Pharm D 2nd Year Syllabus Pdf Download

Pharm D 2nd Year Syllabus Pdf

Pharm D 2nd Year Syllabus Exam Pattern

Sr NoName of SubjectsI<–Maximum Marks for Theory–>II<–Maximum Marks for Practicals–>I
1.2Pharmaceutical Microbiology70301007030100
1.3Pharmacognosy & Phytopharmaceuticals70301007030100
1.5Community Pharmacy7030100

Pathophysiology Syllabus

Theory (Topic-wise Lecture)

I. Basic principles of cell injury and Adaptation
a) Causes, Pathogenesis, and morphology of cell injury
b) Abnormalities in lipoproteinemia, glycogen infiltration, and glycogen storage diseases

II. Inflammation
a) Pathogenesis of acute inflammation, Chemical mediators in inflammation, Types of chronic inflammation
b) Repair of wounds in the skin, factors influencing wound healing

III. Diseases of Immunity
a) Introduction to T and B cells
b) MHC proteins or transplantation antigens
c) Immune tolerance
– Hypersensitivity
– Type I, II, III, IV hypersensitivity, Biological significance, Allergy due to food, chemicals, and drugs
– Autoimmunity
– Criteria for autoimmunity, Classifications of autoimmune diseases in man, Mechanism of autoimmunity, Transplantation and immunologic tolerance, allograft rejections, transplantation antigens, mechanism of rejection of allograft.
– Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
– Amyloidosis

IV. Cancer

  • Differences between benign and malignant tumors, Histological diagnosis of malignancy, invasions and metastasis, patterns of spread, disturbances of cell growth, classification of tumors, general biology of tumors, spread of malignant tumors, etiology and pathogenesis of cancer.

V. Types of shock, mechanisms, stages, and management

VI. Biological effects of radiation

VII. Environmental and nutritional diseases
i) Air pollution and smoking- SO2, NO, NO2, and CO
ii) Protein-calorie malnutrition, vitamins, obesity, pathogenesis of starvation.

VIII. Pathophysiology of common diseases
a) Parkinsonism
b) Schizophrenia
c) Depression and mania
d) Hypertension
e) Stroke (ischemic and hemorrhagic)
f) Angina, CCF, Atherosclerosis, Myocardial infarction
g) Diabetes Mellitus
h) Peptic ulcer and inflammatory bowel diseases
i) Cirrhosis and Alcoholic liver diseases
j) Acute and chronic renal failure
k) Asthma and chronic obstructive airway diseases

IX. Infectious diseases:
– Sexually transmitted diseases (HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhea), Urinary tract infections, Pneumonia, Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Malaria, Dysentery (bacterial and amoebic), Hepatitis- infective hepatitis.

Reference Text Books

  1. Pathologic basis of disease by Cotran, Kumar, Robbins
  2. Textbook of Pathology by Harsh Mohan
  3. Textbook of Pathology by Y.M. Bhinde
  4. Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics; Second edition; Roger Walker; Churchill Livingstone publication

Pharmaceutical Microbiology Syllabus

Theory (Topic-wise Lecture)

I. Introduction to the science of microbiology. Major divisions of the microbial world and Relationships among them.

II. Different methods of classification of microbes and study of Bacteria, Fungi, viruses, Rickettsiae, and Spirochetes.

III. Nutritional requirements, growth, and cultivation of bacteria and viruses. Study of different important media required for the growth of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria & fungi. Differential media, enriched media, and selective media, maintenance of lab cultures.

IV. Different methods are used in the isolation and identification of bacteria with emphasis on different staining techniques and biochemical reactions. Counting of bacteria – Total and Viable counting techniques.

V. Detailed study of different methods of sterilization including their merits and demerits. Sterilization methods for all pharmaceutical products. Detailed study of sterility testing of different pharmaceutical preparations. Brief information on Validation.

VI. Disinfectants- Study of disinfectants, antiseptics, fungicidal, and virucidal agents factors affecting their activation and mechanism of action. Evaluation of bactericidal, bacteriostatic, and virucidal activities, evaluation of preservatives in pharmaceutical preparations.

VII. Immunology- Immunity, Definition, Classification, General principles of natural immunity, Phagocytosis, acquired immunity( active and passive ). Antigens, chemical nature of antigens structure and formation of Antibodies, Antigen-Antibody reactions. Bacterial exotoxins and endotoxins. Significance of toxoids in active immunity, Immunization program, and the importance of a booster dose.

VIII. Diagnostic tests: Schick’s Test, Elisa test, Western Blot test, Southern Blot PCR Widal, QBC, Mantoux Peripheral smear. Study of malarial parasite.

IX. Microbial culture sensitivity Testing: Interpretation of results Principles and methods of different microbiological assays, microbiological assay of Penicillin, Streptomycin, and vitamin B2 and B12. Standardization of vaccines and sera.

X. Study of infectious diseases: Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Cholera, Hepatitis, Meningitis, Syphilis & Gonorrhea, and HIV.

Practicals (Experiments List)

I. Study of apparatus used in experimental microbiology.
II. Sterilization of glassware. Preparation of media and sterilization.
III. Staining techniques – Simple staining; Gram’s staining; Negative staining.
IV. Study of motility characters.
V. Enumeration of microorganisms (Total and Viable).
VI. Study of the methods of isolation of pure culture.
VII. Biochemical testing for the identification of microorganisms.
VIII. Cultural sensitivity testing for some microorganisms.
IX. Sterility testing for powders and liquids.
X. Determination of minimum inhibitory concentration.
XI. Microbiological assay of antibiotics by cup plate method.
XII. Microbiological assay of vitamins by Turbidometric method.
XIII. Determination of RWC (Relative Water Content).
XIV. Diagnostic tests for some common diseases, Widal, malarial parasite.

Practical Examination Scheme

Major Experiments1025
Minor Experiments0315
Maximum Marks2070
Note: Total sessional marks is 30 (20 marks for practical sessionals and 10 marks for viva-voce, regulatory, promptness, and record maintenance).

Reference Text Books

  1. Vanitha Kale and Kishor Bhusari, “Applied Microbiology”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
  2. Mary Louise Turgeon, “Immunology and Serology in Laboratory Medicine”, 2nd edition, 1996, Mosby-Year Book Inc., St. Louis, Missouri 63146.
  3. Harsh Mohan, “Textbook of Pathology”, 3rd edition, 1998, B-3 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi.
  4. Prescot L.M., Jarley G.P., Klein D.A., “Microbiology”, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill Company Inc.
  5. Rawlins E.A., “Bentley’s Textbook of Pharmaceutics”, Bailliere Tindals, London, 1988.
  6. Forbisher, “Fundamentals of Microbiology”, Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders.
  7. Prescott L.M., Jarley G.P., Klein D.A., “Microbiology”, 2nd edition, WMC Brown Publishers, Oxford, 1993.
  8. War Roitt, Jonathan Brostoff, David Male, “Immunology”, 3rd edition, 1996, Mosby-Year Book Europe Ltd, London.
  9. Pharmacopoeia of India, Government of India, 1996.

Pharmacognosy & Phytopharmaceuticals Syllabus

Theory (Topic-wise Lecture)

I. Introduction.
II. Definition, history, and scope of Pharmacognosy.
III. Classification of crude drugs.
IV. Cultivation, collection, processing, and storage of crude drugs.
V. Detailed method of cultivation of crude drugs.
VI. Study of cell wall constituents and cell inclusions.
VII. Microscopical and powder Microscopical study of crude drugs.
VIII. Study of natural pesticides.
IX. Detailed study of various cell constituents.

X. Carbohydrates and related products.
XI. Detailed study of carbohydrates containing drugs. (11 drugs)
XII. Definition, sources, method extraction, chemistry, and method of analysis of lipids.
XIII. Detailed study of oils.
XIV. Definition, classification, chemistry, and method of analysis of protein.
XV. Study of plant fibers used in surgical dressings and related products.
XVI. Different methods of adulteration of crude drugs.

Practicals (Experiments List)

I. Introduction of Pharmacognosy laboratory and experiments.
II. Study of cell wall constituents and cell inclusions.
III. Macro, powder, and microscopic study of Datura.
IV. Macro, powder, and microscopic study of Senna.
V. Macro, powder, and microscopic study of Cassia cinnamon.
VI. Macro, powder, and microscopic study of Cinchona.
VII. Macro, powder, and microscopic study of Ephedra.
VIII. Macro, powder, and microscopic study of Quassia.
IX. Macro, powder, and microscopic study of Clove.

X. Macro, powder, and microscopic study of Fennel.
XI. Macro, powder, and microscopic study of Coriander.
XII. Macro, powder, and microscopic study of Isapgol.
XIII. Macro, powder, and microscopic study of Nux vomica.
XIV. Macro, powder, and microscopic study of Rauwolfia.
XV. Macro, powder, and microscopic study of Liquorice.
XVI. Macro, powder, and microscopic study of Ginger.
XVII. Macro, powder, and microscopic study of Podophyllum
XVIII. Determination of Iodine value.
XIX. Determination of Saponification value and unsaponifiable matter.

XX. Determination of ester value.
XXI. Determination of Acid value.
XXII. Chemical tests for Acacia.
XXIII. Chemical tests for Tragacanth.
XXIV. Chemical tests for Agar.
XXV. Chemical tests for Starch.
XXVI. Chemical tests for Lipids (castor oil, sesame oil, shark liver oil, beeswax).
XXVII. Chemical tests for Gelatin.

Practical Examination Scheme

Major Experiments0720
Minor Experiments0315
Maximum Marks2070
Note: Total sessional marks is 30 (20 marks for practical sessionals and 10 marks for viva-voce, regulatory, promptness, and record maintenance).

Reference Text Books

  1. Pharmacognosy by G.E. Trease & W.C. Evans.
  2. Pharmacognosy by C.K. Kokate, Gokhale & A.C. Purohit.
  3. Pharmacognosy by Brady & Tyler E.
  4. Pharmacognosy by T.E. Wallis.
  5. Pharmacognosy by C.S. Shah & Qadery.
  6. Pharmacognosy by M.A. Iyengar.

Pharmacology-I Syllabus

Theory (Topic-wise Lecture)

I. General Pharmacology
a) Introduction, definitions, and scope of pharmacology
b) Routes of administration of drugs
c) Pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion)
d) Pharmacodynamics
e) Factors modifying drug effects
f) Drug toxicity – Acute, sub-acute, and chronic toxicity
g) Pre-clinical evaluations
h) Drug interactions
Note: The term Pharmacology used here refers to the classification, mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, adverse effects, contraindications, Therapeutic uses, interactions and dose and route of administration.

II. Pharmacology of drugs acting on ANS
a) Adrenergic and antiadrenergic drugs
b) Cholinergic and anticholinergic drugs
c) Neuromuscular blockers
d) Mydriatics and miotics
e) Drugs used in myasthenia gravis
f) Drugs used in Parkinsonism

III. Pharmacology of drugs acting on the cardiovascular system
a) Antihypertensives
b) Anti-anginal drugs
c) Anti-arrhythmic drugs
d) Drugs used for therapy of Congestive Heart Failure
e) Drugs used for hyperlipidaemias

IV. Pharmacology of drugs acting on the Central Nervous System
a) General anesthetics
b) Sedatives and hypnotics
c) Anticonvulsants
d) Analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents
e) Psychotropic drugs
f) Alcohol and methyl alcohol
g) CNS stimulants and cognition enhancers
h) Pharmacology of local anesthetics

V. Pharmacology of Drugs acting on the Respiratory tract
a) Bronchodilators
b) Mucolytics
c) Expectorants
d) Antitussives
e) Nasal Decongestants

VI. Pharmacology of Hormones and Hormone antagonists
a) Thyroid and Antithyroid drugs
b) Insulin, Insulin analogs, and oral hypoglycemic agents
c) Sex hormones and oral contraceptives
d) Oxytocin and other stimulants and relaxants

VII. Pharmacology of autocoids and their antagonists
a) Histamines and Antihistaminics
b) 5-Hydroxytryptamine and its antagonists
c) Lipid-derived autocoids and platelet-activating factor

Reference Text Books

  1. Tripathi, K. D. “Essentials of Medical Pharmacology”, 4th Edition, 1999. Publisher: Jaypee, Delhi.
  2. Satoskar, R.S. and Bhadarkar, S.D. “Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics”, 16th Edition (single volume), 1999. Publisher: Popular, Dubai.
  3. Rang, H.P. & Dale, M.M. “Pharmacology”, 4th Edition, 1999. Publisher: Churchill Livingstone.
  4. Goodman Gilman, A., Rall, T.W., Nies, A.I.S. and Taylor, P. “Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics”, 9th Edition, 1996. Publisher: McGraw Hill, Pergamon Press.
  5. Craig, C.R. & Stitzel, R.E. “Modern Pharmacology”, Latest Edition. Publisher: Little Brown Co.
  6. Katzung, B.G. “Basic and Clinical Pharmacology”, Latest Edition. Publisher: Prentice Hall International.
  7. Shargel and Leon. “Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics”, Latest Edition. Publisher: Prentice Hall, London.
  8. Macleod, L.J. “Pharmacological Experiments on Intact Preparations”, Latest Edition. Publisher: Churchill Livingstone.
  9. Macleod, L.J. “Pharmacological Experiments on Isolated Preparations”, Latest Edition. Publisher: Churchill Livingstone.

Community Pharmacy Syllabus

Theory (Topic-wise Lecture)

I. Definition, scope, of community pharmacy Roles and responsibilities of Community pharmacist
II. Community Pharmacy Management
a) Selection of site, Space layout, and design
b) Staff, Materials- coding, stocking
c) Legal requirements
d) Maintenance of various registers
e) Use of Computers: Business and health care software
III. Prescriptions – parts of prescription, legality & identification of medication-related problems like drug interactions.
IV. Inventory control in community pharmacy Definition, various methods of Inventory Control ABC, VED, EOQ, Lead time, safety stock
V. Pharmaceutical care Definition and Principles of Pharmaceutical care.

VI. Patient counseling Definition, outcomes, various stages, barriers, Strategies to overcome barriers Patient information leaflets- content, design, & layouts, advisory labels
VII. Patient medication adherence Definition, Factors affecting medication adherence, role of pharmacist in improving adherence.
VIII. Health screening services Definition, importance, methods for screening Blood pressure/ blood sugar/ lung function and Cholesterol testing
IX. OTC Medication- Definition, OTC medication list & Counselling
X. Health Education WHO Definition of health, and health promotion, care for children, pregnant & breastfeeding women, and geriatric patients. Commonly occurring Communicable Diseases, causative agents, Clinical presentations and prevention of communicable diseases – Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, Typhoid, Amoebiasis, Malaria, Leprosy, Syphilis, Gonorrhea and AIDS Balance diet, and treatment & prevention of deficiency disorders Family planning – role of pharmacist

XI. Responding to symptoms of minor ailments Relevant pathophysiology, common drug therapy to, Pain, GI disturbances (Nausea, Vomiting, Dyspepsia, diarrhea, constipation), Pyrexia, Ophthalmic symptoms, worms infestations.
XII. Essential Drugs concept and Rational Drug Therapy Role of community pharmacist
XIII. Code of ethics for community pharmacists

Reference Text Books

  1. Health Education and Community Pharmacy by N.S. Parmar.
  2. WHO Consultative Group Report.
  3. Drug Store & Business Management by Mohammed Ali & Jyoti.
  4. Handbook of Pharmacy – Health Care, Edited by Robin J. Harman. The Pharmaceutical Press.
  5. Comprehensive Pharmacy Review, Edited by Leon Shargel. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Pharmacotherapeutics-I Syllabus

Theory (Topic-wise Lecture)

I. Cardiovascular system: Hypertension, Congestive cardiac failure, Angina Pectoris, Myocardial infarction, Hyperlipidaemias, Electrophysiology of heart, and Arrhythmias
II. Respiratory system: Introduction to Pulmonary function test, Asthma, Chronic obstructive airway disease, Drug-induced pulmonary diseases
III. Endocrine system: Diabetes, Thyroid diseases, Oral contraceptives, Hormone replacement therapy, Osteoporosis
IV. General prescribing guidelines for
a. Paediatric patients
b. Geriatric patients
c. Pregnancy and breastfeeding
V. Ophthalmology: Glaucoma, Conjunctivitis- viral & bacterial
VI. Introduction to rational drug use Definition, Role of pharmacist Essential drug concept Rational drug formulations

Practicals (Experiments List)

Hospital postings in various departments are designed to complement the lectures by
providing practical clinical discussion; attending ward rounds; following up on the progress and
changes made in drug therapy in allotted patients; case presentation upon discharge.

Students are required to maintain a record of cases presented and the same should be
submitted at the end of the course for evaluation. A minimum of 20 cases should be
presented and recorded covering the most common diseases.

Practical Examination Scheme

Major Experiments1025
Minor Experiments0315
Maximum Marks2070
Note: Total sessional marks is 30 (20 marks for practical sessionals and 10 marks for viva-voce, regulatory, promptness, and record maintenance).

Reference Text Books

  1. Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics by Roger and Walker, Churchill Livingstone publication.
  2. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach by Joseph T. DiPiro et al., Appleton & Lange.
  3. Pathologic Basis of Disease by Robins SL, W.B. Saunders publication.
  4. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists: A Basis for Clinical Pharmacy Practice by Green and Harris, Chapman and Hall publication.
  5. Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics by Eric T. Herfindal, Williams and Wilkins Publication.
  6. Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs by Lloyd Young and Koda-Kimble MA.
  7. Avery’s Drug Treatment, 4th Edition, 1997, Adis International Limited.
  8. Relevant Review Articles from Recent Medical and Pharmaceutical Literature.
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