Introduction, Common names, Scientific name, Types of scientific names, International code of nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants, Standard rank denoting transmission of some principal ranks.
System of classification, Two kingdom classification, Five Kingdom Classification, Classification of Monera on Habitat, Plant Kingdom, Animal classification.
Factors on cardiac output, Cardiac output, Left ventricular volumes, Methods of Cardiac Output measurements, Pressure in the CVS, Indicator dilution curve, and Cardiac output in various conditions.
Introduction, Functions of Digestive System, Layers of GI Tract, Parts of Digestive System, Mouth, Salivary gland, Tongue, Teeth, Pharynx, Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Liver and Gall bladder, Disorders of Digestive System.
Types of animals based on excretory products, Ammonotelic Animals, Uricotelic Animals, Ureotelic Animals, Excretory organs in different animal groups, Different types of kidneys in vertebrates, Functions of kidneys, and Nephrons.
Objectives, Nervous System, Functions of the nervous system, Nerve impulse, Central Nervous System, Brain and Spinal Cord, Peripheral Nervous System, Reflex action and Reflex Arc, Sense Organ.
Functions of Endocrine System, Chemical Signals, Hormones, Endocrine glands and their hormones, Pituitary glands, Parathyroid glands, Thyroid glands, Adrenal glands, Pancreas, and Thymus glands.
The function of the Reproductive System, the Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System, the Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System, the Physiology of the Male and Female Reproductive System, Birth Control Methods, and Disorders of the Reproductive System.
Objectives, What is Mineral Nutrition, Methods of determining the requirements of mineral nutrients, Essential mineral elements, Symptoms of mineral deficiency in plants, and Mode of nutrition?
Objectives, Introduction, Photosynthetic pigments, Role of sunlight in photosynthesis, Photochemical and Biochemical phase, Biosynthetic pathway (Dark Reactions), Factors affecting rate of photosynthesis, Chemiosmotic synthesis.
Objectives, Growth, and Development, Stages of cellular growth, Growth curve, Measurements of growth, Factors affecting plants growth, Practicals of growth regulators, Dormancy and Germination of seeds, Photoperiodism.
What is a cell, Cell theory, Cell structure and function, Description of cell contents, Non-living cell inclusion, and Difference between plant and animal?