Remedial Mathematics Notes Pdf B Pharm 1st Semester

Unit 1

Partial Fraction Notes

Introduction, Partial fractions, Polynomial, Rational fraction, Proper fraction, Improper fraction, Process of the finding of partial fraction, Exercise, Short questions with solution.

Logarithm Notes

Definition of the logarithm, Examples of changes between logarithmic and exponential forms, Properties of logarithms, Other logarithmic definition, Practical problems, Practice problem with the answer.

Functions Notes

Cartesian products of two sets, Relation, Function, Domain, Codomain and Range of function, Important types of function, algebraic operation of functions, Classification of function, the Basic transformation of graphs, Composite of uniformly defined function, Bounded of function, Inverse of a function, Odd and even function, Periodic function.

Limits and Continuity Notes

An introduction of limits, Properties of limits, Limits and Infinity I (Horizontal Asymptotes), Limits and Infinity II (Vertical Asymptotes), The Indeterminate forms, The squeeze (sandwich) Theorem, Precise Definitions of Limits, Continuity.

Unit 2

Matrices Notes

Introduction, Matrix, Order of a Matrix, Some type of matrix, Particular case of the square of the matrix, Operation on matrices, exercise, The determinants of matrices, Minor and Cofactor of elements, Some Special Matrices.

Determinants Notes

Properties of Elements, Solution of linear equation by determinants (Cramer’s Rule), Exercise and Answer, Short question with answer, Objective type of exercise.

Unit 3

Differentiation Notes

Facts, Examples, The 1st derivation test, Examples from Economics, Lecture note on integration, The fundamentals of a theorem of calculus.

Unit 4

Analytical Geometry

Introduction, Lines, Exercise, Distance between two points: circles, Function, Shifts and Dilations, and their exercise.

Straight Line Notes

Basic theorem and results of triangles, Introduction of coordinate geometry, cartesian coordinates system, Polar coordinate system, Distance formula and its application, Section formula, Area of triangle, Straight line, Angles between two lines, Family of lines, Equation of lines the points of intersection of a line and to curve the origin.

Techniques of Integration Notes

Introduction, Substitution, Power of sine and cosine, Trigonometric substitution, Integration by parts, Rational function, Numerical Integration, Additional Exercise.

Unit 5

Differential Equations Notes

Objectives, Differential equation, Order and degree of a differential equation, Linear and non-linear differential equation, formation of a differential equation, Check your progress, General and particular solutions, and Differential order of the higher equation.

Laplace Transform Notes

Introduction to the Laplace methods, Laplace Integral Table, Laplace transform rules, Heaviside’s Method, Heaviside step and Dirac Delta, Laplace Table derivations, Transform properties, More on the Laplace transform.
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