blood transfusions, Fate of the transfusion reactions.

Rh Factors

Rh factors refer, to D-positive, D-negative, Protein with unknown functions, Clinical significance.

Spleen and Reticuloendothelial System

Spleen and RE objectives, Introduction, Structure, Anatomical location of the spleen, White pulp, Red pulp, Functions of the spleen, Formation of RBC, Splenomegaly, RE System, Functions of Macrophages.

Lymphatic System

Lymphatic system introduction, General functions of the lymphatic system, Lymph, Lymphatic vessels, Lymphatic ducts, Lymph Circulation, Lymph Nodes, Disorders of the lymphatic system.

Unit 4

Peripheral Nervous System

Introduction, Nerves, Ganglia, Nerve plexuses, Cranial nerves, Spinal nerves, Dermatomes, Spinal nerve plexuses, Sympathetic nerve, Parasympathetic nerve.

Autonomic Nervous System

Introduction, Origin, Sympathetic nervous system, Parasympathetic nervous system, Neurotransmitters in the ANS, Pharmacology of the automatic nervous system.

Spinal and Cranial Nerves

The peripheral nervous system, Cranial nerves, Spinal nerves, Plexuses, Nerves of the arm, Lamber plexus, Sacral plexus.

Special Senses

Special senses introduction, Anatomy of the Eye, Ear, tongue, Nose, Skin, Proprioceptors, Pain receptors.

Unit 5

Cardiovascular System

Heart introduction, Pulmonary system, Hepatic portal vein, Arteries and Veins, Capillaries and exchange of materials, Tissue fluid and lymph, Cardiac functions.

Heart Notes

Heart introduction, How the heart works, The right side of the heart, The left side of the heart.

Blood Vessels and Circulation

Blood vessels introduction, Arteries and Arterioles, Capillaries, Veins, and Patterns of blood circulation.

Blood Physiology

Blood, Properties of blood, Composition of the blood, Constituents of plasma, Erythropoiesis, Types of RBC, Types of WBC, Platelets, Thrombosis, Blood clotting.

Cardiac Output

Factors on cardiac output, Cardiac output, Left ventricular volumes, Methods of CO measurements, Pressure in the CVS, Indicator dilution curve, Co in various conditions.

Cardiac Cycle

Cardiac cycle definitions, Systole, Diastole, Isovolumic contraction, Atrial systole, ECG, heart sounds.

Regulation of Blood Pressure

Blood pressure regulations definitions, Systolic pressure, Diastolic pressure, Strech receptors.

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

ECG introduction, The electricity of the heart, Shortcomings of ECG, ECG pattern, Lead system, PR interval, QT interval, and Nursing implications.

Heart Disease and Disorders

Internal view of heart, Chambers, Interior structure, Heart diseases, Diseases of blood vessels, Myocardial infarction or Heart attack
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