B Pharm 5th Sem New Syllabus Pdf 2024 Free Download

It is very important to know the semester syllabus before the start of any semester. B Pharm 5th sem new syllabus is provided below. As well as the syllabus, you can know the Subject code or PT of each subject.

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B Pharm 5th Sem New Syllabus

Medicinal Chemistry-I Syllabus

Theory (PT- 513A)

Unit 1

• Medicinal chemistry

Introduction, History, and Development.

• Physicochemical properties

Biochemical action related to Ionization of action, Partition Coefficient, Solubility, Solutions, Hydrogen Bonding, Protein Binding, Chelation, Bioisosterism, Optical and Geometrical Isomerism activity.

• Drug Metabolism

Metabolism of drug principles- Phase I and Phase II, Factors affecting the metabolism of drug including stereochemical aspects.

Unit 2

Drugs Acting on ANS (Autonomic Nervous System)

• Adrenergic Neurotransmitters System

Biosynthesis & catabolism of catecholamines, Adrenergic receptors like alpha and beta with their distribution.

SAR of the Sympathomimetics Drugs or Agents

• Direct Acting: Epinephrine, Nor-epinephrine, Phenylephrine, Dopamine, Clonidine, Methyldopa, Dobutamine, Terbutaline, Isoproterenol, Salbutamol, Naphazoline, Bitolterol, Oxymetazoline, and Xylometazoline.

• Indirect Acting: Hydroxy amphetamine, Propylhexedrine.

• Mixed Mechanism Agents: Ephedrine, and Metaraminol.

Adrenergic Antagonists Agents

• Alpha-adrenergic blockers: Tolazoline, Phenoxybenzamine, Phentolamine, Prazosin, Methysergide, Dihydroergotamine.

• Beta-adrenergic blockers: Beta-blockers SAR, Propranolol, Atenolol, Metibranolol, Bisoprolol, Betazolol, Esmolol, Labetalol, Metoprolol, Carvedilol.

Unit 3

• Cholinergic Neurotransmitters

Biosynthesis and catabolism of the acetylcholine neurotransmitters, Cholinergic receptors (Nicotinic and Muscarinic receptors), and their distribution.

SAR of parasympathomimetics agents:

• Direct Acting: Acetylcholine, Bethanechol, Carbachol, Methacholine, Pilocarpine.

• Indirect Acting/ Cholinesterase Inhibitors: Ambenonium Chloride, Edrophonium Chloride, Echothiophate Iodide, Isofluorphate, Malathion, Neostigmine, Physostigmine, Pyridostigmine, Parathione, Tacrine Hydrochloride.

• Cholinesterase: Pralidoxime Chloride

SAR of cholinergic blocking agents

• Solanaceous Family Alkaloids Agents: Atropine Sulfate, Homatropine, Ipratropium bromide, Hyoscyamine Sulfate, Scopolamine hydrobromide.

• Synthetic Cholinergic Agents: Benztropine mesylate, Biperidine hydrochloride, Cyclopentolate Hydrochloride, Clidinium bromide, Dicyclomine hydrochloride, Ethopropazine hydrochloride, Glycopyrrolate, Isopropamide iodide, Methantheline bromide, Orphenadrine citrate, Propantheline bromide, Procyclidine Hydrochloride, Tropicamide, Tridihexethyl chloride.

Unit 4

Drugs Acting on CNS (Central Nervous System)

1. Hypnotics and Sedatives Agents

• Benzodiazepines: Alprazolam, Benzodiazepines, Chlordiazepoxide, Chlorazepate, Diazepam, Lorazepam, Oxazepam, Zolpidem.

• Barbiturates: Amobarbital, Barbiturates SAR, Barbital, Butabarbital, Mephobarbital, Phenobarbital, Secobarbital.

• Miscellaneous:

• Amides and Imides: Glutethmide

• Alcohol and their Carbamate: Ethchlorvynol, Meprobomate.

• Aldehyde and their derivatives: Paraldehyde, Triclofos sodium.

2. Antipsychotics Agents

• Phenothiazeines: SAR of Phenothiazeines, Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride, Promazine Hydrochloride, Prochlorperazine maleate, Piperacetazine, Triflupromazine, Triflupromazine Hydrochloride.

• Phenothiazeines ring analogue: Chlorprothixene, Clozapine, Loxapine succinate, Thiothixene.

• Fluro butyrophenones: Droperidol, Haloperidol, Risperidone.

• Beta amino ketones: Molindone Hydrochloride

• Benzamides: Sulpieride

3. Anticonvulsants: SAR of Anticonvulsants, Mechanism of Action of Anticonvulsants.

• Barbiturates: Methabarbital, Phenobarbitone.

• Hydantoins: Ethotoin, Mephenytoin, Phenytoin.

• Oxazolidine diones: Paramethadione, Trimethadione.

• Succinimides: Ethosuximide, Methsuximide, Phensuximide.

• Urea and monoacylureas: Carbamazepine, Phenacemide.

• Benzodiazepines: Clonazepam

• Miscellaneous: Felbamate, Gabapentin, Primidone, Valproic acid.

Unit 5

Drugs Acting on CNS (Central Nervous System)

General Anaesthetic

• Inhalation of the Anaesthetics: Desflurane, Enflurane, Sevoflurane, Halothane, Isoflurane, Methoxyflurane.

Short-Acting Barbiturates: Methohexital sodium, Thiopental sodium, Thiamylal sodium.

• Dissociative Anaesthetics: Ketamine Hydrochloride

Narcotic and Non-narcotic Analgesics

• Morphine-related drugs: Morphine analogue SAR, Anilerdine Hydrochloride, Codeine, Diphenoxylate Hydrochloride, Fentanyl citrate, Loperamide Hydrochloride, Levorphanol tartrate.

• Narcotic antagonists: Levallorphan tartrate, Nalorphine Hydrochloride, Naloxone Hydrochloride.

• Anti-inflammatory agents: Aspirin, Antipyrine, Acetaminophen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Ketorolac, Mefenamic acid, Meclofenamate, Naproxen, Piroxicam, Phenaceith, Phenylbutazone.

Practical (PT- 593)

1. Preparation of drugs

  1. 1,3-oxazole
  2. 1,3-pyrazole
  3. 2,3- Diphenyl quinoxaline
  4. Benzocaine
  5. Barbiturates
  6. Benzimidazole
  7. Benzotriazole
  8. Phenytoin
  9. Phenothiazine

2. Assay of the drugs

  1. Atropine
  2. Aspirin
  3. Chlorpromazine
  4. Furosemide
  5. Ibuprofen
  6. Phenobarbitone

3. Determined partition coefficient of the two different drugs.

Medicinal Chemistry- II Syllabus

Theory (PT- 513B)

Unit 1

• Antihistaminic agents: Receptors and their distribution in the human body, Histamine

• H1 Antagonists: Azatidine maleate, Astemizole, Buclizine Hydrochloride, Clemastine fumarate, Chlorcyclizine Hydrochloride, Chlorpheniramine maleate, Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride, Cetirizine, Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride.

Dimenhydrinate, Doxylamines succinate, Diphenylphyraline Hydrochloride, Loratadine, Levocetrazine Cromolyn Sodium, Meclizine Hydrochloride, Promethazine Hydrochloride, Phenidamine, Tripelenamine Hydrochloride, Triprolidine Hydrochloride.

• H2 Antagonists: Famotidine, Cimetidine, Ranitidine.

• Gastric proton pump inhibitors: Lansoprazole, Omeprazole, Pantoprazole, Rabeprazole.

• Alkylating Agents: Busulfan, Chlorambucil, Cyclophosphamide, Mechlorethamine, Melphalan, Thiotepa.

• Antimetabolites: Azathioprine, Cytarabine, Fluorouracil, Floxuridine, Methotrexate, Thioguanine.

• Antibiotics: Bleomycin, Doxorubicin, Dactinomycin, Daunorubicin.

• Plant Products: Etoposide, Vincristine sulphate, vinblastine sulphate.

• Miscellaneous: Mitotane, Cisplatin.

Unit 2

Anti-anginal Agents

• Vasodilators: Amyl nitrite, Dipyridamole, Isosorbide dinitrate, Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, Nitroglycerin.

• Calcium Channel Blockers: Amlodipine, Bepridil hydrochloride, Diltiazem hydrochloride, Nifedipine, Nicardipine, Nimodipine, Verapamil.


° Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors: Acetazolamide, Dichlorphenamide, Methazolamide.

° Thiazides: Cyclothiazide, Chlorothiazide, Hydrochlorothiazide, Hydroflumethiazide.

° Loop diuretics: Bumetanide, Ethacrynic acid, Furosemide.

° Potassium-sparing diuretics: Amiloride, Spironolactone, Triamterene.

° Osmotic diuretics: Mannitol

• Anti-hypertensive Agents: Benazepril hydrochloride, Enalapril, Captopril, Clonidine hydrochloride, Diazoxide, Guanethidine monosulphate, Guanabenz acetate, Hydralazine hydrochloride, Lisinopril, Methyldopate hydrochloride, Minoxidil, Quinapril hydrochloride, Reserpine, Sodium nitroprusside, Timolol.

Unit 3

• Anti-arrhythmic drugs: Amiodarone, Disopyramide phosphate, Lidocaine hydrochloride, Lorcainide hydrochloride, Mexiletine hydrochloride, Quinidine sulphate, Procainamide hydrochloride, Phenytoin sodium, Tocainide hydrochloride, Sotalol.

• Anti-hyperlipidemic Agents: Cholestyramine, Cholestipol, and Clofibrate, Lovastatin.

• Coagulants and Anticoagulants: Acetomenadione, Anisindione, Clopidogrel, Menadione, Warfarin.

• Congestive Heart Failure (CHF): Bosentan, Digitoxin, Digoxin, Nesiritide, Tezosentan.

Unit 4

Drugs Acting on Endocrine System: Drugs nomenclature, stereochemistry and metabolism of steroids.

• Sex Hormones: Diethylstilbestrol, Oestrione, Oestriol, Oestradiol, Nandrolone, Progesterone, Testosterone.

• Drugs for erectile dysfunction: Tadalafil, Sildenafil.

• Oral Contraceptives: Levonorgestrel, Mifepristone, Norgestril.

• Corticosteroids: Betamethasone, Cortisone, Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone.

• Thyroid and Antithyroid drugs: Methimazole, L-Thyroxine, L-Thyronine, Propylthiouracil.

Unit 5

Antidiabetic Agents: Insulin and its preparation.

° Sulfonyl Ureas: Chlorpropamide, Glipizide, Glimepiride.

° Biguanides: Metformin

° Thiazolidinediones: Pioglitazone, Rosiglitazone.

° Meglitinides: Nateglinide, Repaglinide

° Glycosidase Inhibitors: Acarbose, Voglibose.

• Local Anaesthetics: Local Anesthetics SAR.

• Benzoic Acid Derivatives: Cyclomethycaine, Cocaine, Hexylcaine, Meprylcaine, Piperocaine.

• Amino Benzoic Acid Derivatives: Butacaine, Benzocaine, Benoxinate, Butamben, Propoxycaine, Procaine, Tetracaine.

• Lidocaine or Anilide derivatives: Etidocaine, Lignocaine, Mepivacaine, Prilocaine.

• Miscellaneous: Dibucaine, Diperodon, Phenacaine.

Pharmacology-II Syllabus

Theory (PT- 518)

Unit 1

Pharmacology of drugs acting on CVS (Cardiovascular System)

  1. Hemodynamic introduction and electrophysiology of the heart.
  2. Drugs used in CHF (Congestive Heart Failure)
  3. Anti-hypertensive drugs
  4. Anti-anginal drugs
  5. Anti-arrhythmic drugs
  6. Anti-hyperlipidemic drugs

Unit 2

Pharmacology of drug acting on CVS (Cardiovascular System)

  1. Drugs Used in Shock Therapy
  2. Hematinics, Coagulants and Anti-coagulants
  3. Fibrinolytics and anti-platelet drugs
  4. Plasma Volume Expanders

• Pharmacology of drugs acting on the Urinary System

  1. Diuretics
  2. Anti-diuretics

Unit 3

Autocoids and related drug

  1. Introduction to Autacoids and their Classification.
  2. Histamine, 5-HT and their antagonists.
  3. Prostaglandins, Thromboxanes, and Leukotrienes.
  4. Angiotensin, Bradykinin and Substance P.
  5. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.
  6. Anti-gout drugs
  7. Antirheumatic drugs

Unit 4

Pharmacology of drugs acting on the Endocrine System

  1. Basic Concepts of Endocrine Pharmacology
  2. Anterior Pituitary hormones- analogues and their inhibitors.
  3. Thyroid hormones- analogues and their inhibitors.
  4. Regulating of hormones plasma calcium level Calcitonin, parathormone, and Vitamin D.
  5. Insulin, Oral Hypoglycemic Agents and glucagon
  6. ACTH and corticosteroids

Unit 5

Pharmacology of drugs acting on the Endocrine System

  1. Androgens and Anabolic steroids.
  2. Estrogen, Progesterone, and oral contraceptives.
  3. Drugs acting on the uterus.


  1. Bioassay principles and applications.
  2. Types of bioassay.
  3. Bioassay of Oxytocin, Insulin, Vasopressin, ACTH, 5-HT, d-tubocurarine, and histamine.

Practical (PT- 598)

I. Experimental Introduction and Study of in-vitro and physiological salt solutions in Pharmacology.

II. Drug’s effect on Isolated frog heart.

III. Drugs affect the blood pressure and heart rate of dogs.

IV. Study of the diuretic activity of drugs using rats and mice.

V. DRC of Acetylcholine using frog rectus abdominal muscles in pharmacology.

VI. Effect of the physostigmine and atropine on DRC of Acetylcholine using frog rectus abdominal muscles and rat ileum.

VII. Pharmacological Bioassay of the histamine drugs using guinea pig ileum by the matching method.

VIII. Bioassay of Oxytocin using rat uterine horn by interpolation method.

IX. Bioassay of Oxytocin using rats fundus strip by the method of three-point bioassay.

X. Bioassay of Acetylcholine using rat ileum or colon by the method of four-point bioassay.

XI. Determination of the PA2 value of prazosin using rat anococcygeus muscle by the method of shields plot.

XII. Pharmacological Determination of the PD2 value using the guinea pig ileum.

XIII. Effect of the spasmogens and spasmolytics using rabbit’s body jejunum.

XIV. Anti-inflammatory activity of drugs using carrageenan-induced paw oedema model.

XV. Analgesic activity of drugs using Central and Peripheral methods.

Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry-II Syllabus

Theory (PT- 512)

Unit 1

Metabolic Pathways in higher plants and their derivatives

  1. Metabolic pathways and formation of the secondary metabolites such as Shikimic acid pathway, Acetate-Mevalonate pathways and Amino acid pathway.
  2. Pharmacological Utilization of the radioactive isotopes studies in the investigation of the Biogenetic study.

Unit 2

Definitions, Introduction, Objectives, composition, chemistry and chemical classes, bio-sources, use and commercial applications of following secondary school metabolites.

Various Secondary Metabolites

• Alkaloids: Belladonna, Opium, Rauwolfia, Vinca.

• Phenylpropanoids and Flavonoids: Lignans, Ruta, Tea.

• Steroids, Cardiac Glycosides and Triterpenoids: Digitalis, Dioscorea, Liquorice.

• Volatile Oils: Clove, Cinnamon, Coriander, Fennel, Mentha.

• Tannins: Catechu, Pterocarpus.

• Resins: Asafoetida, Benzoin, Colophony, Ginger, Guggul, Ginger, Myrrh

• Glycosides: Aloes, Almond, Bitter, Senna.

• Iridoids, Other Terpenoids and Naphthaquinones: Artemisia, Carotenoids, Gentian, Taxus.

Unit 3

Isolation, Identification and Analysis of Phytoconstituents.

  1. Terpenoids: Artemisin, Citral, Menthol.
  2. Glycosides: Glycyrhetinic acid and Rutin.
  3. Alkaloids: Atropine, Caffeine, Quinine, Reserpine
  4. Resins: Curcumin, Podophyllotoxin.

Unit 4

Industrial Production, Estimation and the utilization of phytoconstituents: Atropine, Artemisin, Caffeine, Diosgenin, Digoxin, Foreskin, Podophyllotoxin, Sennoside, Taxol, Vinblastine, and Vincristine.

Unit 5

Basics of Phytochemistry

Phytochemistry Introduction, Modern methods of extraction, applications of the latest techniques, such as spectroscopy, electrophoresis, chromatography, purification, and identification of crude drugs.

Practical (PT- 592)

A. Morphology, Histology, Powder characteristics, Detection, and Extraction of Coriander, Clove, Cinchona, Cinnamon, Ephedra, Senna, and Fennel.

B. Exercise involving isolation and detection of active principles-

  1. Caffeine from tea Dust.
  2. Diosgenin from Dioscorea.
  3. Atropine from Belladonna.
  4. Sennosides from Senna.

C. By the method of Paper Chromatography separation of sugars.

D. Thin Layer Chromatography of Herbal Extract.

E. Distillation of the volatile oils and detection of the phytoconstituents by TLC method.

F. Analysis of crude drugs by chemical tests like Asafoetida, Benzoin, Colophony, Aloes, and Myrrh.

Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence Syllabus

Theory (PT- 516)

Unit 1

Drugs and the Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Cosmetics Rules 1945:

Definitions, Objectives, Legally definitions of the schedules to the act and rules.

• Import of drugs: Drugs classification and cosmetics prohibited from import, import under licence or permissions, offences, and penalties.

• Manufacture of the drugs: Prohibition of the manufacturer and sale of certain drugs, Conditions for grant of licence and licence for manufacture of drugs, examination and analysis, manufacture of new drugs, loan licence, and repackaging licence.

Unit 2

• Drugs and the Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Cosmetics Rules 1945:

Detailed study of the Schedule G, H, M, N, P, T, X, U, V, Y, Part XII B, Such F and DMR.

• Sale of drugs: Retail sale, Wholesale, offences, Restricted licence, and penalties.

• Labeling and Packaging of drugs: General labelling requirements and specimen labels for drugs and cosmetics, offences, list of permitted colours, and penalties.

• Administration of the Act and Rules: Drugs Technical Advisory Board, Drugs Consultative Committee, Government Drug Analysts, Central Drugs Laboratory, Licencing Authority, Controlling Authorities, Drugs Inspectors.

Unit 3

• Pharmacy Act- 1948: Definitions, Objectives, Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), Its constitution and functions, Education regulations, Functions and constitutions, State and Joint State Pharmacy Councils, Registration of pharmacists, Penalties and offences.

• Medicinal and Toilet Preparation Act- 1955: Definitions, Objectives, Licencing, Manufacture in around bond and outside bond, Manufacture of Ayurvedic, Homeopathic act, Patent and proprietary preparations, Export of alcoholic preparation, Offences and penalties act.

• Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances Act- 1985 and Rules: Definitions, Objectives, Officers and Authorities, Constitution and functions of the Narcotics and Psychotropic Consultative Committee, Prohibition, Regulations and Controls, Opium poppy cultivation and Production of poppy Straw, National Fund for controlling the drugs abuses, Sale and export of the Opium poppy, Offences and penalties.

Unit 4

• Study of the Salient Features of the Drugs and Magic Remedies Act and its rules: Definitions, Prohibition of certain advertisements, classes of exempted advertising, offences and penalties.

• Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act- 1960: Definitions, Objectives, Institutional animal ethics committee, CPCSEA guidelines for breeding and stockings of the animals, Transfer and acquisitions of the animals for the experiment, Experiment performance, Power to suspend registration, offences and penalties.

• National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority: DPCO (Drugs Price Control Order) 2013, Definitions, Objectives, Sale prices of bulk drugs, Ceiling price and retail price of scheduled formulations, Retail price of formulations, National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM).

Unit 5

• Pharmaceutical Legislation: Introduction, a brief review, study of the drugs enquiry committee, Development committee and Health survey, Hathi committee, and Mudaliar committee.

• Code of Pharmaceutical Ethics: Objectives, Definitions, Jobs with pharmacists relationship, trade, the medical profession, Pharmacists oath.

• Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act

• Right to Information Act

• Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Q1. What is the Syllabus of B Pharmacy 5th Semester?

Ans. B Pharmacy Course 5th Semester Syllabus includes five subjects. All five subjects are mandatory and three of them are practical oriented. The subjects are:
• Medicinal Chemistry-I (PT- 513A)
• Medicinal Chemistry-II (PT- 513B)
• Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry-II (PT- 512)
• Pharmacology-II (PT-518)
• Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence (PT- 516)

Q2. Is B Pharm Related to Chemistry?

Ans. Yes, In the B Pharmacy Course, you should read organic chemistry for the first three semesters of the eighth semester.

Q3. What is the Syllabus of B Pharm?

Ans. Makaut b.pharm syllabus 2024 is provided here. You can read all the syllabus online or can download pdf format in just one click.

Q4. What is Medicinal Chemistry in B Pharmacy?

Ans. Medicinal Chemistry subjects are included in the B. Pharm PCI provided syllabus. Medicinal Chemistry subjects are included in the 5th Semester as Medicinal Chemistry-I and Medicinal Chemistry-II and the 6th Semester as Medicinal Chemistry-III. It helps the students to a thorough understanding of the drug mechanism of action, Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR), and ADME (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion) process.

Q5. Which is the Best Pharmaceutics Syllabus in India?

Ans. B Pharmacy Course having pharmaceutics Subjects in three semesters or whole eight semesters. These are Semester I (Pharmaceutics-I), Semester III (Physical Pharmaceutics-I), and Semester IV (Physical Pharmaceutics-II).

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